@DoubleSummon: I think reworking the Priest class is a good thing. Don`t get me wrong. What I don`t like is to push the "passive control part" of priest even further. When Reno Priest was T1 it most of the time felt for me, that the Priest just "played for his own" and I had nearly no ways to interact with him, because 90% of what he did was remove my minions without playing something to interact with. I always hated this "full passive control style".
And I am not a totally control hater! I got Legend with Reno-Mage last month in Wild. I only hate the passive removal heavy control decks and this playstyle seems to get pushed at most by the update. I whould have loved a stronger focus on a more midrangy Priest identity like in Dragon Priest. To focus Priest more on a "dragon core identity" whould be much more healthier imo than pushing the passive control identity even more. :(
I see a lot of tempo tools here there are 7 cards that interact with hp here (buffs,heals) to solidify the priest hero power.
we got a Kabal Talonpriest here (the 2 mana 2/3 +2 hp) which is huge, now that the set is revamped we can get new cards that further buff the attack of minions now hat innerfire is out.. or more hp buffs, priest minions can afford to be more sticky.
I think that priest will now get better tools to fight for tempo cause now they can't burst you from 30 as long as there is a 5 hp minion on board..
1. Playable in wild since there are tonnes of neutral options to use in the class
2.Nah it's not too crazy the 4 mana spell is the secondary effect of the priest deathknight which proved to be ok in balance, sure it costs 4 less but you can play around it, and most minions don't have more than 3 attack.
I think those are good news.. Priest is in a bad state constantly only really played when a broken combo comes around.. the new/reworked cards barely are playable in ress priest so they open up the class for being a better control class.. and they solidified the class in being able to remove 5 or more attack minions easily with the rework as well as having a lot of health buffs to abuse the hero power, the 2 mana 2/3 is amazing and is something priest was looking for forever a good 2 drop but with northshire and inner fire in the game such card would be busted..
I really hope this new class comes with better economy.. I mean adding a new class(2 if you count priest lol) is AWESOME and all BUT it means the price of the game increases significally, specially if every expansion now has 10 more cards (and 18 new collectible cards(2 legendaries and 16 none legendaries) as well as bigger odds for the classic set to not give you what you want..
good thing I started hoarding classic packs (too late though.. have just 2) cause it seems there are at least 30 new cards to collect there..
Well gonna need to see what blizzard does on that regard.. they will have to add total new UI and probably redesign the level system so MAYBE they will finally make the game playable for none whales..
Really like the changes but as long as no F2P support comes around I think I will stick with LoR
Nerf to the 4 most frustrating shadow isles cards is big, Hecarim isn't totally destroyed but I think he can be more easily managed and is less of an auto win card and auto include ("how to make a LoR deck? start by adding 3 hecarims")., we will see less of the shadow isles dominance for sure.
I am displeased with the elnuk change, sure it makes it less of a splashable package but.. I don't like the mechanic AT ALL.. at least we will see it much less, at least there are plans to rework in the future.
poro snax buff hype! also there is a huge lux support rework in demacia so many cards care about 6+ spells now you could probably do a full deck around lux as a main champion instead of secondary, it's weird though.. that the mageseekers and lux should cooperate in the same deck..
Freljord is not often paired in an aggro list (that's why this "powercreep" is ok) but generally speaking this card is quite potent when it compares favorably to a none level up champion..(or maybe Darius is too weak?).
I tried many decks like yeties or poros but couldn't make them go off really.. the only deck that I liked that uses the region is the warmother's call control deck it's very powerful and I like the tools it has.
Is Ashe weak? I saw many lists running her successfully I actually like the list featured seems like it can protect her well.. thought about a Fiora/frostbite deck actually, but I don't have any copy of Ashe ORFiora so I can't test that deck yet.
This last rule is very interesting, but I'm not convinced it's a good idea. Basically this rule says that the "Champion Spell" as a standalone card is special, and must be paired with the champion. I think the ultimate result of such a change would be increased play rates for Champions whose spells are very much a "win more" for them (e.g. Ezreal's Mystic Shot), which in turn would result in play rates dropping for other Champions who don't (e.g. Katarina's Death Lotus, which really helps other Champions/Archetypes more than her). To your point about Relentless Pursuit, I expect that rather than reduce the frequency of seeing it in play, it would just mean more decks that want to run it would run Lucian. Ultimately this would make the game less interesting by forcing Champion choices based on these spells and not on the Champions themselves.
