Would the copy have the same durability has the original, or would it go back to full? Maybe I'm wrong, but I think when you copy a minion it copies the current stats.
Given the new mechanic of locations reopening early, a card like this is at least slightly more viable. I'm not expecting this to be meta defining or anything.
A 6-Cost card that does absolutely nothing except make it a bit more likely that your draws are better. Yeah, I don't think many are going to be using it. Except for oger memes.
I figure this is getting pretty good if you hold the cheese until it summons 4-Cost minions. I'm not sure you would often want to wait to get it up to 10-cost, but 6 or 7 should be pretty damn powerful.
6 Mana, 3 damage to all is absolute crap, right? I guess it is a little more versatile, since if the board as a bunch of 1-Health tokens you only need to spend 2.
This might as well be a Rogue card.
I'm pretty sure this could be really nasty. Effectively doubling a minion's attack tends to do that.
Would the copy have the same durability has the original, or would it go back to full? Maybe I'm wrong, but I think when you copy a minion it copies the current stats.
I have no idea what this would be useful with.
By turn 7, I expect the beast kills 3 minions before it dies in most cases.
I'm not seeing many options for randomly generating pirates. There's random minion generation, but that would have even worse odds.
Given the new mechanic of locations reopening early, a card like this is at least slightly more viable. I'm not expecting this to be meta defining or anything.
So phony doesn't mean a 1 Mana do nothing spell that fills up space in your opponent's hand? Still looks like a good card.
Sure, this will kill nearly anything even without buffs, but I have a hard time seeing it sticking for even one turn when such threats are out.
A 6-Cost card that does absolutely nothing except make it a bit more likely that your draws are better. Yeah, I don't think many are going to be using it. Except for oger memes.
These are the Kazakus potions, right? Those are pretty much always strong.
I'm not seeing many ways to buff these guys, so a 1/1 charge doesn't seem great, but you get six of them for basically free, so it's probably strong.
Well, this will be good in decks that run big spells. Whether or not that will be a thing this expansion remains to be seen.
Sounds like a big fuck you to thief decks. I'm not sure how necessary that is right now.
Pay 1 Mana to add the top two cards in your deck to your hand? That's probably good.
Many locations look like they'd only be good in specific decks, if at all, so this probably isn't great.
I figure this is getting pretty good if you hold the cheese until it summons 4-Cost minions. I'm not sure you would often want to wait to get it up to 10-cost, but 6 or 7 should be pretty damn powerful.
6 Mana, 3 damage to all is absolute crap, right? I guess it is a little more versatile, since if the board as a bunch of 1-Health tokens you only need to spend 2.
Well, its a way to get a trigger for Velarok Windblade. That probably at least makes it not garbage.
So as long as you have corpses, you can use this as much as you want. Most of the time you aren't lacking for corpses, so this looks really good.