5 mana 5/5 with Divine Shield and Taunt already seems good, though outclassed slightly by the potentially cheaper Devout Pupil. 5 mana 8/8 Divine Shield Taunt however just adds more to the brick wall that Aggro has to navigate around or smash their faces into.
If it was more targeted, it could see play, but since it's a random handbuff means that it's hard to get the buffs on the targets that you want (minions that copies themselves, Taunts/Rush, etc.)
Dire Mole, but potentially awkward to play on curve, which is the ideal time to play Dire Mole... Seems not that good unless you have specific cards with cast when drawn effects you're trying to cycle for.
Good, but the Outcast makes it awkward to pull off the AoE consistently, which can be a problem against other aggro decks. But Aggro DH probably cares more about having a weapon, so it's fine.
Like Y'Shaarj, I can only see Druid or Paladin making use of this card, though I'd lean more towards Paladin actually.
Giant body for control decks, though I feel like you're only running this card because you're specifically building around Y'Shaarj
5 mana 5/5 with Divine Shield and Taunt already seems good, though outclassed slightly by the potentially cheaper Devout Pupil. 5 mana 8/8 Divine Shield Taunt however just adds more to the brick wall that Aggro has to navigate around or smash their faces into.
Seems good, especially if you care at all about having a board presence.
If it was more targeted, it could see play, but since it's a random handbuff means that it's hard to get the buffs on the targets that you want (minions that copies themselves, Taunts/Rush, etc.)
Auto-include for Spell-centric decks, especially easy to knock down to 0-cost with Nature Studies and the Eclipses.
Dire Mole, but potentially awkward to play on curve, which is the ideal time to play Dire Mole... Seems not that good unless you have specific cards with cast when drawn effects you're trying to cycle for.
I'm not sure if even Priest holds on to that many spells in hand for this card to be worth being a pile of stats.
Might see play in some Tempo Menagerie Warrior deck. Beyond that, the cost reduction is a bit awkward, but 4 mana 5/5 Rush is still good.
Don't run this card; just generate it randomly and then corrupt it with your better cards.
Not sure if +2 health on Voidwalker is enough to have it run in Zoo, and Control isn't so desperate for early/cheap taunts.
1 Star for seeing play, 1 Star for Flavor: it doesn't cost 3 mana, literally unplayable!
If you're playing Combo cards- Wait, you're a Rogue, you're putting 2 of these in your deck first and then wondering what 28 other cards to play.
Worse Fal'dorei Strider is still good since it can come out a turn earlier.
Dyn-o-matic without the body is okay but not great, but probably sees play as a Tech against Stealth Rogues.
Good, but the Outcast makes it awkward to pull off the AoE consistently, which can be a problem against other aggro decks. But Aggro DH probably cares more about having a weapon, so it's fine.
Good stats for cost!
Remember when Infested Wolf was played? Tell me honestly, because I started playing just as Whispers of the Old Gods was about to rotate out.
1 star for chances of seeing play, but the only 5 stars that matters is the flavor/reference.
Really good against Libram Paladin or even other Priests.