It was a flavour related suggestion at first tbh. and then i figured that might help for some other broken interactions with Relentless Pursuit and random Shadowshifts/Prismatic Barriers from Karma while you don't have any Lux or Zed in your deck. It is really weird to see a Living Shadow without a Zed in the deck tbh. You feel like; "There is no Zed, whose Living Shadow is this !? It looks like Zed Already !?" or "well well, those laurents learns to use the way of the light, really !? Where is this Prismatic Barrier coming from without a Lux !?"
Contrarily to you, I really think that this opens more deckbuilding opportunities rather than limiting it. If you want to use Death Lotus in your Vladimir deck, You should try a Katarina/Vladimir deck instead of throwing 2x Death Lotus without a Katarina in your deck for example.
This feels and seems openning more opportunities for deckbuilding for me. Also seems more logical for that The singature spells are cast by those champions.
It actually closes deckbuilding cause nothing restricts you from currently running kata/vladimir.
It would make many builds really weird "I run this card that doesn't fit my deck at all, or is sub optimal t run another card that is too good to not run in my deck"
PLus champions are expensive, sure the game economy is kind but once the game gets bigger you make people who crafted certain spells or got it randomly HAVE to waste 3000 shards or champion wild cards into trying a card.. that's bad.
The current state of the game where a lot of deck building is rewarded and you have a lot of options will be lost when you restrict currently 24 spells into having to run a specific champion. I don't see the win in this change and also I think the chances of such chance are just 0, Riot won't do that, they got more to lose of that than to win, it will confuse the hell out of new players who make decks and will make some deck building clunky.
having inherent restrictions is much worse than say a Reno Jackson or elnuks where you get to choose HOW you will use the restriction, having system locked restrictions is bad design see: Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane.
Where with higlander cards in hearthstone you have a restriction to play the card while in game so you can play around it (for example galakround warlock running dragonqueen alexstraza with MANY duplicates in the deck)
Hmm congratz? guess you don't have any progression left anyway.. as you have a full collection now (took 2.5 months for a dedicated beta player which is what Riot is aiming for)
As for me I looked today's at my collection after this champion capsule from Ionia: (spoiler to make the page shorter)
Show Spoiler
And doing 2 expeditions today (one 4 wins the other 7 wins, then crafted 2 Dravens since I really enjoyed playing him in the 7 wins expedition)
And I am about 15 champion cards away from full champion collection, 50 commons didn't count rares but also along those lines, and epics I got all the playable ones and enough epic wild cards to craft most of the ones I am left (Around 10 I think..)
So I (as a more casual actually I played a lot completed all quests, almost every day did the 3 wins) also am close to your point, but on my regions I am at 4 regions at 16 and 2 regions in the 12 area.. so I am quite far from your standing.
Since you got nothing to unlock while having all regional rewards you don't have any rewards anyway.. I guess once your scenario will be more common among the people who are active but not 100% into the game like you do by then the new expansion will arrive..
I mean in hearthstone I don't think ANYONE was even close to a quarter of classic in the beta as F2P so it's great that you can focus on being creative and competitive instead of feeling bad cause you don't have cards.
I wonder how they will handle the people who have so many resources at expansion start We need to wait and see what Riot does.
The moment katarina strikes an unit she levels up and recalls, on defense the full trade is made(if she survives she recalls), on offense only katarina attacks as long as her attack is higher than 0.
The ephemeral interaction is intended I saw on reddit a Rioter clarifying that ephemeral does not trigger cause katarina triggers "on strike" and ephemeral check is made after the strike is made.
BTW Run hecarim on the first list as well the card is broken and you don't need any synergy to run him (that's the problem with the card so -2 crocolisks +2 hecarims.
but nice idea with the undying and hecarims + rally (it's already been done with demacia).
You see you don't need to buff katarina? she is fine as she is.. it's not hearthstone some cards can get supported enough to function with worse than ideal stats (one good example for that is Rivershaper).
I really like Jinx and Heimerdinger from P&Z, on heimer every time you play him the game feels a little different, will I play him on 5? can they kill him? which turrets will I get this time? and how can I use them? play them, discard them use them as chump blockers, attack with heimer? it's sometimes the correct play as well.
JInx is also really fun in my opinion not only her whole recklessness is translated perfectly into the game (empty your hand, hell if I care) she has really fun lines and interactions, I still remember her video from 2013 when she came out.
Jinx is just an insane character.
If she was a jungler or a support I would also play her more in league but what can I do, I can't play adc.
runs both kata and battering ram, the cards are being played at high ranking and doing actually good..
