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Joined 10/19/2018 Achieve Points 2015 Posts 3108

Fluxflashor's Comments

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    BuT tHe NeW pLaYeR eXpErIeNcE ~ ~ ~

    Yeah, honestly, I wish they'd just give us gold. I understand there are problems with that, such as us being able to buy packs from new expansions easier instead of spending money, but if we look at Legends of Runeterra and how right they are doing things to make the game F2P, Hearthstone needs to "get learnt".

    Blizzard is going to have to really dedicate themselves this year to revamp the economy in Hearthstone because if they wait too long, I know people that won't come back. Last year was a damn incredible year for the game with them, for the first time ever, being on the ball and releasing plenty of content between sets. It took them years to get to that point though and for many, it was too late to get people back into the game.

    We're off to a good start this year with 35 cards being released for $20 (this is INSANE value) or a relatively small amount of gold, though I do worry they do this at least once more this year for another $20 so it has effectively added $40 to the overall price of the game per year. I hope we see better deals on expansions or a change in card drop-rates / crafting costs.

    TL;DR: Blizzard, your Tavern Brawl rewards suck.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Great write-up!

    In reply to Dragon Reno Priest
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    It is funny you bring this up, frenzy. This is actually available on the development copy of the site and it'll roll out in the next update. 

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.

    Stop having good ideas. That isn't allowed in Hearthstone!

    For real though, Classic packs are boring.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Sorry, I should have included this in the post.

    The offer expires on February 11, so you've got about 2 weeks to get it.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Receiving a legendary card through a promo has always not touched the pity timer, so the assumption here is the same.

    This pack should not reset any pity timers since it is a unique pack from the rest and packs have always been unique on the timers

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    This is the only way.

    I gotta say though, I love the idea of themed boosters and would love to see these become available in other ways.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    My assumption is that due to all the sets being combined into one pool, all legendaries from those sets that you have are removed from the pool. When the pool of unobtained legendaries is empty, you have a chance of getting any legendary since dupes are now allowed.

    There should be equal odds of getting any legendary that you do not own. If you disenchant a card and it becomes the only legendary you are missing from the combined sets, the pity timer would give you that legendary back. It can be a good way to chase a particular golden legendary, assuming the game actually gives you a golden legendary in a pack.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I've updated the article with the Upgrade RNG chances

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Nothing on season rewards yet. The current season lasts all of Beta so I wouldn't expect to hear anything until beta is about to end.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    RIP. I caught that before it went live and reverted it somehow. Thanks!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago


    So far I've quite enjoyed the Runeterra draft format and I've enjoyed various ones out of Magic, but Hearthstone's Arena has never had a large appeal to me so I definitely understand the non-enjoyment factor :D

    The XP potential out of Expeditions is so crazy though, it almost feels forced.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Nah, that sounds pretty normal to me! Expeditions are great fun that isn't the usual constructed netdeck hell, so getting in for free at least once a week is awesome.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    If you can't sleep and you know it push site updates! Pushes update.

    New Features

    Legends of Runeterra

    • We've now got dedicated database pages for keywords!
      • These are linked on our card pages where a card has that keyword and in the navigation.
      • We're in the process of writing guides for each of the keyword pages. Check out the pages for Barrier, Drain, and Elusive.


    Legends of Runeterra

    • Added region links to the cards dropdown.
    • Added keywords listing to the cards dropdown.
    • Added region links to the decks dropdown.
    • Card importer now flags mechanics that Riot's API does not include.
      • Prior to this change, Brightsteel Protector did not appear as a Barrier card.
      • This change makes card filtering a LOT better.

    Bug Fixes

    Legends of Runeterra

    • Fixed an issue that prevented the cache from breaking on deck pages when a deck guide was updated.
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I've tracked the issue down and will be deploying the site shortly to fix it. Thanks for the report!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Looking into this. Its likely an issue with the cache not breaking on save.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    He definitely makes me mad at times! LOL

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Shadows is a god-tier hacker! Going to keep my eye on him...

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Asking the real questions, Poorwotan. I appreciate that.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    A small update has been pushed to the site that focuses on search improvements. Thanks to Trimutius for asking for this over on Discord! (You should totally join us on Discord if you have not yet =) )

    New Features

    • Smarter Search
      • The default functionality of site search has changed so that it will lookup cards for the part of the site you are currently on.
      • If you are on a Runeterra page, or were on a page that doesn't have a "game" associated with it and were previously on a Runeterra page, you will see results for Runeterra cards.
      • Hearthstone pages get results for Hearthstone Cards
      • Magic pages will get results for Magic Cards (when available).
      • The default if you have no game selected is to search by the forums.
      • This also implements Runeterra Cards and Runeterra Decks into site search. It was absent due to an oversight.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where search was displaying forum threads oldest -> newest. It is now correctly newest -> oldest.
      • Dev Note: We'll eventually need to find a good way to make search show better threads at the top.