Personally, I am all against cartoony characters, but this is just a card.
Also, Faerie Dragon is cartoonish just as much. I mean, a magic frog with batterfly wings. And as if it wasn't ridiculous enough, deemed a Dragon. Eh...
Sometimes the deck whiffs badly, but when you can get it right, and you plan/pilot correctly, it can beat nearly anything. Which is surprising for an off-meta Priest in Wild.
As for myself in this thread, today I met a Warlock playing an infinite SN1P-SN4P turn. Full board of big bodies on turn 7 or something. I guess he was already tasting the smell of overpowering victory against me.
- Naga Sea Witch didn´t have that big winrate, but she was nerfed because It wasn´t fun to lose against that combo.
Instead, playing and losing against Big Priest and Darkest Hour Warlock is very fun and we deserve them in the meta...
As for the next expansion, I bet on something Titan-related, Uldum, Uldir, or a new one, but similar. And I expect both Sir Finley Mrrgglton and Reno Jackson to be reprinted into new versions of themselves. Maybe Brann Bronzebeard too.
Personally, not something strictly HS related. I mean, where I live HS is too niche, so basically the meaningfulness of the tatoo would be wasted.
Some arts in HS are very cool tho, and may be good candidates for tatoos that are more generic and aesthetically appreciated, even without game references.
Either way, I'm just too unstable to ever get a tatoo that could represent me on its own, without myself regretting it in time and wishing a different picture or symbol, instead...
I'm also incredibly scared it would not look as i imagined. I couldn't stand that.
So Hunter confirmed as the most popular class in the meta, yet Rogue seems to be able to resist, despite the nerfs. But I guess Rogue players knew that already.
What do you think? Do you see more margin of development after the mid-term buffs? Or are we approaching staleness already, no matter what?
Personally, I am all against cartoony characters, but this is just a card.
Also, Faerie Dragon is cartoonish just as much. I mean, a magic frog with batterfly wings. And as if it wasn't ridiculous enough, deemed a Dragon. Eh...
Not a bad card, but nobody would ever use it in a Constructed deck.
This is an intriguing card. Possibly the cheap version of Arch-Villain Rafaam in Zoolock, and/or some Midrange Demonlock.
Not sure it can find room in Wild.
Dust card.
Questing Adventurer is just better. And that says it all.
Sweet card.
This is the kind of tech cards we deserve.
In Wild, this might be either a bummer, or a god tier card...
The more I think about it, the more I am convinced Devolve should be a neutral card...
Brightwing is a Faerie Dragon.
So, it seems they finally accepted my reiterated suggestion of applying mid-term mini-expansions.
Good news everyone!
Well, it's a Basic, so it's ok.
But the card is pretty bad nonetheless.
It could potentially fit a Miracle deck, but it's sheer survival, not versatile enough...
The same as in my signature: Deck ID Not Found
Sometimes the deck whiffs badly, but when you can get it right, and you plan/pilot correctly, it can beat nearly anything. Which is surprising for an off-meta Priest in Wild.
As for myself in this thread, today I met a Warlock playing an infinite SN1P-SN4P turn. Full board of big bodies on turn 7 or something. I guess he was already tasting the smell of overpowering victory against me.
I had Mass Dispel in hand, plus Wild Pyromancer comboes ready...
- Naga Sea Witch didn´t have that big winrate, but she was nerfed because It wasn´t fun to lose against that combo.
Instead, playing and losing against Big Priest and Darkest Hour Warlock is very fun and we deserve them in the meta...
As for the next expansion, I bet on something Titan-related, Uldum, Uldir, or a new one, but similar. And I expect both Sir Finley Mrrgglton and Reno Jackson to be reprinted into new versions of themselves. Maybe Brann Bronzebeard too.
Once I saw Kovachut stripping a Big Priest from all dignity with a Thief Priest.
I guess it's even better with this update into Scryer Priest.
Personally, not something strictly HS related. I mean, where I live HS is too niche, so basically the meaningfulness of the tatoo would be wasted.
Some arts in HS are very cool tho, and may be good candidates for tatoos that are more generic and aesthetically appreciated, even without game references.
Either way, I'm just too unstable to ever get a tatoo that could represent me on its own, without myself regretting it in time and wishing a different picture or symbol, instead...
I'm also incredibly scared it would not look as i imagined. I couldn't stand that.
In case you missed it:
So Hunter confirmed as the most popular class in the meta, yet Rogue seems to be able to resist, despite the nerfs. But I guess Rogue players knew that already.
What do you think? Do you see more margin of development after the mid-term buffs? Or are we approaching staleness already, no matter what?
I'm pretty sure the buff to Extra Arms helped a lot.
Now the deck is more consistent with a Tempo strategy.
Houndmaster Shaw looks pretty steampunk in this deck. :P
What about a Mark of the Wild or a Mark of the Loa for Pyromancer stickiness?
I guess this is how Gul'dan started his career in Draenor? :P
Grommash Hellscream in a competitive deck is always a great feat.