Battering ram if it's not played it's because of the many freeze effects in the meta also it doesn't protect you much from hard removal, elnuks or hecarim spam, or elusives (assumption: the top 3 decks in the meta is freeze ezreal,fearsome/rally,elusives)
Hoping to see some rule changes instead of card/stat buffs/nerfs;
- Ephemerals should disappear/die after taking damage from any source - Elusive keyword should be for 1 turn or for 1 attack for followers (not champions) or All elusive followers should have a text like "After I deal damage, I lose elusive.) - Burst spells should be cast after Burst spells. (That's never gonna happen tbh but one can hope.) - After "For this round" buffs, All units will return back to their damaged healths instead of restoring their health. - Spells of champions should not put into decks that doesn't have those champions and can't be created with random effects like Back Alley Barkeep or Karma. Example: You can't put Prismatic Barrier to a deck that doesn't have any Lux. This also might fix Relentless Pursuit's brokenness a bit so it shouldn't need a nerf at first place.
Card Changes
- Hecarim should lose his Overwhelm keyword or should lose one token. - Relentless Pursuit should cost 4. - Death Mark should be a slow spell as how they did for Intimidating Roar before which killed Yasuo decks. - Karma's enlightened effect should disappear if Karma dies before the spell triggered. - Katarina needs to have 3 health instead of 2. - Kalista needs to have 3 health instead of 2. - Fiora should have 2 attack instead of 3. - Draven needs his old stats 4/3 instead of 3/3. - Ashe should be 4/4 instead of 5/3. - Absorb Soul should be either cost 0 or should drain 5. (Health Potion) - Precious Pet should be reverted, it should stun the next unit that the enemy summons instead of Fearsome, like in preview patches. That change has also harmed Yasuo archetype. - Cursed Keeper should summon a 3/3 instead of 4/4. - Feral Mystic should be 3 mana 3/3 instead of 2 mana 2/2. - Herald of Spring should have 3 health. - Shatter should be a fast spell. - Golden Crushbot should be a 3/4 instead of 2/5. - Kindly Tavernkeeper should have 3 attack instead of 2. - Laurent Chevalier should have 2 health instead of 1. - Mageseeker Inciter needs a keyword. Barrier/Tough/Fearsome/Elusive/Challenger/Lifesteal/Overwhelm, any of them or should rework as a Detain on a stick. - Statikk Shock should draw cards as how much target it is cast on. If it targets 2 enemy, it should draw 2; if targets are destroyed before it, it should draw 0. - Funsmith should have 4 Health instead of 3. - Midenstokke Henchmen should be 4/4 instead of 5/3. - Yusari needs a rework. - Hextech Transmogulator should cost 4 or 5 instead of 6. I can understand it was created for Lux/Heimerdinger decks but it's an expensive effect for 6 because it can only target followers. - The Rekindler's effect should be a play effect instead of When I'm summoned. - Icy Yeti should be 6 mana instead of 7. I don't think it will be problematic with Winter's Breath. They should be combo pieces together imo. - Jae Medarda is ok if we think about The Empyrean. I think elusive keyword needs a rework/rulechange so making Jae Medarda 7/7 with the change that i called above would be fair. - Ren Shadowblade should be 5/5 instead of 6/4. - Spectral Matron should be 7 mana 5/5 instead of 8 mana 6/6. After some changes of 7 mana minions (Tianna Crownguard, Rhasa the Sunderer) 7-mana spot is so blank imo. - Brightsteel Formation should lose its play effect and it should be only for attack. - Shady Character should work like burst spells or should have 2 health instead of 1. - Blood for Blood either should cost 2 or needs a rework. - Avarosan Trapper should have 3 attack instead of 2. - Arena Bookie should have 2 health instead of 1. - I think Mark of the Isles will be ok if ephemerals will have a rule change but if they will not, it should be +2/+2 instead of +3/+3. - Greenglade Caretaker and Fae Bladetwirler should gain +1 Attack instead of +2. - Boomcrew Rookie should have 3 health instead of 4. - Legion Saboteur should have 1 attack instead of 2.
These are what I can think of. I can see that some of those cards' changes make others unnecessary but I really can't know what Riot will change so I just wrote them like they will be single buff/nerf.
Card changes should not be necessary but I really think that there needs to be some rule changes.
Rule changes:
1. would make ephemerals way too weak.
2. grown to be alright with them existing.. no need for it I think.. maybe nerf some of them.
3. burst spells work fine as is.. their point is that they can't be interrupted and they happen in a burst.
4. definitely no, it would be so much confusing if it worked that way.
5. Disagree.. why would you restrict the normal version of spells, yes a lot of them are powerful but that way you restrict deck building.
