Seems like a thoroughly inefficient way of doing things. Essentially the more skins there'd be in the game, the more "classes" would be in the game to patch. What starts as just a jpeg with a few voicelines becomes way more of a hassle than it's worth. If they really implemented skins this way, and this bug really suggests that they did, then they fucked up big time.
It has nothing to do with golden cards. I've been able to get games with a deck from last expansion and two games later all of a sudden the deck stops working.
Well, the info was inaccurate. On the theorycrafting stream Firebat played the portal and it does NOT refill the board at the end of every turn, only at the end of your turn. So it's trash-tier.
If I understand it correctly it's first come first served for the codes right? Whoever nabs the code the streamer provides first is the one who gets it. opening 5 streams in the background while you're doing something else and hoping you end up getting picked?
Easy. It's a 2 mana do nothing. It requires 3 hero power uses, a total of 6 mana, plus the 2 mana spent on this, to break even with Frostbolt on net damage...and then it still lacks the freeze effect.
Da shit? This is godawful. It eats 7 mana out of your turn (if you were ramped to get this out quick) so you don't get to do much before you play this, and after you play it, you have no crystals and even your Innervates and Lightning Blooms cost 1 so you can't ramp anything out after. Essentially, you skip your turn and your opponent gets to make their 1 mana play first. You're always on the catch-up, and using Lightning Bloom to power ahead two minions instead of one on your 1 mana turn leaves you locked out of two powerful plays the turn after. Astral Communion was on the weak side of memery and it was better than this.
Well, now we just need a 100 % guaranteed way to tutor out Neeru Fireblade and we're in business. Cause you sure as shit can't play any of the deck burning stuff before he's in your hand.
I had a pretty elaborate comment all written up, and as I kept writing I kept leaning further and further away from my original opinion so...I think this is actually pretty nasty with Hemet. Since opposing board clears do essentially nothing to this, it is guaranteed 18 damage coming your opponent's way at all times and you can buff them up with things like Wicked Whispers for an even faster finish. The one major issue with that plan is that without Hemet in hand, the deck kinda...turns off.
As for Standard I think this is thankfully pretty memey unless they get something like Hemet in there. I say thankfully because if this is good, all games end the exact same way.
That is pretty horrible. If you're under pressure, it's one of two things:
1) your opponent is aggro and flooding the board. Aggro usually doesn't go tall. In that case this does nothing, you need AoE, nibbling away a bit of stats off of an opposing 3/4 isn't gonna do you any favours.
2) your opponent is control and is pressuring you with bigger minions with dangerous abilities. You're Priest. You got a bajillion ways of dealing with big threats, and every single one of them is better than shaving half the stats off of the opposing Rattlegore.
I get the feeling that this is meant to be a proactive card for a board-focused Priest. Such decks generally want to develop their board and buff their minons, and don't want to end up with situational removal stuck in their hand. In that situation, this might look attractive on the surface. Thing is, if you're a proactive Priest focusing on board control, what opponent are you expecting to face where this is good? They drop a 4/7 taunt, let's say. This turns it into a 2/3 and becomes a 3/5 for 2. That's a 5/8 swing in stats. Is that really that good when a lot of the time this just sits in your hand against aggro and looks sad? Maybe...but I don't think so. Especially since this hypothetical proactive Priest deck still runs into the same issue it always has. It's not fast enough and runs out of steam due to a lack of card draw. This is a decent to middling card made specifically for what is likely a pretty bad deck. If Amet couldn't make Board Priest work, what hope does the deck even have?
I mean, it ain't no Kingsbane or Cutlass but it does have its appeal. Issue is, the moment a Rogue deck revolving around this weapon becomes popular is the moment it falls apart. If you fill your deck with poisons to take advantage of this weapon and then weapon removal becomes omnipresent to react to this, like third of your deck suddenly consists of garbage. Essentially, the success of this deck hingest almost entirely on it being niche, or rather, on weapons being niche as a whole. As soon as weapons start becoming even the slightest threat, you become collateral damage (one of the reasons Burgle Rogue with Cutlass is pretty much unusable in Wild...Kingsbane and Odd Rogues are rampant to force people into weapon removal and every Reno deck has on-demand weapon removal in Zephrys to boot).
