I just wish I could hear his music in LoR more! It'd be cool if the themed boards you can buy also had theme music (like Braums for example) to go with them in the background. I'd totally buy one (hint hint Riot).
Braum is one of the best characters in league I really like his character a lot he is really annoying to play against in LoR, when I am agianst him it seems like the opponent always have buffs for him :/
OK the scout keyword seems fitting for what they do, they attack first to scout what's the enemy's plans, would say it's an aggressive strategy but you have to attack only with scout for it to work.
if those are all the scout units it seems balanced most of them have low stats the 2/2 for 3 which is an elite with barrier seems interesting in bannermen or elite decks.
It's just isn't the power level of the class is off the charts even the last expansion dragon hunter got 0 chance against midrange demon hunter it's too good dunno what blizzard was thinking when they put all those insane cards in one class...
I played it for a bit it feels unstoppable even when skipping turns for being greedy with outcast, I think we will see it nerfed this week it's really not ok to be that strong I tried some other decks as well they didn't compare to DH in the slightliest..
hit list? the 4/2 for 3 that summons 2/2s , the 10/6 dormant demon that destroys the board and is too insane, the 6/7 rag lady that CAN attack as well..
the [Hearthstone Card (skull of guldan) Not Found], rogue needs to invoke galakround 3 times AND pay 7 mana to get the same effect but DH? just have the card in the left or right of your hand lol.
I mean.. yes you can push the class but those cards are nowhere near fair to other classes.. looking forward to playing the other classes when DH gets nerfed until then.. getting to legend with midrange DH.
seeing people playing token DH or big DH or anything but midrange or highlander is just a mistake play the cards that are busted.
It's pretty hard to be sneaky about these when they have a set collection of characters that they can use. Unless they throw a curve ball and add a character as a champion that isn't from LoL I don't see who else it could be.
With 148 champions and probably around 15 more by then they got at least enough for 4-5 years of expansions I think.. there are 24 in the game currently..
If they are gonna release one champion from each region on that list I assume Lee sin (VERY popular champion), Trundle (just a hunch),Nocturne (following fiddlesticks in league there's a bit of hype around demon champions),Swain (Noxus' commander!), Viktor (I think it's probably a more interesting champion themewise..
Unstable Felbolt is indeed a weaker Holy Smite, but warlock has something priest doesn't have and that' card draw, so it's weaker by a margin except when played on an empty board.. mostly spells and board clears are played while behind, if you have no board it's a good card, would definitely run it in a handlock deck.. which wants to run shadow council as well, so if it's useless in the matchup and you are ahead, turn it into a +2/+ 2 demon.
Just save cards in your hand don't play any card that has the mana cost equal to the mana you have that turn.
if you are against a deck that you know runs the card, play cards only after ruination, or don't play them when they have enough mana..
If they have 6/3(spell mana) mana open attack.. or just pass. you don't have to play that darius or hecarim.
Well, that was part of my point, their decks are designed to be strong end game so you're kind of up a creek without a paddle.
Your goal is to not make ruination too good of a play, and have reload in your hand, make them float mana, or start playing stuff when their mana is not 9.. they can't float 9 mana forever..
Apply pressure, but not enough so you won't be able to reload.
Either your deck building is flawed, your game play or your conception of board clears..
You know what's the best way to learn to counter a card? just play it! learn how it does.. it's not HS you can just craft a "ruination deck" and play it, if it's so broken get to masters.
It's in december will this crisis persist until then?
They do have themed music
I mean those cards were obviiously broken.. same with galakround shaman.. and warrior..
Braum is one of the best characters in league I really like his character a lot he is really annoying to play against in LoR, when I am agianst him it seems like the opponent always have buffs for him :/
Not really.. theoretically sact pact is good against them but they don't actually run that many demons.
no.. it's not DH is strong by too much of a big margin it's worse than galakround shaman.
Only those 4 cards will be nerfed?
I feel like there are a lot more broken cards, think they should hit the early game more.
My suggested nerfs:
the 4 mentioned:
Eye Beam: 1 mana when outcasted.
Imprisoned Antaen - 6/6 deal 6 when awakened. (10 is a lot also his stats are too much attack..)
Skull of Gul'dan - reduces cost by 1.
Aldrachi Warblades - 2/2 (-1 durability)
Other cards that I think deserve the nerf :
Altruis the Outcast - costs 4, does too much for how cheap he is.