The rest I agree or don't care enough about them to comment.
seem to be that 7 mana cards are really hard to balance since it's the point where the game shifts from mid game to late game.. in both hs and runettera they seem to be problematic either autoinclude or never played.
So you are ok with this ?
Quote From Author
There is a Radiant Guardian as 5/1 and Though. Your opponent uses Back to Back on her to block your 3/2 and makes her 8/4. She became 8/2 after battle phase ends; Right now, she became 5/2 after the turn ends. You can't kill her with Mystic Shot for example if you top-deck some. If the change I have called above is applied, it would became 5/1 after Back to Back's effect disappear so you would be able to kill her with your top-deck Mystic Shot.
I don't think this is so confusing. People already confuses why they are healing instead of my change. All people expects units to revert back their current health instead of healing them.
Ashe/Draven/Fiora ( I still think that 3/3 with Challenger with an additional win condition is overpowered, she should be 2/3) might be ok-ish but i think that Katarina needs something to be more useful. The card already punishes you to lose tempo after she attacks and losing her to a Mystic Shot is way too punishing. 3/3 Katarina would be ok, more than overpowered.
For Statikk Shock, What I was thinking is only for units, Targeting nexus won't give you a draw so it will make the card more counterable and situational imo.
Death Mark should be a slow spell, I really don't get it why do you think it is ok. Spectral Rider's of Hecarim shouldn't be a target for Death Mark or attacking and changing ephemeral of Darkwater Scourge shouldn't be an option. It should be before or after attack, not on attack phase.
and I really think that 7 mana spot is way too much open for some regions after some good units got nerfed. Some cards should be fill that spot, Spectral Matron is a good canditate for Shadow Isles; Jae Medarda is a good option for P&Z, Noxus has already Savage Reckoner and that's an ok card. Mageseeker Persuader might be a good 7-cost unit with a rework or some stat changes after Tianna Crownguard left that spot, The Empyrean is already a great 7 drop, Freljord already has Anivia, Icy Yeti(Should be 6-cost) and Ancient Yeti (not so 7 :D),
and i think Signature spells needs to be signature so restricting them isn't that bad. I really can't understand why are most of you guys so close-minded for deckbuilding restrictions. Restrictions not so bad always.
and elusives will continue to be problematic if there will be no rule changes. Inspiring Mentor and Kinkou Lifeblade nerfs proved it. You can't get rid of the fact with refusing the problems. Nerfs won't be solution with new buff cards + new elusive cards on the way. Nerfing elusives won't be enough, You will need to nerf buff cards aswell and it will harm other archetypes bad. Inspiring Mentor nerf already harmed some of the existing archetypes for example.
It would be confusing for units to suddenly die after a combat if they survived, dunno I am ok with how it works right now.
I think nerfing Fiora's attack would kill her as a win condition and as a card it's a champion card they are supposed to be stronger than any follower, the only change I would do if any is one I suggested already and it's the level up change from 2 before and 2 after to 3 before and 1 after(kills I mean)
Katarina is FINE.. you need to protect her if you want her to survive, that's why her level up condition is so "easy" because it's actually not cause she dies to so much stuff, look up mogwai's kata build it's very potent and you will see kata is quite successful if you play her at the right time with the right back up.
I see a lot of decks do run a lot of followers adding +2 card advantage to control decks is a lot.. (With your suggested statikk shock change), sure in some situations you can react to it better but in most situations you buff the hell out of heimer and ez decks.
Death Mark is quite hard to set up and can be countered with a lot of cards if any target leaves the board it's canceled, you NEED an ephemeral target,you need 3 mana.. you need a target you want to eliminate.. the card has enough counter play so it doesn't need to be nerfed, if anything maybe Mark of the Isles needs to be nerfed if it costs 2 mana this card is even more fair.
Also Hecarim is getting nerfed so another nerf to this situational card.
Brightsteel Formation is a 9 mana cost unit/follower, having them in a deck has a high cost as you can't play the card until VERY late in a match if it doesn't win you the game more often than not then it's too weak in my opinion.
Legion Saboteur at 1/1 would never see any play, it's not that great as it is anyway.
I don't understand why you would want to restrict those spells to only be on decks that the champions are in, it makes you build a deck sub optimally because you want to run a specific card, specially when some of them are niche and some don't actually fit into a deck the champion is run in, besides it makes it so you have cards in your collection you can't run without a specific champion, don't see how it's a problem. if any of those spells is problematic then it should be nerfed/changed.. but restricting you to play champion cards you don't want to put into your deck because you want to play a spell.. no.
