Potentially good with the Circus Amalgam and Scalelord, but murloc decks are best when going fast, and Paladin hadn't the best luck making a Dragon focused deck to consider slotting this in.
Now this is the card you use to mill opponents!... So long as you're not matching up against Tempo Mage or Priest, who can make as much use of the Bananas as you presumably can.
While the discount makes a good case for it to be used in Aggro, I'd argue that there are just as much reason to use this in Control, namely with Broodmother, Enhanced Dreadlord, and Ticketus.
Even without getting fancy, corrupting and then ripping up 5 cards from your opponent's deck shouldn't be something to sneeze at, especially against Control or Combo decks where this card has the best chance to be corrupted in the first place.
As everyone mentioned, some combination of Khartut Defender and Darkmoon Tonk makes this worthwhile. Bit incidental to a Blastenheimer deck, but works.
Why gimp your own Mana when Cult Neophyte is a card?
Good for Demon Zoolock, good for Control.
Why is he Neutral, that is clearly a Warrior Class card!
Hello weird combo enabler!
Potentially good with the Circus Amalgam and Scalelord, but murloc decks are best when going fast, and Paladin hadn't the best luck making a Dragon focused deck to consider slotting this in.
Honestly I think it's fine even if you only get 2-3 damage, helpful for Tempo Rogues, but might just get swapped out for pure removal options.
I like it, it's basically "If you played an Elemental" activator, giving you multiple tokens to weave over multiple turns.
Nasty card, it's getting blood everywhere! And it's in Priest, so they're also emoting at me the whole time!
Not sure if decks will want to run this and Animated Broomstick just to mass silence, when most decks don't even bother running Ironbeak Owl.
Probably gets slot in Control Mage decks, especially when the decklist is already crowded to fit in the whole secret package.
"It's-It's okay, Goody Two-Shields is a class card! Of course she's better, but I can be used in more decks than her!"
*Darkmoon Dirigible flies by*
Now this is the card you use to mill opponents!... So long as you're not matching up against Tempo Mage or Priest, who can make as much use of the Bananas as you presumably can.
While the discount makes a good case for it to be used in Aggro, I'd argue that there are just as much reason to use this in Control, namely with Broodmother, Enhanced Dreadlord, and Ticketus.
Even without getting fancy, corrupting and then ripping up 5 cards from your opponent's deck shouldn't be something to sneeze at, especially against Control or Combo decks where this card has the best chance to be corrupted in the first place.
As everyone mentioned, some combination of Khartut Defender and Darkmoon Tonk makes this worthwhile. Bit incidental to a Blastenheimer deck, but works.
Class card in disguise, but it's Warrior for ETC Rush deck.
Low-key Wandmaker nerf for Demon Hunter... or buff, if you're more into the control side of Soul Fragment Demon Hunter decks.
The decks that want this often can't corrupt this consistently. Instant Dust.
At least it's kind of cheap to Corrupt, might see some Midrange Battlecry Shaman make use of this.
The only place I can see this minion not being run is Spell Hunter or Maxima Blastenheimer decks.