Funnily enough DH might be one of those classes that might be able to afford running a slow controlling deck even in Wild since they have so many disruption tools to mess with opposing plans (silences, hand disruption, mana denial (effectively locking out things like Bloodreaver for a turn)) and deathrattles can work to disrupt opposing Reno strategies or combos with the unnerfed birb and Deathlord respectively. That means combos and OTKs might have a harder time against DH than, say, against a control Warrior, and cards like Zei on key minions (N'Zoth in particular) can give DHs the value they need to outlast the opponent. The one massive hole in that plan is DH's inability to hard-remove big minions, and its dependence on Outcast, which is essentially unusable in a slow deck.
While not particularly excited by either of these, this does make me hopeful for some more Taunt Druid support. I'm still staunchly holding on to my Hadronox Druid and would love for that deck to get some new toys.
They are, but at that point you are served just as well with a single target instant silence as opposed to a board-wide delayed silence effect like this. You don't need this as an early solution to Libram. This offers no benefits and only downsides compared to Consume Magic in that scenario. The power of this card comes from its board-wide effect. And when you need a board-wide effect to strip Libram of their board of buffed monstrosities, you're on the verge of death and don't have a turn to spare. Essentially, this is a long-winded way of me saying...this card kinda blows in most scenarios. It gives you a guaranteed way to bypass taunts for lethal next turn and pretty much nothing else. Oh, it can disincentivise big plays like N'Zoth the Corruptor and Bloodreaver Guldan for a turn, but DHs don't want to be that late in the game in the first place.
If they already have the board and their board is tall enough that they cannot trade their minions into yours, you're already losing horribly. And getting a board-wide silence THE NEXT TURN isn't going to remedy that situation.
I'm pretty sure there's someone on this site (and I have a fairly good idea who) that just goes into threads like these to -1 every comment other than their own. At this point you might as well assume that all comments start at -1 and go from there.
This looks really good on the face of it but then when you think about it...this card would be best on a weapon that either sticks around for a long long time, or a weapon that doesn't go away in the first place, say Kingsbane or Spectral Cutlass, so that you get as many uses out of the poison as you can. Thing is, weapons such as these generally make for the ideal recipient for weapon buffs. And once your weapon is a certain size, it starts being really unattractive to go slapping minions with it. Why not go face and just end the game, right? So I don't think this really fits a deck that runs Kingsbane or Cutlass. But when you start using something like SSS or the newly buffed Assassin's Blade, that's where things start getting interesting. Unless your opponent runs weapon removal, these weapons + Paralytic Poison can suddenly turn into essentially uncontested board-control for you for like 4 turns in a row. Whatever mid-sized minion your opponent drops, it just keels over to your weapon swing and you can keep pushing your advantage. It sounds really busted in aggro v aggro or midrange v midrange matchups. Where that plan falters is vs control. This just kinda does nothing against control. They won't be contesting the board with minions in the midgame and giving your weapon only +1 attack is not enough pressure to threaten your opponent in a meaningful way.
All this is to say: if aggro v aggro is a common matchup, Rogue is likely to do well because they can just steal the board with this. Odd Rogues would love it in that situation. But as soon as control starts being a decent portion of the meta, this is close to a dead card. And if ever weapon Rogues become the dominant force, there's always weapon removal to keep them in check. All in all, pretty well designed and balanced card.
Really powerful, but balanced out by being Legendary. If murloc decks need to catch up on board and this is their only out, they may end up not being consistent enough to be good.
Yikes. Gives Secret Mages a taste of their own medicine. Don't think it's going to stop them though, the secrets remain in play to screw you over and they actually play around their own secrets better than most opponents can against theirs: they eat a Counterspell by discounting their own secret with Kirin Tor Mage, so they still got a 4/3 for 3 out of the deal, eat an explosive runes with Kirin Tor Mage or Mad Scientist to still get a free secret, ignore Rigged Faire Game because they go face all the time...only Flame Ward can really hurt them, and that's a one-of.
