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  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    How many of you would want a Weekly custom Runeterra card creation competition, just like the one for Hearthstone? I know LoR has a smaller presence on this site than HS but I think it’d be fun.
    Upvote this if you would want to participate in that, so the mods can see if it would be worth investing time and forum space in


  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


    Thanks for the suggestion, I'm updating the posts now!

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


    I like the balance, but the wording seems a little strange. I think Celestial Breath would probably be phrased more like "Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Deal 1 more damage for each Dragon in your hand." I also thought of two more versions that it could be:

    The first one would be a way to phrase it to avoid the "+1 Damage" text (although it should probably say "repeat" instead of "recast"), and the second one would be a cool design because it motivates your opponent to clear your Dragons (including Elegon) or risk their board being cleared. 


    As a 7 Mana Spell it seems a bit too weak, what if it reduced its cost based on the number of mechs you control? It'd look like this:

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Here's another batch based around making the Toss cards more fun and interactive

    Old Versions:

    Dreg Dredgers Card Image Deadbloom Wanderer Card Image Jettison Card Image Sap Magic Card Image

    My Versions:

    The purpose of these changes would not be to change the power level of Deep decks, but instead to make Toss conditional and interruptable by the opponent.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


    I think that you have a good and valid reason for making Elegon a Mech, but I worry that it won’t communicate itself well. Of course, you can just have the first line of the description be “according to the lore, Elegon is a Mech”, but not everyone will read the description. Probably the best solution would be to find art that shows Elegon as more obviously a Mech (if it exists) to avoid confusion. Maybe you could even look up “Cosmic Mechanical Dragon Fantasy Art” and see if you can find an image that looks like Elegon.

    about Cosmic Breath, I agree that there is a lot of value in it being called a “Breath” and fitting in with the other “Breath cards”. I just made my suggestion because right now only 1 card has variable power based on the number of dragons in hand, and I felt like the idea was underexplored. Of course, maybe that kind of condition would work better on a different card.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


    Nice card! The only flaw I see in it is that the text looks a little unwieldy. Maybe you could change the First Spell to a 7 Mana Spell called Flow with the text “Fill your board with 2/1 Murlocs. (At the end of your turn, transform this into Ebb)”. Then Ebb would be an uncollectable Spell that reads “Deal 4 damage to all enemy minions. (At the end of your turn, this transforms into Flow”

    With this change, the text would be shorter and it would feel more like casting 2 different Spells (plus you can name one Ebb and the other Flow)

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


    I like this design! Compared to Malygos, Aspect of Magic, it has the same total stats and the Celestial Breath is about as good as a Discovered upgraded Mage Spell. I would say that it should be a Dragon though, since people will be confused if they see the Dragon art and it isn't a dragon.

    I like Celestial Breath as is, but if you wanted to make it really unique you could change it to "Deal 2 to all enemy minions for each Dragon in your hand" so that it's a more dynamic board clear and motivates you to play a lot of Dragons. If you did this, you could also remove the "if you are holding a Dragon" text from Elegon, since it would be redundant. Overall, I like your design and how it's changed in response to feedback! 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I still think that there are more elegant solutions to the Desert Hare problem than limiting it to lower Mana Costs. What if instead, you did something like "Transform all friendly minions into ones that cost 2 more, then return them to your hand and reduce their cost by 3"? That way it still synergizes with low-cost minions without being unusable with high cost boards. I also gave you some more feedback earlier about other ideas I had. 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Here's my second Batch!

    Old Versions:

    Crimson Disciple Card Image                Crimson Aristocrat Card Image                Crimson Awakener Card Image                Blood for Blood Card Image     

    My Versions:


    For this set of changes I wanted to buff the Crimson Archetype while reducing the powerlevel of Crimson Disciple, the only good Crimson card, who manages to be so powerful that's she's run in every mildly aggressive Noxus deck. Draining also fits the theme of Crimson much better, especially since Vladimir got his buff.

    I think this version of Crimson Awakener is much better, since he often feels bad to play because he almost always does as much harm as good when he enters the board. Crimson aristocrat is also in desperate need of a buff, since she's so awful that I don't even run her in a Crimson deck. Blood for Blood is an awful card at 2 Mana, but I think at 1 Mana and with Drain it could be a potential consideration. Overall, these changes would not drastically improve the power of the Crimson Archetype, but it would help spread out the power of the archetype across more of its cards. 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I have a habit of designing reworks for cards, and since I don't want to fill up the forums with lots of individual posts, I've decided to make this thread and the just comment whenever I have new ideas. Here's the first batch!