Umberwing - summons 1 1/1, already does enough with the weapon.. no need to add so much tempo..
Battlefiend - 2/1 or costs 2 mana. seriously this thing is broke who thought it was a good idea?
Twin Slice and Second Slice - cost 1 mana each. (I think this card is the most problematic in the class.. a twin spell that costs.. 0 sure..)
Priestess of Fury - 6/6, so Siamat can kill her.
it's worse
72% win rate decks I think galakround shaman was about 65%.. don't remember you see the front page DH 55% global WR vs all other classes sub 50%
No, you ready your attack, so it's like Katarina
OK the scout keyword seems fitting for what they do, they attack first to scout what's the enemy's plans, would say it's an aggressive strategy but you have to attack only with scout for it to work.
if those are all the scout units it seems balanced most of them have low stats the 2/2 for 3 which is an elite with barrier seems interesting in bannermen or elite decks.
It's just isn't the power level of the class is off the charts even the last expansion dragon hunter got 0 chance against midrange demon hunter it's too good dunno what blizzard was thinking when they put all those insane cards in one class...
I played it for a bit it feels unstoppable even when skipping turns for being greedy with outcast, I think we will see it nerfed this week it's really not ok to be that strong I tried some other decks as well they didn't compare to DH in the slightliest..
hit list? the 4/2 for 3 that summons 2/2s , the 10/6 dormant demon that destroys the board and is too insane, the 6/7 rag lady that CAN attack as well..
the [Hearthstone Card (skull of guldan) Not Found], rogue needs to invoke galakround 3 times AND pay 7 mana to get the same effect but DH? just have the card in the left or right of your hand lol.
I mean.. yes you can push the class but those cards are nowhere near fair to other classes.. looking forward to playing the other classes when DH gets nerfed until then.. getting to legend with midrange DH.
seeing people playing token DH or big DH or anything but midrange or highlander is just a mistake play the cards that are busted.
Edit: twin slice is OP AF
With 148 champions and probably around 15 more by then they got at least enough for 4-5 years of expansions I think.. there are 24 in the game currently..
Was quinn from in the leak?
Edit: https://outof.cards/legends-of-runeterra/1020-new-legends-of-runeterra-region-and-champions-teased-in-latest-datamined-sound-files
YEP.. rip surprises :D
If they are gonna release one champion from each region on that list I assume Lee sin (VERY popular champion), Trundle (just a hunch),Nocturne (following fiddlesticks in league there's a bit of hype around demon champions),Swain (Noxus' commander!), Viktor (I think it's probably a more interesting champion themewise..
Or maybe they will release both of each, dunno.
it's a decent buff target and you wouldn't feel bad about running it in most priest decks that aren't resurrect priest.
it curves into the 2/3 that gives 2 hp, mainly.
there are not other 1/3s currently in the 1 drop pool so this looks like a good 1 drop for zoo/buff/dragon priest..
And the prime reward is buffable Winged Guardian which replaced reborn with lifesteal, and winged guardian turns out it's quite a potent card..
That card is so terrible, even without it's downside it wouldn't see play.
1 mana 1/3 in priest which lost his 1 mana 1/3 and gained minion buffs.
Genn is a total meme (it does nothing)
Baku is +2 attack.
Players who go second still lose more than players that go first.
Even in rogue..
Having 1 less mana each turn and if both play a minion at the same time, the one who gone first is able to attack first.
Unstable Felbolt is indeed a weaker Holy Smite, but warlock has something priest doesn't have and that' card draw, so it's weaker by a margin except when played on an empty board.. mostly spells and board clears are played while behind, if you have no board it's a good card, would definitely run it in a handlock deck.. which wants to run shadow council as well, so if it's useless in the matchup and you are ahead, turn it into a +2/+ 2 demon.
Your goal is to not make ruination too good of a play, and have reload in your hand, make them float mana, or start playing stuff when their mana is not 9.. they can't float 9 mana forever..
Apply pressure, but not enough so you won't be able to reload.
Either your deck building is flawed, your game play or your conception of board clears..
You know what's the best way to learn to counter a card? just play it! learn how it does.. it's not HS you can just craft a "ruination deck" and play it, if it's so broken get to masters.
Just save cards in your hand don't play any card that has the mana cost equal to the mana you have that turn.
if you are against a deck that you know runs the card, play cards only after ruination, or don't play them when they have enough mana..
If they have 6/3(spell mana) mana open attack.. or just pass. you don't have to play that darius or hecarim.