Seems like a thoroughly inefficient way of doing things. Essentially the more skins there'd be in the game, the more "classes" would be in the game to patch. What starts as just a jpeg with a few voicelines becomes way more of a hassle than it's worth. If they really implemented skins this way, and this bug really suggests that they did, then they fucked up big time.
It has nothing to do with golden cards. I've been able to get games with a deck from last expansion and two games later all of a sudden the deck stops working.
Well, the info was inaccurate. On the theorycrafting stream Firebat played the portal and it does NOT refill the board at the end of every turn, only at the end of your turn. So it's trash-tier.
If I understand it correctly it's first come first served for the codes right? Whoever nabs the code the streamer provides first is the one who gets it. opening 5 streams in the background while you're doing something else and hoping you end up getting picked?
Yikes this gives you exactly the thing Murlocs need. Ability to control the board without having to trade.
Easy. It's a 2 mana do nothing. It requires 3 hero power uses, a total of 6 mana, plus the 2 mana spent on this, to break even with Frostbolt on net damage...and then it still lacks the freeze effect.
Da shit? This is godawful. It eats 7 mana out of your turn (if you were ramped to get this out quick) so you don't get to do much before you play this, and after you play it, you have no crystals and even your Innervates and Lightning Blooms cost 1 so you can't ramp anything out after. Essentially, you skip your turn and your opponent gets to make their 1 mana play first. You're always on the catch-up, and using Lightning Bloom to power ahead two minions instead of one on your 1 mana turn leaves you locked out of two powerful plays the turn after. Astral Communion was on the weak side of memery and it was better than this.
Well, now we just need a 100 % guaranteed way to tutor out Neeru Fireblade and we're in business. Cause you sure as shit can't play any of the deck burning stuff before he's in your hand.
I had a pretty elaborate comment all written up, and as I kept writing I kept leaning further and further away from my original opinion so...I think this is actually pretty nasty with Hemet. Since opposing board clears do essentially nothing to this, it is guaranteed 18 damage coming your opponent's way at all times and you can buff them up with things like Wicked Whispers for an even faster finish. The one major issue with that plan is that without Hemet in hand, the deck kinda...turns off.
As for Standard I think this is thankfully pretty memey unless they get something like Hemet in there. I say thankfully because if this is good, all games end the exact same way.
That is pretty horrible. If you're under pressure, it's one of two things:
1) your opponent is aggro and flooding the board. Aggro usually doesn't go tall. In that case this does nothing, you need AoE, nibbling away a bit of stats off of an opposing 3/4 isn't gonna do you any favours.
2) your opponent is control and is pressuring you with bigger minions with dangerous abilities. You're Priest. You got a bajillion ways of dealing with big threats, and every single one of them is better than shaving half the stats off of the opposing Rattlegore.
I get the feeling that this is meant to be a proactive card for a board-focused Priest. Such decks generally want to develop their board and buff their minons, and don't want to end up with situational removal stuck in their hand. In that situation, this might look attractive on the surface. Thing is, if you're a proactive Priest focusing on board control, what opponent are you expecting to face where this is good? They drop a 4/7 taunt, let's say. This turns it into a 2/3 and becomes a 3/5 for 2. That's a 5/8 swing in stats. Is that really that good when a lot of the time this just sits in your hand against aggro and looks sad? Maybe...but I don't think so. Especially since this hypothetical proactive Priest deck still runs into the same issue it always has. It's not fast enough and runs out of steam due to a lack of card draw. This is a decent to middling card made specifically for what is likely a pretty bad deck. If Amet couldn't make Board Priest work, what hope does the deck even have?
I mean, it ain't no Kingsbane or Cutlass but it does have its appeal. Issue is, the moment a Rogue deck revolving around this weapon becomes popular is the moment it falls apart. If you fill your deck with poisons to take advantage of this weapon and then weapon removal becomes omnipresent to react to this, like third of your deck suddenly consists of garbage. Essentially, the success of this deck hingest almost entirely on it being niche, or rather, on weapons being niche as a whole. As soon as weapons start becoming even the slightest threat, you become collateral damage (one of the reasons Burgle Rogue with Cutlass is pretty much unusable in Wild...Kingsbane and Odd Rogues are rampant to force people into weapon removal and every Reno deck has on-demand weapon removal in Zephrys to boot).