Elusives are counterable, I every region has the tools to deal with elusives:
Freljord: freeze.
Noxus: rush down,challengers,culling strike.
Ionia: fight fire with fire, they have elusives.
P&Z: direct damage removal, heimer's 3 mana turrets.
Demacia: purify,detain, challengers.
Shadow isles: tonnes of removal options, heals, AOE,vengence... etc.
Don't think they are such a big deal post nerfs but if more of them get hit I won't be too sad/surprised.
Hoping to see some rule changes instead of card/stat buffs/nerfs;
- Ephemerals should disappear/die after taking damage from any source - Elusive keyword should be for 1 turn or for 1 attack for followers (not champions) or All elusive followers should have a text like "After I deal damage, I lose elusive.) - Burst spells should be cast after Burst spells. (That's never gonna happen tbh but one can hope.) - After "For this round" buffs, All units will return back to their damaged healths instead of restoring their health. - Spells of champions should not put into decks that doesn't have those champions and can't be created with random effects like Back Alley Barkeep or Karma. Example: You can't put Prismatic Barrier to a deck that doesn't have any Lux. This also might fix Relentless Pursuit's brokenness a bit so it shouldn't need a nerf at first place.
Card Changes
- Hecarim should lose his Overwhelm keyword or should lose one token. - Relentless Pursuit should cost 4. - Death Mark should be a slow spell as how they did for Intimidating Roar before which killed Yasuo decks. - Karma's enlightened effect should disappear if Karma dies before the spell triggered. - Katarina needs to have 3 health instead of 2. - Kalista needs to have 3 health instead of 2. - Fiora should have 2 attack instead of 3. - Draven needs his old stats 4/3 instead of 3/3. - Ashe should be 4/4 instead of 5/3. - Absorb Soul should be either cost 0 or should drain 5. (Health Potion) - Precious Pet should be reverted, it should stun the next unit that the enemy summons instead of Fearsome, like in preview patches. That change has also harmed Yasuo archetype. - Cursed Keeper should summon a 3/3 instead of 4/4. - Feral Mystic should be 3 mana 3/3 instead of 2 mana 2/2. - Herald of Spring should have 3 health. - Shatter should be a fast spell. - Golden Crushbot should be a 3/4 instead of 2/5. - Kindly Tavernkeeper should have 3 attack instead of 2. - Laurent Chevalier should have 2 health instead of 1. - Mageseeker Inciter needs a keyword. Barrier/Tough/Fearsome/Elusive/Challenger/Lifesteal/Overwhelm, any of them or should rework as a Detain on a stick. - Statikk Shock should draw cards as how much target it is cast on. If it targets 2 enemy, it should draw 2; if targets are destroyed before it, it should draw 0. - Funsmith should have 4 Health instead of 3. - Midenstokke Henchmen should be 4/4 instead of 5/3. - Yusari needs a rework. - Hextech Transmogulator should cost 4 or 5 instead of 6. I can understand it was created for Lux/Heimerdinger decks but it's an expensive effect for 6 because it can only target followers. - The Rekindler's effect should be a play effect instead of When I'm summoned. - Icy Yeti should be 6 mana instead of 7. I don't think it will be problematic with Winter's Breath. They should be combo pieces together imo. - Jae Medarda is ok if we think about The Empyrean. I think elusive keyword needs a rework/rulechange so making Jae Medarda 7/7 with the change that i called above would be fair. - Ren Shadowblade should be 5/5 instead of 6/4. - Spectral Matron should be 7 mana 5/5 instead of 8 mana 6/6. After some changes of 7 mana minions (Tianna Crownguard, Rhasa the Sunderer) 7-mana spot is so blank imo. - Brightsteel Formation should lose its play effect and it should be only for attack. - Shady Character should work like burst spells or should have 2 health instead of 1. - Blood for Blood either should cost 2 or needs a rework. - Avarosan Trapper should have 3 attack instead of 2. - Arena Bookie should have 2 health instead of 1. - I think Mark of the Isles will be ok if ephemerals will have a rule change but if they will not, it should be +2/+2 instead of +3/+3. - Greenglade Caretaker and Fae Bladetwirler should gain +1 Attack instead of +2. - Boomcrew Rookie should have 3 health instead of 4. - Legion Saboteur should have 1 attack instead of 2.
These are what I can think of. I can see that some of those cards' changes make others unnecessary but I really can't know what Riot will change so I just wrote them like they will be single buff/nerf.
Card changes should not be necessary but I really think that there needs to be some rule changes.
Rule changes:
1. would make ephemerals way too weak.