    The idea behind this change would be to make Braum more powerful, especially in Poro Decks. The first change would be to halve his level up condition, which means that he would be able to level up in 2 turns instead of 3. This would make it much easier and more reliable for a Poro deck to level up Braum. To compensate for this, I made Braum's level 2 form create the Mighty Poro in hand instead, making the Poros he creates only really worth playing in a Poro deck. Poro Decks in general struggle with spending all their Mana in the late game, so I don't think this is much worse in a Poro Deck than his in-game version.

    Unyielding Spirit Card Image                 

    The main issue with Undying Spirit is that it doesn't allow for counterplay by the opponent. This version is fast speed, meaning that it can be responded to by another removal spell. Also, because the buff is only for that round, it must be reapplied every round, meaning that the opponent is forced to always keep 4 Spell Mana open, and so that if you ever get 2 removal Spells in hand, you can kill the unit. Also, the fact that each is a separate spell could make it have interesting uses with Spell Synergy cards like Lux. This version could still be a bit too powerful, in which case it could become a 5 Mana Spell, but at that point it might become too weak. 

    Make it Rain Card Image                 

    My main issue with Make It Rain is that it randomly hitting the Nexus or not can determine whether Plunder will activate, which often decides games. My change would be to make it cost 1 more and deal guaranteed damage to the enemy Nexus and 1 damage to three random enemies. This change would make Make It Rain much more consistent, and by having 1 less random target for the 3 random damage, it would also make this card less random against bigger boards. My object was not to nerf Make It Rain, so if this seems too weak feel free to suggest a better change.

    Back Alley Barkeep Card Image                 

    My aim with this card was both to make it viable in a Catastrophe deck, and to make it less random. This version has +1/+1 over the real Back Alley Barkeep, which makes him less of a Tempo loss and therefore potentially playable. Compared to something like Babbling Bjerg, it has +1/+0 (and synergy with playing multiple copies of him) at the cost of the cards being random, and therefore less useful. I made the cards revealed to both players so that he becomes a little bit less powerful to compensate for the stat buff, and also to allow the opponent more counterpart. If "create random cards in hand" were ever viable, the lack of ability to play around it would make it a frustrating deck to play against, so I think this sort of change would be necessary to make it a healthy deck. 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Maybe it could be something like a 7 Mana 6/5 with “Whenever you summon a follower, destroy it and summon an Overgrown Snapvine. Set its stats to 4/3.”

    That way you keep the ability on each snapvine and the first Snapvine becomes harder to kill.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    @grumpymonk Thanks so much for the help with the wording! I wanted it to be consistent with Solarian Prime, but I couldn't figure out the phrasing so you were a lot of help. About play versus cast, it shouldn't matter because Algalon says "you cast" which means that he won't trigger off of something like The Amazing Reno's Hero Power, since it has to be the player casting the spell, not a minion. It works the same as how Yogg Saron won't activate Spell triggers like Mana Wyrm. Also, Algalon doesn't consider other Spells you've cast that game towards his requirement, if that's what you were thinking.

    I made Algalon a 5/3 because I agreed that the body felt a little too weak, but I didn't want to really make him more powerful so I just distributed the stats differently so he'd seem thematically more Powerful. 


  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


    You could make it something like 1 Mana "Give all friendly minions Rush. Whenever a friendly minion attacks and kills a minion this turn, give it +1/+1". That way it'd be much less swingy, since each minion would only grant itself +1/+1. Plus it fits the "Hunter" theme because each minion is trying to complete the hunt, and they get Rush to do so. 


    You could make it 1 Mana "Transform all friendly minions that attacked this turn into random minions that cost 2 more" to make it not abusable with things like desert hare. This design would also be very interesting because it would allow you to decide which of your minions is transformed.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thanks for the hint! 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Based off of some feedback, here's another version of Algalon:

    I made him specify enemies (and weakened his stats to compensate) to make him less random alongside targeting spells. I also changed the set to be "Mammoth" because he seems like he'd make sense in a Northrend themed expansion, and Mammoths were the closest set icon to that.

    Now Here's some feedback for Page 3:

    Show Spoiler


    I like your card, but as a 7 Mana 7/7 it seems way too good. Compared to Flik Skyshiv, it's 1 Mana more for +3/+3 and the destroy doesn't trigger Deathrattles. I think you could possibly change the art to another character so that you can tweak the stats to make it balanced. Alternatively, you could make the effect weaker by changing it to something like "If you control a Mech, make a minion disappear (it won't come back)"


    I am unclear about the effect. Does it give you a new full hand of 10 cards, or does it give you a number of cards equal to the cards you already have in hand? If it gives you a new hand, it's sort of like "Echo. Combo: Draw a card for each card you played this turn" which seems very fair as a Mage card. My one note would be to maybe remove the "Echo" part, since it seems like the Echo would only come into effect if you are using it in a broken combo, and to possibly make it replace the cards in your hand with Spells from your deck, so that it would be more than just a hand refill, and could be used in some kind of Small Spells or Burn Spells mage.


