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lMarcusl's Comments

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Well...Reno Warlock WAS a known deck. It hasn't been in the meta for a while, actually pretty much since the Raza unnerf. So while yes, it was a deck long ago (then again, what wasn't in Wild?), what the deck would look like now and what cards it may use to combat what's currently in the meta might be rather new and interesting to see. It would require, of course, that someone seriously experiment with the deck and have enough results to report to make the deck worth featuring. If a random theorycraft were to pop up here then I might as well obviously throw a Renolock together myself; it's more of the tested, refined, "weathered" lists that I would love to see highlighted. Which, granted, might be few and far between. I may not be the only person to experiment with homebrews out there but we are in the minority.

    But I also think, to mirror your argument, that pretty much anyone can throw together some Mark McKz 8 card combo and get a win with it after 2 hours of trying at Silver. I don't think that level of meme is highlight worthy, at least not worthy of the one time a week that Wild gets a mention.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    As much as I dislike netdecking and conforming to the meta, I do kinda wish these sporadic Wild highlights were a bit more representative of the format, or there was one of these more fun community highlights and one of the more serious ones. I can almost guarantee you're not gonna find much success with stuff like the Rin OTK in the current Wild. But I would be curious to see some interesting takes on, say, Reno Warlock with Archwitch Willow, or whatever Hunters get up to these days. Essentially a middle ground between what's the meta, which doesn't really need highlighting cause you can play the game and see what's out there, and what's a straight rank 10 gold meme.

    I know I'll get downvoted to hell for this, and I mean no disrespect to the deck creators or the people picking these decks. But as a Wild only player, these really don't bring much to the table for me, cause they're far too off from viability.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    A potential way to nerf Res Priest, if Blizzard is adamant about leaving the resurrection mechanics intact, would be to simply give more classes more tools to deal with what Res Priest is doing, or better yet, just create some good neutral answers to them. Sure you can play Tinkmaster to counter them, but Tinkmaster is such a bad card in every other circumstance that you'll just never want to run it. Primarily because it picks random targets. If there was a neutral way to just transform a targeted minion, like silence that, instead of removing the text from a card, just turns a card into a blank token with the same stats, the problem would solve itself. If you hit a Vargoth, it becomes just a 2/6 token. When resurrected, all they get is the stats, none of the abilities, since the original Vargoth didn't die, it was transformed. Hell, you could probably make an expensive battlecry minion that does that to the whole board as well, like turns them into golems or statues or something. Suddenly, whenever Res Priest rears its ugly head, you have the tools to bonk it down in any control deck you want to play, you're no longer limited to strictly Shaman, Mage or Priest. Essentially, give us the same tools they gave us to Jade Druid (Skulking Geist) and they can leave the original mechanic and deck intact. The meta will just autoregulate because if ever Res Priest becomes too big of a threat, decks will tech in to counter it so it can never be dominant.

    As for just nerfing the entire res mechanic, which has been suggested many times, I don't think they should do that, because there's a lot of collateral damage. Bloodreaver Guldan, Kerenthad, N'Zoth, Hadronox...there are a lot of perfectly fine resurrection cards that would get hit undesirably if, say, you could only resurrect each minion once, or minions retain the stats with which they were summoned (so cards like Twilight's Call or Zerek's Cloning Gallery would actually potentially wreck your N'Zoth resurrects). Those decks don't need to be touched to pay for Res Priest's sins.

    In reply to Priest and Resurrect
  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I'd have to ask you the same thing, cause Res Priests have still been very much around all this time. You'd have to play very little hearthstone to literally never see one since that nerf. That's been ages ago, I find that hard to believe.  They're just not as popular as they used to be. They generally tended to hang around certain specific rank ranges along the climb (old rank 5 was infested with them) but with the new ranked system where matchups are determined by your MMR, you can run into them pretty much anywhere. You CAN, you just don't as often as in the past.

