Hey, folks! In this thread, I want to present the idea for a new keyword:
Basically, it's the exact opposite of Taunt. If your opponent has a minion with cower, and another without, you MUST attack the one without first. And before anyone asks:
If you have a minion with both Taunt and Cower, they cancel each other out, so it's like not having either.
Yes, this was inspired by Mythgard's Lurker.
The best kind of cards you want with this keyword are those with triggered or end/start of turn effects. Here's a few cards I made:
And now, for the piece of ressitence:
Poor Wilfred. Ever since he accidentally summoned an EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION and barely surviving with his life, he's never been the same. Sure's he's still summoning Demons, but he's limiting himself so small, easy to control ones.
I wanted to create a hero with the keyword, but the effect itself isn't worth much IMHO, but a cheap hero like that would pretty much kill Aggro, and I don't want that. So I gave him the board swarm in the battlecry.
Best part? He actually has crazy synergy with [Hearthstone Card (Lord Jarraxus) Not Found]. Yeah, remember him? Probably not, since Bloodreaver Gul'dan replaced him entirely, and when him rotated, Zephrys the Great came along. Granted, Fizzleband doesn't solve the latter problem, but if you play Lord J after him, your Hero Power (yes, I know I forgot to write it on mine) basically creates a 6/6 pseudo-Taunt.
In any case, I hope you folks enjoyed this little taught experiment. Have a nice day!
Stats and cost might need tweaking. A clarification: If your hand is something like Deathrattle minion, spell, this, weapon, Deathrattle minion, when you play this, it doesn't gain any effect.
If anyone wants any feedback, will try to offer some during or after work today.
Both Mythgard and Gwent (and probably others) have the option to give a "thumbs up" at the end of the game. If both players give the the thumbs up, you both get a little something in return. If one of them doesn't, neither gets anything. The idea is that, if you're a jerk to your opponent, you loose on bonus.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think those are just examples of work the new artists they hired can do. Which is a shame, because THAT'S AN ANGEL MADE OF HANDS!
My money for the first expansion's theme is still on agriculture.
Hey, folks! I'm going to use this thread to show my progress, mainly whenever I hit 100% on a given rarity. This should be a good indicator of how F2P friendly the game is. Here's my investment in the game at the time of writing:
Almost 110 hours of playtime.
20 packs bought with the 10$ starter bundle.
13 packs bought with money (it would be 16 without the gems I spent on the ice board :P).
~ 15-20 packs from giveaway.
~ 10-15 chests averaging 2 packs each (stats pulled out of my butt).
Or double [Hearthstone Card (Armoursmith) Not Found] if the enemy minion has high health. Does it count as "taking damage" if it's on 1 Health?
People seem to forget Commanding Shout is a card that exists.
Conjurer's Calling?
I'm pretty sure the gems are just a reference to the colors of the Secrets for the other classes.
I could've sworn it was. For Warlock, too! I'm dumb.
Wait... Does the Overseer nerf apply to the regular card as well?
Better question: why nerf it at all?
No card draw anymore.
The HP thing is actually in-game. It's the little eye in the far left of the board, right on the middle.
I can already hear the sweat going down the poor intern's neck that'll have to syncronise all that crap, haha!
Hey, folks! In this thread, I want to present the idea for a new keyword:
Basically, it's the exact opposite of Taunt. If your opponent has a minion with cower, and another without, you MUST attack the one without first. And before anyone asks:
The best kind of cards you want with this keyword are those with triggered or end/start of turn effects. Here's a few cards I made:
And now, for the piece of ressitence:
Poor Wilfred. Ever since he accidentally summoned an EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION and barely surviving with his life, he's never been the same. Sure's he's still summoning Demons, but he's limiting himself so small, easy to control ones.
I wanted to create a hero with the keyword, but the effect itself isn't worth much IMHO, but a cheap hero like that would pretty much kill Aggro, and I don't want that. So I gave him the board swarm in the battlecry.
Best part? He actually has crazy synergy with [Hearthstone Card (Lord Jarraxus) Not Found]. Yeah, remember him? Probably not, since Bloodreaver Gul'dan replaced him entirely, and when him rotated, Zephrys the Great came along. Granted, Fizzleband doesn't solve the latter problem, but if you play Lord J after him, your Hero Power (yes, I know I forgot to write it on mine) basically creates a 6/6 pseudo-Taunt.
In any case, I hope you folks enjoyed this little taught experiment. Have a nice day!
Twilight Guardian
Minion that gains stats and/or keywords when played if a condition is met.
Up Next:
We are not prepared...
... What import button?
I miss him... (please ignore the typo)
Up next:
First idea:
Stats and cost might need tweaking. A clarification: If your hand is something like Deathrattle minion, spell, this, weapon, Deathrattle minion, when you play this, it doesn't gain any effect.
If anyone wants any feedback, will try to offer some during or after work today.
Every time, EVERY TIME there's a weekend event of any kind for a video game I go visit my folks, and leave my computer at home. UGH!
How the game doing after the... abandonment?
Both Mythgard and Gwent (and probably others) have the option to give a "thumbs up" at the end of the game. If both players give the the thumbs up, you both get a little something in return. If one of them doesn't, neither gets anything. The idea is that, if you're a jerk to your opponent, you loose on bonus.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think those are just examples of work the new artists they hired can do. Which is a shame, because THAT'S AN ANGEL MADE OF HANDS!
My money for the first expansion's theme is still on agriculture.
Hey, folks! I'm going to use this thread to show my progress, mainly whenever I hit 100% on a given rarity. This should be a good indicator of how F2P friendly the game is. Here's my investment in the game at the time of writing:
And here's my completion rate: