Regardless if he's bad or good, I do think he needs to be built around if you're going to get use from him, not really appealing enough to be splashed into your normal lists.
While appealing as a flexible AoE, it does fall a bit short if the board just so happens to be just slightly too healthy to get combo-wiped by throw glaive.
Sees play in Odd Paladin, if only for the board filling, but does standard run 4+ cost cards to put this in and yet care about Silver Hands? A bit shaky.
Regardless if he's bad or good, I do think he needs to be built around if you're going to get use from him, not really appealing enough to be splashed into your normal lists.
While appealing as a flexible AoE, it does fall a bit short if the board just so happens to be just slightly too healthy to get combo-wiped by throw glaive.
It's an 8/8 PLUS an extra 8/8 for every Elemental you played last turn?!
...[Hearthstone Card (Do not fear power.) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (Fear those who wield it.) Not Found]
At least it's not Odd, but pity it only buffs Silver Hand Recruits which might be harder to pull off in standard.
Eh, but then you wake up and remember that Solar Eclipse can be played before this card... 16 armor, two 8 mana minions, seems good.
Combo, Control, Tempo, you're putting this in every Priest deck.
I'm scared that this ends up being Questing Adventurer but better for Demon Hunters.
Because it's better than Bite or Feral Rage doesn't necessarily mean that it'll see play.
Wait, this isn't a Classic Set card? It looks so... basic.
Might actually be a bit awkward to copy the cards you want, the right side especially.
Yeah getting slammed in the face for with an extra 10+ damage because I didn't run Acidic Swamp Ooze sounds "fun."
Best paired with Doomhammer or one of the new Shaman Legendaries.
Anything worth putting in your deck is worth being a 8 Mana 10/10.
Especially Archmage Vargoth.
Draw Risky Skipper, Deathwing Mad Aspect, and... can't think of a Mech, but already that makes Whatley considerable for Control Warrior.
Strong with any weapon that isn't Fist of Ra'Den.
*Gets Rod of Roasting*
*Only hits own board and face*
I still think it's scary when Mage has plenty of 1-cost spells to stuff their decks, turning them into discounted 4 mana spells.
Sees play in Odd Paladin, if only for the board filling, but does standard run 4+ cost cards to put this in and yet care about Silver Hands? A bit shaky.
An alternative to Supreme Archaeology for discounting Maly for combos.
Would... Would that actually work? Or would it make a hilarious squeaky noise of a null value/null value bounce off?