    In reply to Priest and Resurrect
  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I'd be with you on the un-fun part, not so much on the "increasingly" part. Given the current meta, Priest barely gets a word in cause they lack the tools to clear the insane early boards many decks generate in Scholomance. Should some nerfs happen to those early boards, I'd still say, as much as I dislike Res Priest, that Raza Priest is a bigger problem. Playing Control against Res Priest is doable, you do need some specific ways to deal with them (ways to transform or steal minions) but they do exist and they can be outcontrolled. Not by every class but by some. Issue is, there's no way you're playing control when Raza Priest exists, because that's a pretty much 100 % loss for you as control.

    When the meta is such that control decks can thrive (aggro isn't too fast), that's a meta where Raza Priest can thrive. And Raza Priest will just straight up beat all other control out of the meta as long as it exists. Unnerfing Raza was a mistake IMO. If you're ok with Raza, then you can rejoice in the fact that it's just better than Res Priest, and will tend to crowd it out on ladder. I've spent the better part of this week laddering to legend and saw a grand total of 1 Res Priest. Cubelocks are barely a thing as well. It's all balls to the walls aggro, Quest Mage or Druid OTK, some poor guys trying to make Shaman relevant, and the rest is all Raza Priests.

    In reply to Priest and Resurrect
  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    So after grinding my ass off trying to break into Legend with Priest this season, I finally cracked, waved it goodbye and switched to Odd Warrior, which got me there in like 8 games (compared to Priest which has been going 50/50 for me for 3 days now). Here are my candidates for what needs fixing, in no particular order:

    1) Kael'thas Sunstrider. Combos are fine. Combos that end you turn 7-8 are not. One of the reasons I gave up on the Priest, despite the deck running Mindrender Illucia AND Dirty Rat, was that in the 10 or so games I queued up against OTK, I never ever drew either of them. Obviously, that's RNG for you. The issue is there's just so little time to draw those answers. If you don't get them in your top half of the deck, you're done. And the main culprit is Kael'thas. The Mechathun combo itself shouldn't even be possible, because there is no reason for Kael'thas to count how many spells have been played when he's not even on the board. Kael should work like Chenvaala or Dragon Soul: only count down while in play. So if a Druid Biology Projects + Lightning Blooms him out, they still have to play 3 spells to trigger him. And Mechathun doesn't get to do its bullshit at all in this manner. There are other ways to pull the combo off if you're that into it. The fact that the nerf to Bloodbloom actually made the deck better is outrageous (though obviously, that was not the target for the nerf). Also, obviously, Kael's effect should work only once a turn. Do that, and he's a perfectly fine card. Hell, you could probably unnerf him to 6.

    2) Gibberling: Knew it when that card was revealed, there's no way this thing can stay the way it is. Even nerfing it to two mana is too little I think. Druids are currently perfectly capable of essentially sealing the game turn 3, especially if going second. You could say that's a bit of a highroll, but it's been happening with astonishing consistency in my experience. And the worst part is, there is essentially nothing that clears those boards. Not even Warrior or Priest or Mage has a way to clear a board of double-buffed Gibberlings on turn 3, yet that's exactly what the deck's gameplan is. And that's just not on.

    3) Suicide Warlock: Not sure which card exactly to target there. Maybe it's Darkglare, cause even if you nerf the Flesh Giant, Molten Giant still does the same thing to you. Granted, I've only played against the deck a handful of times, but every time it ended the same: Turn 5, there's 32 damage on the board and all my answers have been Loatheb'd. The deck should not be able to tank its health this fast, draw almost everything in its deck and do so for 0 mana, and it's Darkglare that's the enabler for all of it. Darkglare and Raise Dead providing you a free unnerfed innervate plus extra self damage + card draw off the [Hearthstone Card (Raise Deads) Not Found] to just keep going can't stay the way it is. Midrange decks already essentially don't exist in Wild, and if a Warlock can polish off a game by turn 5, it's no wonder that's going to stay the case. Hell, even the hated Demon Hunters can't get a word in in this meta, cause between Suicide Lock, Discard Lock and Token Druid, they're too slow. DH...too slow. What in the world?

