Wasteland Assassin (3): Decent 5 drop. Stealth and Reborn make it very sticky, so chances are you will trade into what you want to trade at least once. For now im being a bit skeptical and looking at it as an average minion for the mana cost, but i would not be surprised, if it ended up performing better than i give it credit for.
hand buff taunt zoo is coming - thanks RandomGuy =D
This is why they keep me around :-p
EDIT: I initially thought this was a Warrior Class card. Holy shit, neutral! This card is REALLY good. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes one of the most played cards in the set.
It is actually kinda shit for anything but hand buff decks, very slow card that costs you tempo. Maybe it can help with Mountain Giant, so warrior/pally decks can throw those in just cause, if those would be easy to reduce to 4-5 mana consistently, who knows.
it doesn't really cost you that much tempo, just 1/1 stats. But look at all the synergies it has. It does a lot of little things that make it worthy of consideration in a bunch of different types of decks. Tokens for token decks. Card generation for Mountain giant decks and hand buff decks. Deathrattle for deathrattle decks. Beasts for beast decks.
I feel like this is the type of card where you're looking for a 29th and 30th card, and you see this and think, "yeh, that could probably work here."
Maybe, but im a bit skeptical about this one in that regard.
hand buff taunt zoo is coming - thanks RandomGuy =D
This is why they keep me around :-p
EDIT: I initially thought this was a Warrior Class card. Holy shit, neutral! This card is REALLY good. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes one of the most played cards in the set.
It is actually kinda shit for anything but hand buff decks, very slow card that costs you tempo. Maybe it can help with Mountain Giant, so warrior/pally decks can throw those in just cause, if those would be easy to reduce to 4-5 mana consistently, who knows.
Certainly looks like it, Blizzard is no stranger to pop culture references, so very well might had been requested to look close enough like Shaggy :) Maybe once we see the flavor text, we can know more :)
Infested Goblin (3): It is a taunt, so there is that. And it generates more taunts, even tho shitty ones. Could be ok for rogue to trigger combo, or for warrior/paladin with hand buffs. For anyone else probably just an average minion at best.
Pressure Plate (3): Conditional Deadly Shot for one less mana. Secret aspect adds some value too, but it can be played around arguably easily enough, so i dont think this will perform very well. But it should trade for a card most of the time, so yeah.
Into the Fray (5): One time effect of Armagedillo. Problem is, this can be a dead card for most of the game. If you draft a lot of taunts, this could be worth considering, but id argue most of the time the other two options will serve you better.
Diseased Vulture (1): Good 4-drop on its own with a sick effect. Even as a "6 drop" with your hero power to guarantee one proc is a pretty good play. This card will provide some serious value.
Neferset Ritualist (2): Regular 2-drop with a great effect. Healing your minions makes it that your opponent has to spend even more resources to deal with them, generating value for you. Just imagine how many times did Hozen Healer make your life miserable, this is even better.
Anubisath Warbringer (3): The effect is super powerful, but it comes pretty late in the game and playing this minion is a pretty big tempo loss. It just might be worth it in the end, but only time will tell.
I recently got the "Explorer's Kit" achievement. What is that?
Achievements are not officially out yet. You get the points and the notifications for them, but thats about it. I believe Flux is planning to reset them anyway once we have the full release.
Good effort, im interested to see which class can end up with a deck like this in the end :)
Locking the thread then, to make a clean transition ;-)
1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Average, 4=Poor, 5=Terrible
Wasteland Assassin (3): Decent 5 drop. Stealth and Reborn make it very sticky, so chances are you will trade into what you want to trade at least once. For now im being a bit skeptical and looking at it as an average minion for the mana cost, but i would not be surprised, if it ended up performing better than i give it credit for.
Thats what i do :D I hoard so much art for custom cards, never gonna use all that, but you know ... what if i needed that :)))
All of the above. Depends on a card. They said so many times in interviews ;-)
Yup, we know about that. Will be fixed eventually. But thanks for reporting ;-)
Maybe, but im a bit skeptical about this one in that regard.
It is actually kinda shit for anything but hand buff decks, very slow card that costs you tempo. Maybe it can help with Mountain Giant, so warrior/pally decks can throw those in just cause, if those would be easy to reduce to 4-5 mana consistently, who knows.
Certainly looks like it, Blizzard is no stranger to pop culture references, so very well might had been requested to look close enough like Shaggy :) Maybe once we see the flavor text, we can know more :)
Scooby-doo, where are you?
1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Average, 4=Poor, 5=Terrible
Infested Goblin (3): It is a taunt, so there is that. And it generates more taunts, even tho shitty ones. Could be ok for rogue to trigger combo, or for warrior/paladin with hand buffs. For anyone else probably just an average minion at best.
Frightened Flunky (1): Frostwolf Grunt that lets you discover another taunt? Very good card.
1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Average, 4=Poor, 5=Terrible
Pressure Plate (3): Conditional Deadly Shot for one less mana. Secret aspect adds some value too, but it can be played around arguably easily enough, so i dont think this will perform very well. But it should trade for a card most of the time, so yeah.
I see what you did there :D
I like this idea a lot. The overview charts could also be a nice reference for when ppl create custom classes/expansions as well.
This card looks super strong. I guess Warlock finally got its signature 4-drop that can fit in any deck.
More stuff for Heal Druid, yay!
1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Average, 4=Poor, 5=Terrible
Into the Fray (5): One time effect of Armagedillo. Problem is, this can be a dead card for most of the game. If you draft a lot of taunts, this could be worth considering, but id argue most of the time the other two options will serve you better.
1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Average, 4=Poor, 5=Terrible
Diseased Vulture (1): Good 4-drop on its own with a sick effect. Even as a "6 drop" with your hero power to guarantee one proc is a pretty good play. This card will provide some serious value.
Neferset Ritualist (2): Regular 2-drop with a great effect. Healing your minions makes it that your opponent has to spend even more resources to deal with them, generating value for you. Just imagine how many times did Hozen Healer make your life miserable, this is even better.
Anubisath Warbringer (3): The effect is super powerful, but it comes pretty late in the game and playing this minion is a pretty big tempo loss. It just might be worth it in the end, but only time will tell.
Achievements are not officially out yet. You get the points and the notifications for them, but thats about it. I believe Flux is planning to reset them anyway once we have the full release.