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  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Probably something busted that you can do with this, but it requires a few too many moving pieces for me come up with it on the fly. If this doesn't speak some awful OTK into existence, it likely won't see play.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    This card sucks, but only because Warlock doesn't have any good expensive Fel spells right now. I expect that will change in the near future, so I will definitely be keeping my eye on him for future expansions.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Good for both value and tempo. If you're looking to draw a specific weapon this could do a lot of work in decks that don't run the Quest. I'd say it's pretty likely that the HK gets triggered on curve, but even if it doesn't you've still got what is a very solid Rush minion.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Unless it's needed for a deck that cares about Stealth minions, I don't think this makes the cut in serious decks. Maybe Handbuff decks could run it, but there are already a number of 2 Cost Stealth minions that could have seen play in Handbuff decks but don't. The upside just isn't that impactful.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Dark Skies, except you don't have to do nothing for a few turns to get it going. It's definitely a lot more fun to play against as an aggro player, since you know exactly what the damage break point is Think this probably makes it into slower Warlock decks that need early answers against swarming boards.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I think this is very likely to see play in aggressive decks that run a lot of 1 and 0 Cost cards and can reliably get him out for very little mana very early in the game. Druid especially springs to mind with Innervate and Lightning Bloom, but Hunter has Devouring Swarm and Rogue has Shadowstep and Backstab, so there are a lot of decks that can get him out early and often.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Works really well with an Egg Warlock. Disciplinarian Gandling hasn't seen a lot of play in Zoo, but maybe not that there's another acrd with his same ability it gives Warlock enough of a reason to build an Egg Zoo around Gandling and the Graveyard.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I think we've already seen that, at the very least, deckbuilders are very willing to experiment with this card. There are a variety of ways to abuse its Deathrattle, and to discount its Cost so you can get it into play earlier, so we're at least going to see this in a number of meme decks even if no one ever finds a reliable one.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Very defensive Taunt. Almost too defensive. If aggro is a big part of the Meta, maybe there are some Control decks that need this minion to stay alive? My only thought is that Taunt Handbuff Warrior might be OK with running this Taunt minion.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Big Handbuff payoff? The class I'm really look at this is Rogue, but that feels a bit too slow for what I'm envisioning. I don't think this will make it into any serious decks without some amount of mana cheat or the ability to summon it directly from the deck.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    So it's one-sided Hellfire that costs 1 more, but only if you hit a Fel spell. I guess I could see it. It feels like Warlock has a few too many good Shadow spells to contort their decks in order to meet a pretty mediocre ceiling, but maybe Fel Warlock is just what the meta needs.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    A very good deal for its Mana cost. Warlock has a couple of Fel spells that are worth copying, so I could see a meta where this has a prominent place in a number of Warlock decks. Good for Control, especially good for Handlock.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Doesn't have quite the same "take over the Game" feel as some of the more expensive Heroes, but he comes down a bit earlier than those, which could make a difference. The Improved Secrets are definitely a big punish if you can't play around them. I think this goes in faster Hunter decks as a way to seal the deal and put even more pressure on the opponent. (Also, if you can keep from completing the second two steps of the Quest until after you play him, does that give you a 0-Cost Animal Companion that can be refreshed?)

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    There are a couple of good 8-Drop minions, and the Discovery effect means you've got a better chance of hitting one. I don't expect this to see play except in Frost Shaman decks that want to run as many Frost spells as possible, but it looks fun and I'll certainly be trying it out (I just have to make sure I open Barorso)

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    This could be decent. It's hard to evaluate mainly because I don't know what the meta will be, but it feels like this would be pretty slow for a Tempo deck (mainly because it doesn't answer your opponent's play), but it might be welcome in a heavy spells Control deck that (for one reason or another) isn't running cheaper minions.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I think this card is incredibly good. It's a 3/2 for 2, and it generates a spell that gives you both Tempo and card draw. I would expect this card to be a Day 1 add to Elemental decks. Really, I think this will present in just about every Shaman deck that you can think of, with possibly the exception of Overload.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    A 1-Mana card draw spell that also freezes a minion is a pretty good deal. I'm not sure that Windchill by itself is good enough to be included in decks, but minions that generate a copy should be pretty highly valued.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I don't see why you would play this in a Tempo deck, since you're also freezing your minions, but a big body for Control that stops your opponent for a turn isn't terrible. I don't think this is worth actually running in a deck, but I can definitely see how I would be wrong about that.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    It's a little like a Savage Roar on a stick, which should be pretty good for Druid decks that can spam the board with Tokens and small minions. Obviously it doesn't have the same finishing power as a Roar, but it could be really useful in aggressive decks as a way to fish out extra damage.

  • sule's Avatar
    Dinosaur 800 826 Posts Joined 08/21/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I like the effect, but I'm not sure Standard has enough Choose One spells to make use of it. Power of the Wild and Sow the Soil are really the only ones that usually see play in tempo decks (which this is likely to fit into), so I think we likely aren't going to see this until Druid gets a few omre Choose One spells worth running on their own.

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