    4) This is more of an honourable mention and it has nothing to do with Scholomance specifically, but I'm just throwing it out there, even though I actually play some heavily modified and memed up versions of those decks: Raza unnerf was a mistake, and Quest Mage still needs slowing down. There is currently pretty much no control in the meta from what I've seen other than Raza Priest, because just like back in the day, all Control decks become irrelevant when Raza Priest exists. The only success a control deck can find currently is farming aggro decks and just accepting mandatory losses against Priests and all OTKs (that's how my Odd Warrior got me to legend). And these anti-aggro decks aren't even really control in the strict sense of the word. There's little end-game to be found because there is no time for end-game. You either die early or you die turn 8. You just get to pick one you shore up your deck against and accept losses against the rest. There'd be a lot more gameplay variety if those two decks took a big hit, even if Raza is the only thing Priest has going for it these days.

    And yes, I'm not mentioning Lightning Bloom because if Kael takes a hit, Lightning Bloom isn't even that big of a problem compared to the rest. Not even hyper aggro Shamans with Lightning Blooms are able to keep up with token Druids, Pirate Warriors and Discard Locks. Take Lightning Bloom away and Shaman's got nothing. Even Shaman has been falling off and Big Shaman is often dead before their first minion.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I'd be up for nerfing Kael'thas as follows: The third spell you cast each turn costs 0 (means it only works once a turn, will put a stop to some really stupid shenanigans in Wild). Also Kael's effect would only count when he's on the board, so if you play two spells to ramp up to playing him, you're at 0/3 for his effect. Also wrecks Mechathun Warlock which consistently wins around turn 8 if you're playing anything remotely controlly.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I mean, you upgrade this with Greenskin once and it's 20 damage over the course of the weapon's life span. Issue is, the life span is so long that your opponent is bound to wall up eventually if they're control and you'll end up in a position where you can't win anymore.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Looks interesting on paper but underwhelming in practice. If you want to spam big spells for cheap you can do so repeatedly with Kael'thas. This essentially says that for 2 cards (it and the cheap spell you're about to play after) you get to have a free 5/4 on the board. It doesn't even come close to Kun in terms of combo potential, since Aviana + Innervate + Kun gets you all the mana in the world and essentially free minions for 3 cards. If you were to try that with this, you'd need Aviana + Innervate + this + another 0 mana spell to get your refresh. At 6 mana, Imprisoned Satyr can't make this free so you can't even play it before Aviana either.

    Overall, Spellburst really reminds me of Inspire. All the cards that have it essentially cost more mana to play because trying to stick them for a whole turn to get your payoff is very risky. And then, when you add up all the prerequisites (enough mana, cheap spell in hand, proper conditions for the Spellburst to be effective) it just ends up not being worth the cost. Considering it's an entire set's core mechanic, it's gonna be pretty meh for Wild. I have yet to find a single card I'd be excited to play or build around. About the only exception is the glacially-slow "immortal" legendary for Warrior, which is still more fun than practical.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Glad to see DH get something else besides brainless aggro, but kinda wish it was more viable. Granted, DH does have that beefed up Voidcaller-style thing at 6 mana, question is whether there are enough sizeable demons to make that atrocity worth playing.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Meh. This card is only really good when your Buff Paladin is already firing on all cylinders. If you're playing this for cheap, you're already doing well, i.e. this is win-more. If you're in the more likely situation of having trouble sticking a minion to play your buffs on, this is another very expensive minion that doesn't help get you going.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    So what you're saying is....I get to play a 7 mana do nothing. C-cool. I guess.

    This is a moist piece of trash. Only good if you're on even footing/ahead against a control deck that somehow doesn't have a way to remove this the very next turn. They're a control deck. They do. You get one random card from their deck, potentially at a discount, to make up for the fact you played this. At which point I have to wonder...wouldn't you be better off with essentially any discover card, so that you have actual control over what you get? And you wouldn't have to pay 7 for the privilege of getting a discount. You're paying extra...to get a discount. And you don't even get to take advantage of whatever you get until a turn later. IF it's even a thing you wanted in the first place. And that's in the ideal matchup. Against aggro or combo this might as well be a War Golem.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Finally, a Demon Hunter card that won't require 8 nerfs and won't be the most infuriating thing in the world to play against. I am so thankful that this is in no way a better version of Divine Favour, which, in itself, was never an unfair or overpowered card.