Funnily enough DH might be one of those classes that might be able to afford running a slow controlling deck even in Wild since they have so many disruption tools to mess with opposing plans (silences, hand disruption, mana denial (effectively locking out things like Bloodreaver for a turn)) and deathrattles can work to disrupt opposing Reno strategies or combos with the unnerfed birb and Deathlord respectively. That means combos and OTKs might have a harder time against DH than, say, against a control Warrior, and cards like Zei on key minions (N'Zoth in particular) can give DHs the value they need to outlast the opponent. The one massive hole in that plan is DH's inability to hard-remove big minions, and its dependence on Outcast, which is essentially unusable in a slow deck.
While not particularly excited by either of these, this does make me hopeful for some more Taunt Druid support. I'm still staunchly holding on to my Hadronox Druid and would love for that deck to get some new toys.
They are, but at that point you are served just as well with a single target instant silence as opposed to a board-wide delayed silence effect like this. You don't need this as an early solution to Libram. This offers no benefits and only downsides compared to Consume Magic in that scenario. The power of this card comes from its board-wide effect. And when you need a board-wide effect to strip Libram of their board of buffed monstrosities, you're on the verge of death and don't have a turn to spare. Essentially, this is a long-winded way of me saying...this card kinda blows in most scenarios. It gives you a guaranteed way to bypass taunts for lethal next turn and pretty much nothing else. Oh, it can disincentivise big plays like N'Zoth the Corruptor and Bloodreaver Guldan for a turn, but DHs don't want to be that late in the game in the first place.
If they already have the board and their board is tall enough that they cannot trade their minions into yours, you're already losing horribly. And getting a board-wide silence THE NEXT TURN isn't going to remedy that situation.
I'm pretty sure there's someone on this site (and I have a fairly good idea who) that just goes into threads like these to -1 every comment other than their own. At this point you might as well assume that all comments start at -1 and go from there.
This looks really good on the face of it but then when you think about it...this card would be best on a weapon that either sticks around for a long long time, or a weapon that doesn't go away in the first place, say Kingsbane or Spectral Cutlass, so that you get as many uses out of the poison as you can. Thing is, weapons such as these generally make for the ideal recipient for weapon buffs. And once your weapon is a certain size, it starts being really unattractive to go slapping minions with it. Why not go face and just end the game, right? So I don't think this really fits a deck that runs Kingsbane or Cutlass. But when you start using something like SSS or the newly buffed Assassin's Blade, that's where things start getting interesting. Unless your opponent runs weapon removal, these weapons + Paralytic Poison can suddenly turn into essentially uncontested board-control for you for like 4 turns in a row. Whatever mid-sized minion your opponent drops, it just keels over to your weapon swing and you can keep pushing your advantage. It sounds really busted in aggro v aggro or midrange v midrange matchups. Where that plan falters is vs control. This just kinda does nothing against control. They won't be contesting the board with minions in the midgame and giving your weapon only +1 attack is not enough pressure to threaten your opponent in a meaningful way.
All this is to say: if aggro v aggro is a common matchup, Rogue is likely to do well because they can just steal the board with this. Odd Rogues would love it in that situation. But as soon as control starts being a decent portion of the meta, this is close to a dead card. And if ever weapon Rogues become the dominant force, there's always weapon removal to keep them in check. All in all, pretty well designed and balanced card.
Really powerful, but balanced out by being Legendary. If murloc decks need to catch up on board and this is their only out, they may end up not being consistent enough to be good.
Now I might be wrong on this one, but I do believe that that right there is a whole lot of healing.
Edit: Well, now it's half of a whole lot of healing.
Yikes. Gives Secret Mages a taste of their own medicine. Don't think it's going to stop them though, the secrets remain in play to screw you over and they actually play around their own secrets better than most opponents can against theirs: they eat a Counterspell by discounting their own secret with Kirin Tor Mage, so they still got a 4/3 for 3 out of the deal, eat an explosive runes with Kirin Tor Mage or Mad Scientist to still get a free secret, ignore Rigged Faire Game because they go face all the time...only Flame Ward can really hurt them, and that's a one-of.