2. grown to be alright with them existing.. no need for it I think.. maybe nerf some of them.
3. burst spells work fine as is.. their point is that they can't be interrupted and they happen in a burst.
4. definitely no, it would be so much confusing if it worked that way.
5. Disagree.. why would you restrict the normal version of spells, yes a lot of them are powerful but that way you restrict deck building.
The rest I agree or don't care enough about them to comment.
seem to be that 7 mana cards are really hard to balance since it's the point where the game shifts from mid game to late game.. in both hs and runettera they seem to be problematic either autoinclude or never played.
The nerf wasn't minor!! a stat point in an early drop is huge.. think about Knife Juggler it gone from auto include in any paladin/aggro deck to a sometimes card with 1 attack drop.
Leper Gnome was EVERYWHERE.. after the nerf it wasn't seen anymore.. same for Abusive Sergeant which was also auto include 2/1 after it got to 1/1.. nope nowhere to be seen.. even in zoo.
I am talking about nerfs from 4 years ago but the game hasn't change that much 2/1-> 1/1 on a 1 drop kills the card.
I see a lot of tempo tools here there are 7 cards that interact with hp here (buffs,heals) to solidify the priest hero power.
we got a Kabal Talonpriest here (the 2 mana 2/3 +2 hp) which is huge, now that the set is revamped we can get new cards that further buff the attack of minions now hat innerfire is out.. or more hp buffs, priest minions can afford to be more sticky.
I think that priest will now get better tools to fight for tempo cause now they can't burst you from 30 as long as there is a 5 hp minion on board..
The class has 2 big swarm of locuses like cards making this card very potent as a combo card, but if played it would never be played on curve.
Old memes never die huh?
I think the UI will be heavely revamped the game currently has a lot of visual elements for 9 classes but now we will have 10..
It's not fake it's just a failed embargo..
1. Playable in wild since there are tonnes of neutral options to use in the class
2.Nah it's not too crazy the 4 mana spell is the secondary effect of the priest deathknight which proved to be ok in balance, sure it costs 4 less but you can play around it, and most minions don't have more than 3 attack.
I think those are good news.. Priest is in a bad state constantly only really played when a broken combo comes around.. the new/reworked cards barely are playable in ress priest so they open up the class for being a better control class.. and they solidified the class in being able to remove 5 or more attack minions easily with the rework as well as having a lot of health buffs to abuse the hero power, the 2 mana 2/3 is amazing and is something priest was looking for forever a good 2 drop but with northshire and inner fire in the game such card would be busted..
I really hope this new class comes with better economy.. I mean adding a new class(2 if you count priest lol) is AWESOME and all BUT it means the price of the game increases significally, specially if every expansion now has 10 more cards (and 18 new collectible cards(2 legendaries and 16 none legendaries) as well as bigger odds for the classic set to not give you what you want..
good thing I started hoarding classic packs (too late though.. have just 2) cause it seems there are at least 30 new cards to collect there..
Well gonna need to see what blizzard does on that regard.. they will have to add total new UI and probably redesign the level system so MAYBE they will finally make the game playable for none whales..
Really like the changes but as long as no F2P support comes around I think I will stick with LoR
Awesome patch.
Nerf to the 4 most frustrating shadow isles cards is big, Hecarim isn't totally destroyed but I think he can be more easily managed and is less of an auto win card and auto include ("how to make a LoR deck? start by adding 3 hecarims")., we will see less of the shadow isles dominance for sure.
I am displeased with the elnuk change, sure it makes it less of a splashable package but.. I don't like the mechanic AT ALL.. at least we will see it much less, at least there are plans to rework in the future.
poro snax buff hype! also there is a huge lux support rework in demacia so many cards care about 6+ spells now you could probably do a full deck around lux as a main champion instead of secondary, it's weird though.. that the mageseekers and lux should cooperate in the same deck..
One elusive unit got nerfed (yeah not the solitary monk but still one that is core to elusive strategies).
They want to keep this cheese strategy around for some reason, I think they will eventually nerf it just that they didn't yet found the solution.
For now the power level of the elusive deck is down for another follower, and an early game one in that.
You can counter elusives by having heals,removal or racing them.. now it's easier to race them as well so..
announcement of the announcement!
Alpha Wildclaw
Freljord is not often paired in an aggro list (that's why this "powercreep" is ok) but generally speaking this card is quite potent when it compares favorably to a none level up champion..(or maybe Darius is too weak?).
I tried many decks like yeties or poros but couldn't make them go off really.. the only deck that I liked that uses the region is the warmother's call control deck it's very powerful and I like the tools it has.