    There's no way this card is good for the game. Encourages the same dumb shit Divine Favour did, except instead of just rewarding you for dumping your hand ASAP, it also punishes your opponent for playing a slower deck than your brainless aggro...so really it just punishes your opponent for playing, period.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I hope the introduction of dual class cards pans out better than it did with the tri-class cards in Gadgetzan. Cause boy did failed multi-class mechanics drag down the classes saddled with them. The only one of the Goons classes that survived that power-level massacre was Warrior because screw handbuffing, we got Pirates up in here. And the mechanics that worked out (singleton, Jade Shaman/Druid) made the game feel samey as hell. Every Mage/Warlock/Priest was the same controlly shit with minor card variations (Reno and Kazakus potions were the most impactful cards for the outcome of the game and those stayed constant between the classes) and the only difference between Shaman and Druid was which flavour of green dudes they played: Midrange or Control?

    I was kinda hoping they learned their lesson from that. Even if this isn't a complete "tri-class mechanic", if these cards are good enough, they'll appear in both classes all the time. Think "strong neutrals but stronger because class specific". That'll get old fast when 1/5th of the decks you face run the same shit. And that's assuming equal popularity for all classes. It'll more likely be more like 1/4th.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Oh I was around from the start. That doesn't excuse Blizzard's lack of QoL/laziness. They rake in millions off this game, squeeze more out of people by making them pay extra for Battlegrounds perks they've conveniently taken away from them and they can't even get off their asses to do the bare minimum for their Wild players by adding some convenience to game modes. That things were handled even more poorly previously does not excuse current shortcomings.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    No wild decks allowed and no extra deckbuilding slot. Like, seriously? First they don't include deck slots for demon hunter and now I have to delete decks to even clear quests?

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    And it will likely still suck because every hero that is tied to a single tribe inevitably lives or dies by their ability to get that tribe going ASAP. Which is entirely dependent on randomness and outside of your control.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    There are already threads about this on Bug Reports so they're aware. Hope it gets fixed promptly so the quest doesn't just sit in my quest log. Already completed the entire advanture before the quest appeared and now I'm stuck with it like many others.

    In reply to Legendary Quest Woes
  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    That seems like a really bad idea to me. There are minions in the game that are good and useful outside of their tribe that will just end up getting randomly cut out of the pool. Menagerie is already a highly inconsistent strategy and revolves a lot around both whether you can get the appropriate buff engines and the appropriate minions to buff. Now imagine trying menagerie when Cave Hydra is out of the picture. How much harder is it going to be to make this underpowered composition work? Similarly, you don't need to play a dragon build to want the 2/1 Divine Shield Reborn guy for your Divine Shield/Menagerie line up. You don't need to play Demons but Mal'ganis can be useful if you happen to be playing Baz'hial. You'd appreciate a Cave Hydra if you're Putricide. It's one of the few cards that make his hero power have some value. Etc etc. Essentially, the underpowered heroes that benefit at least a bit from various cute synergies will likely end up becoming even weaker when some of those synergies are unavailable, so the heroes that already steamroll the early turns through some busted early advantages will become that much stronger in comparison. And even though you'll know what is and isn't available at the start of the game, that doesn't make it much better when your picks are between Putricide and Wagtoggle and you know Beasts are out of the picture.

  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 388 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    If the bananas cost 0 for Warrior, if Shaman had a built-in way to generate cards (say every second portal you play gives you another portal) and didn't lose board space, if Druid's spells were discounted by 1 and his minions had +1/+1, we might have an actual decent game mode there. But as it stands, these brawls being so terribly underpowered, combined with the randomness of deck generation (Rogue gets guaranteed all spells, Warrior can have half his deck consists of spells and Fool's Banes), this Brawl is playable with about half the classes.

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