Aye, it's been around for a while now, but it never reached serious meta viability (too vulnerable to Aggro and Burn), so it doesn't really appear that often.
Lots of interesting stuff this year in HS, Zephrys the Great marking the highest pinnacle of card design in HS ever. and a great summary here!
However, let me be unpopular, and remark how stupidly broken cards were printed this year, namely Arcane Flakmage and the buff to Crystology (on top of already problematic Galvanizer).
Making Burn decks resilient to Token, and giving Card Draw to Aggro: this is how you UNNECESSARILY break historical auto-checks for the respective archetypes, making the meta experience in Wild sub-optimal, much worse than it could and should be.
Using a classic RPG jargon, 2019 was a high intellect year for the devs, but I wish 2020 brings more wisdom.
A new Wild policy, that does not necessarily include spot nerfs. A better card AND mechanic design policy that avoids flaws (eg restricting how you reach (0) on cards, how you can Mutate insane amounts of mana, etc).
Connected to #1, more and better TECH cards, even if useless for Standard, but acting as positive nerfs in Wild.
Permanent Brawliseum (with one free entrance per week) acting as soft Tournament mode. Standard and Wild. To soften the grind of ladder, while keeping the challenge of competitive Constructed.
Sure, as some said, Achievements.
Buff the disenchant gain of common and rares to 10 and 50, respectively (to match 1/4 of their cost).
This card is not as cheesy as it appears, even in Odd Paladin.
But it is powerful.
Thing is, it takes at least two turns to be completed, and your opponent can try and clear the board in between, minimizing the bonus.
However, one can always plan ahead, according to guessing, and managing resources optimally (similarly to how you would calculate for Steward of Darkshire).
Basically, this Sidequest could revamp Odd Paladin, while also making it more interesting to play.
I am currently trying a list with Beaming Sidekick and Fungalmancer in order to make my minions as sticky as possible.
After adjusting Even Hunter and Quest Mage with new cards that substantially improved their viability, i am currently toying around with various Druid decks.
From Ramp Even Druid, to Highlander Dragon Druid.
I also tried Treant Druid, but it feels sadly underpowered compared to other Aggro decks in Wild: once you lose initiative, it's game over.
-> Currently playing with Embiggen Pirate Druid and having a blast with it (when you actually draw embiggen).
Even improving the pity timer, say from 40 to 30, we have so many legendariesper release that your chances to drop a card you couldn't care less about would still be pretty high.
I actually think the dust income from commons and rares should be adjusted to 1/4 of their crafting cost. At that point buying packs is more rewarding, and you end up with more dust to craft that fancy legendary card you really wanted.
Well, historically only few classes are actually capable of building solid Control decks.
So you can't expect Hunter or Rogue to build Control decks: it's going to be Midrange at best.
Other classes have Control builds on cyclical terms, like Mage and Warlock.
So, if you are not playing them, you are bound to build Tempo decks that attempt to fight toe-to-toe against Aggro, without expecting to sit on a big hand while clearing the board every turn.
But it's always been this way (or worse, with unnerfed PW and Face Hunter). On the other hand, the nerf to CW is pretty recent still.
Finally, Control decks are the hardest to refine after an expansion release. Even moreso if given expansion includes broken stuff to be nerfed 1 week from release...
Indeed, Teamrankstar also rates this archetype as the new top tier deck in Wild.
Good side of it is that it's not an unbeatable deck, nor a disgustingly easy-to-play-deck (so misplays help at keeping it in check, meta-wise).
Gratz on Legend.
Delaying the Brawl with no further notification looks like they left the intern guy taking care of the whole thing while they went on holiday...
Aye, it's been around for a while now, but it never reached serious meta viability (too vulnerable to Aggro and Burn), so it doesn't really appear that often.
I dusted all of them, EXCEPT Faceless Corruptor.
The card is still obviously OP, despite the nerf.
Lots of interesting stuff this year in HS, Zephrys the Great marking the highest pinnacle of card design in HS ever. and a great summary here!
However, let me be unpopular, and remark how stupidly broken cards were printed this year, namely Arcane Flakmage and the buff to Crystology (on top of already problematic Galvanizer).
Making Burn decks resilient to Token, and giving Card Draw to Aggro: this is how you UNNECESSARILY break historical auto-checks for the respective archetypes, making the meta experience in Wild sub-optimal, much worse than it could and should be.
Using a classic RPG jargon, 2019 was a high intellect year for the devs, but I wish 2020 brings more wisdom.
Not really, in the high Wild ranks, where Chenvaala is more like a soft taunt against a seriously aggressive meta.
Replaceable with Fire Fly.
May your hearth be always warm!
This card is not as cheesy as it appears, even in Odd Paladin.
But it is powerful.
Thing is, it takes at least two turns to be completed, and your opponent can try and clear the board in between, minimizing the bonus.
However, one can always plan ahead, according to guessing, and managing resources optimally (similarly to how you would calculate for Steward of Darkshire).
Basically, this Sidequest could revamp Odd Paladin, while also making it more interesting to play.
I am currently trying a list with Beaming Sidekick and Fungalmancer in order to make my minions as sticky as possible.
Exactly the same experience as mine.
The deck is seriously powerful, but inconsistent.
I think it needs some cheap draw spell at the very least, similarly to how Mechadin uses Crystology.
I wonder if she's a prelude character to the next year-expansion, given the video...
Hopefully, Faceless Corruptor will be nerfed again.
Still too strong for a Neutral card.
It's so bad to be forced to include a card in a deck just because it is so over the top...
We're gonna have a 2nd nerf patch in a month...
I do hope it is real.
At that point they could also unnerf Conjurer's Calling.
I guess they are not entirely sure about the full list of nerfs.
They realised Shaman was broken (it was so obvious), but they are probably wondering about more nerf targets.
I built an auto-complete Druid deck.
Guess what? I faced a mirror deck!
That' REALLY odd.
Talking from Wild here.
-> Currently playing with Embiggen Pirate Druid and having a blast with it (when you actually draw embiggen).
Even improving the pity timer, say from 40 to 30, we have so many legendariesper release that your chances to drop a card you couldn't care less about would still be pretty high.
I actually think the dust income from commons and rares should be adjusted to 1/4 of their crafting cost. At that point buying packs is more rewarding, and you end up with more dust to craft that fancy legendary card you really wanted.
Well, historically only few classes are actually capable of building solid Control decks.
So you can't expect Hunter or Rogue to build Control decks: it's going to be Midrange at best.
Other classes have Control builds on cyclical terms, like Mage and Warlock.
So, if you are not playing them, you are bound to build Tempo decks that attempt to fight toe-to-toe against Aggro, without expecting to sit on a big hand while clearing the board every turn.
But it's always been this way (or worse, with unnerfed PW and Face Hunter). On the other hand, the nerf to CW is pretty recent still.
Finally, Control decks are the hardest to refine after an expansion release. Even moreso if given expansion includes broken stuff to be nerfed 1 week from release...