    Celestial Dragon seems pretty balanced, it's essentially a better Chromagus with Spell Damage synergy. If you wanted to, you could also have the Celestial Dragon improve Card Generation (like Magic Trick and Astral Rift) or Hero Power Damage instead, but I like your design so I don't think it's necessary.


    Elegon seems too powerful as he is right now, since the Celestial Breath Cards are actually better than cards you could put in your deck (Celestial Breath is more powerful than Consecration in Paladin for the same cost, even without a Dragon in hand). Essentially, he's a 7 Mana 6/6 with Battlecry: "Draw 2 overpowered cards", which is far too good. I would suggest making Celestial Breath much weaker, especially when you don't have a Dragon in hand. You could make it something like 7 Mana "Deal 2 damage to all enemies. If you're holding a Dragon, deal 4 instead" so that it's a better Flamestrike in you're holding a dragon. This by itself might not be enough of a nerf, so I could see changing Elegon to a 7 Mana 6/6 with "Battlecry and Deathrattle: Add a Celestial Breath to your hand". If you want Elegon to synergize with the Paladin quest, you could even make him a 7 Mana 6/5 with "Reborn. Deathrattle: Add a Celestial Breath to your hand"


    I think your card is somewhat balanced, but I don't really like random damage cards so I think it could be reworked to something like 6 Mana "Deal 6 damage to a minion and summon a 6/6 Infernal", "Choose a minion. Summon a 6/6 Infernal to attack it" or "Deal 6 Damage to a friendly character to summon a 6/6 Infernal with Rush". I think your card isn't bad as it is, but I just sort of dislike random cards in general and I think it's possible to design it in a way that keeps the flavor and functionality but is less random. 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Well, there is a card Grasp of the Undying that drains 3 from a unit. Did it still summon a spider? Do you remember if it looked like Grasp of the Undying or Vile Feast? If it was Vile Feast, it could drain 3 if the opponent had something like 2 Powder Kegs or 2 Funsmiths on board, because they increase the damage of spells and skills. If your opponent was playing Bilgewater and Shadow Isles with Gangplank they were likely playing a lot of Powder Kegs and you must have just not seen them on the board. 

    In general, it is very hard to hack a computer card game, since there is only 1 version of each card, and you can't manipulate your inputs to be better like aimbots in shooter games. The closest thing to a hack in a card game is some combination of cards that crashes the game, but that is more of a bug than a true hack. If you think something is a hack, you should go over what happened very closely, to make sure it wasn't just some strange card interaction. I hope this helps! 

    In reply to Hacks
  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I figured out everything but LoR Clue #8, I looked at all the Deep cards but it wasn't there, and I even tried the "friendly" cards (jubilant Poro, Affectionate Poro). does anyone have a hint? 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


    If you want to make him less random, you could make him add all 6 of the Horde Warriors to your hand. Make him something like an 8 Mana 5/5 “Battlecry: Add all 6 Horde Warriors to your hand”. Alternatively, you could make him a 9 Mana 5/5 “Battlecry: Discover a Horde Warrior. Summon it and set its stats to 5”

    You could even do something crazy like make him a 9 Mana 5/5 with “Battlecry: Summon all 6 Horde Warriors for both players” 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    My idea was basically just from the art where he’s in a hot tub with a Murloc, a Cow, and the Curator.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Feedback for KANSAS and TheHoax91:

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    I really like the wording "store", I think I'll use that because it is shorter and very intuitive. Do you think that I should use Algalon or Luna's Cosmic Portal?

    For your design, I like the idea but it seems too powerful. Dealing 3 damage to all enemies should be worth around 6 Mana (looking at cards like Excavated Evil), so spending 1 more mana for an 8/4 that adds another card to your hand when it dies seems very powerful. Right now, Empyrean is basically a Neutral Flamestrike that deals a little less damage at the benefit of also hitting the enemy hero, giving you an 8/4, and drawing you a card. I think you could reduce the stats and/or reduce the damage and healing to be 2 instead. 

    Alternatively, you could do something like make Empyrean an 8 Mana 8/4 with "Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to all enemies and add Obscuron to your hand" and Obscuron an 8 Mana 4/8 Taunt with "Battlecry: Restore 3 Health to all friendly characters", so that they also mirror each other in terms of Battlecry versus Deathrattle, and so that Empyrean's text is a lot shorter. 



    For your second design, you could make it "Remove all cards from both decks that didn't start there. Gain +1/+1 for each." This would give it a sort of payoff. You could also do something like "Replace all cards from both decks that didn't start there with Algalon's Portal" and then make Algalon's Portal a token spell with Casts when drawn that does something, like "Casts When Drawn. Destroy a random enemy minion", or anything else that you think would be a cool payoff.

    Another idea I had for "origination" could be something like "Battlecry: Replace both players' decks with their starting decks"

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