Is Ashe weak? I saw many lists running her successfully I actually like the list featured seems like it can protect her well.. thought about a Fiora/frostbite deck actually, but I don't have any copy of Ashe ORFiora so I can't test that deck yet.
It actually closes deckbuilding cause nothing restricts you from currently running kata/vladimir.
It would make many builds really weird "I run this card that doesn't fit my deck at all, or is sub optimal t run another card that is too good to not run in my deck"
PLus champions are expensive, sure the game economy is kind but once the game gets bigger you make people who crafted certain spells or got it randomly HAVE to waste 3000 shards or champion wild cards into trying a card.. that's bad.
The current state of the game where a lot of deck building is rewarded and you have a lot of options will be lost when you restrict currently 24 spells into having to run a specific champion. I don't see the win in this change and also I think the chances of such chance are just 0, Riot won't do that, they got more to lose of that than to win, it will confuse the hell out of new players who make decks and will make some deck building clunky.
having inherent restrictions is much worse than say a Reno Jackson or elnuks where you get to choose HOW you will use the restriction, having system locked restrictions is bad design see: Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane.
Where with higlander cards in hearthstone you have a restriction to play the card while in game so you can play around it (for example galakround warlock running dragonqueen alexstraza with MANY duplicates in the deck)
Hmm congratz? guess you don't have any progression left anyway.. as you have a full collection now (took 2.5 months for a dedicated beta player which is what Riot is aiming for)
As for me I looked today's at my collection after this champion capsule from Ionia: (spoiler to make the page shorter)
And doing 2 expeditions today (one 4 wins the other 7 wins, then crafted 2 Dravens since I really enjoyed playing him in the 7 wins expedition)
And I am about 15 champion cards away from full champion collection, 50 commons didn't count rares but also along those lines, and epics I got all the playable ones and enough epic wild cards to craft most of the ones I am left (Around 10 I think..)
So I (as a more casual actually I played a lot completed all quests, almost every day did the 3 wins) also am close to your point, but on my regions I am at 4 regions at 16 and 2 regions in the 12 area.. so I am quite far from your standing.
Since you got nothing to unlock while having all regional rewards you don't have any rewards anyway.. I guess once your scenario will be more common among the people who are active but not 100% into the game like you do by then the new expansion will arrive..
I mean in hearthstone I don't think ANYONE was even close to a quarter of classic in the beta as F2P so it's great that you can focus on being creative and competitive instead of feeling bad cause you don't have cards.
I wonder how they will handle the people who have so many resources at expansion start We need to wait and see what Riot does.
The moment katarina strikes an unit she levels up and recalls, on defense the full trade is made(if she survives she recalls), on offense only katarina attacks as long as her attack is higher than 0.
The ephemeral interaction is intended I saw on reddit a Rioter clarifying that ephemeral does not trigger cause katarina triggers "on strike" and ephemeral check is made after the strike is made.
BTW Run hecarim on the first list as well the card is broken and you don't need any synergy to run him (that's the problem with the card so -2 crocolisks +2 hecarims.
but nice idea with the undying and hecarims + rally (it's already been done with demacia).
You see you don't need to buff katarina? she is fine as she is.. it's not hearthstone some cards can get supported enough to function with worse than ideal stats (one good example for that is Rivershaper).
I really like Jinx and Heimerdinger from P&Z, on heimer every time you play him the game feels a little different, will I play him on 5? can they kill him? which turrets will I get this time? and how can I use them? play them, discard them use them as chump blockers, attack with heimer? it's sometimes the correct play as well.
JInx is also really fun in my opinion not only her whole recklessness is translated perfectly into the game (empty your hand, hell if I care) she has really fun lines and interactions, I still remember her video from 2013 when she came out.
Jinx is just an insane character.
If she was a jungler or a support I would also play her more in league but what can I do, I can't play adc.
@bluespark, Almaniarra:
runs both kata and battering ram, the cards are being played at high ranking and doing actually good..
Battering ram if it's not played it's because of the many freeze effects in the meta also it doesn't protect you much from hard removal, elnuks or hecarim spam, or elusives (assumption: the top 3 decks in the meta is freeze ezreal,fearsome/rally,elusives)
It would be confusing for units to suddenly die after a combat if they survived, dunno I am ok with how it works right now.
I think nerfing Fiora's attack would kill her as a win condition and as a card it's a champion card they are supposed to be stronger than any follower, the only change I would do if any is one I suggested already and it's the level up change from 2 before and 2 after to 3 before and 1 after(kills I mean)
Katarina is FINE.. you need to protect her if you want her to survive, that's why her level up condition is so "easy" because it's actually not cause she dies to so much stuff, look up mogwai's kata build it's very potent and you will see kata is quite successful if you play her at the right time with the right back up.
I see a lot of decks do run a lot of followers adding +2 card advantage to control decks is a lot.. (With your suggested statikk shock change), sure in some situations you can react to it better but in most situations you buff the hell out of heimer and ez decks.
Death Mark is quite hard to set up and can be countered with a lot of cards if any target leaves the board it's canceled, you NEED an ephemeral target,you need 3 mana.. you need a target you want to eliminate.. the card has enough counter play so it doesn't need to be nerfed, if anything maybe Mark of the Isles needs to be nerfed if it costs 2 mana this card is even more fair.
Also Hecarim is getting nerfed so another nerf to this situational card.
Brightsteel Formation is a 9 mana cost unit/follower, having them in a deck has a high cost as you can't play the card until VERY late in a match if it doesn't win you the game more often than not then it's too weak in my opinion.
Legion Saboteur at 1/1 would never see any play, it's not that great as it is anyway.
I don't understand why you would want to restrict those spells to only be on decks that the champions are in, it makes you build a deck sub optimally because you want to run a specific card, specially when some of them are niche and some don't actually fit into a deck the champion is run in, besides it makes it so you have cards in your collection you can't run without a specific champion, don't see how it's a problem. if any of those spells is problematic then it should be nerfed/changed.. but restricting you to play champion cards you don't want to put into your deck because you want to play a spell.. no.
Elusives are counterable, I every region has the tools to deal with elusives:
Freljord: freeze.
Noxus: rush down,challengers,culling strike.
Ionia: fight fire with fire, they have elusives.
P&Z: direct damage removal, heimer's 3 mana turrets.
Demacia: purify,detain, challengers.
Shadow isles: tonnes of removal options, heals, AOE,vengence... etc.
Don't think they are such a big deal post nerfs but if more of them get hit I won't be too sad/surprised.
^ I really liked the griftah change.
Also I am disappointed you didn't quote darkmanne on the ancient one.. missed opportunity..
Rule changes:
1. would make ephemerals way too weak.
2. grown to be alright with them existing.. no need for it I think.. maybe nerf some of them.
3. burst spells work fine as is.. their point is that they can't be interrupted and they happen in a burst.
4. definitely no, it would be so much confusing if it worked that way.
5. Disagree.. why would you restrict the normal version of spells, yes a lot of them are powerful but that way you restrict deck building.
I disagree with most of your changes as well most cards you suggested are fine as they are: Ashe,Draven,Fiora,Katarina,Death Mark, Precious Pet,Shatter, Statikk Shock(4 mana draw 2? what?), Hextech TransmogulatorBADCARDNAME (is very flexible.. do you want this card to see play?),Brightsteel Formation, Legion Saboteur (if so make it 1/2, 1 mana 1/1s are unplayable).
The rest I agree or don't care enough about them to comment.
seem to be that 7 mana cards are really hard to balance since it's the point where the game shifts from mid game to late game.. in both hs and runettera they seem to be problematic either autoinclude or never played.
Death Mark is hard enough to use as is.
Troop of Elnuks seems fair, the card needs a rework of sort.. but then it's too consistent..
I don't think Ezrealand Karma are a problem, Hecarim is banned in this thread.
Do you really want to buff shiraza? 5 hp is a lot.. you add might to her and she is OTKing people everywhere.
Minotaur Reckoner DOES NOT NEED A BUFF.. the card is strong enough as is.
Avarosan Trapper yep needs a buff, really bad card atm..
Jae Medarda - you do NOT want this card buffed.. it's an elusive unit with card draw..
Arena Bookie as an engine card I think he should cost 3, but make him a 2/2 or a 3/2.
Kalista is ok at her mana cost, could use a rework rather than a buff, Vladimir and Ashe are really in the right spot, specially Ashe.
Good unnerfing target, nobody called for this card to get nerfed it's a really good card Shaman needs.. Shaman got overnerfed by too much.
The nerf wasn't minor!! a stat point in an early drop is huge.. think about Knife Juggler it gone from auto include in any paladin/aggro deck to a sometimes card with 1 attack drop.
Leper Gnome was EVERYWHERE.. after the nerf it wasn't seen anymore.. same for Abusive Sergeant which was also auto include 2/1 after it got to 1/1.. nope nowhere to be seen.. even in zoo.
I am talking about nerfs from 4 years ago but the game hasn't change that much 2/1-> 1/1 on a 1 drop kills the card.