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Protector of Elwynn
Joined 06/12/2019 Achieve Points 1470 Posts 598

Tumbleweedovski's Comments

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    4 mana do nothing is suicide so you can't play this on turn 4. Sure, you can spam dudes, but those dudes do nothing until the turn after. They don't have initiative. I feel like playing this card gives your opponent way too much time to do whatever he wants whether that's in arena or in constructed. I get that the idea is to present your opponent with a new wave of minions if he's able to clear the previous one, but depending on his game plan he might not need to or you might not be able to as you just don't have the cards in hand for a new wave.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    On par with King Rush.

    Arena: Pick this every chance you get. You won't regret it.

    Constructed: This is how insane 8 mana cards need to be these days to even be considered. But will this make it into any optimized lists? I highly doubt it.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Arena: Don't bother. This is way too situational and expansive to even consider.

    Wild: It has the potential to be a better Kathrena Winterwisp, but in Wild that card is too slow to see any play right now. Still, you probably run both in the same deck if your game plan is to cheat out big beasts.

    Standard: Probably too slow and situational as well. There are some midrange beast you'd be happy to cheat out, but I'm not seeing any overwhelmingly great synergies.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie
    Quote From Caro


    That aside, I'm not really sure why the weapon has a full 5 durability if it never loses it itself and it makes no difference to full weapon removal. The protection against the full compliment of 2xBloodsail Corsair and 2xToxic Sewer Ooze seems a bit paranoid, so all it really does is give Harrison Jones a bigger payday :P

    Obviously, it's to synergize with Furnacefire Colossus if you're somehow able to get The Immovable Object back into your hand, and Phantom Freebooter, which see about as much play as Harrison Jones these days.

    Jokes aside, onto the card itself. I'm a little worried that every deck starts running weapon hate if Lightforged Cariel is a prevalent meta card. Having to run and play weapon hate still hurdles your opponent and that doesn't get rid of Blessing of Queens, but that does get rid of arguably the biggest asset of this card. Regardless, the 4/4 buff each turn to a card in your hand is nothing to scoff at and the Consecration can be surprisingly useful as well at times. 

    Arena: Ysera the Dreamer and Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece might be slightly stronger, but aside from those this is an auto-pick. Your opponent isn't likely to have weapon hate and isn't saving it in his hand as he isn't expecting Lightforged Cariel either.

    Constructed: Every slower deck would probably want to run Lightforged Cariel. I wouldn't even be surprised if this is run in an Uther of the Ebon Blade combo deck.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Arena: Pretty bad honestly. Just a 2 mana deal 2 most of the time. Not only do you need spells in your hand for the effect to matter, but you also need to deal exact amount of damage. And on top of that, the discount isn't guaranteed to be beneficial. Situational is the word that comes to mind.

    Constructed: I wonder if decks that include cards like this will include specific minions to target with cards such as Siphon Mana just in case your opponent doesn't provide you with a good target. As with all mana cheat cards, I'm sure this will see play somewhere, but I don't expect it to be the new Incanter's Flow. Not even close.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Arena: Opponents will quickly learn not to play a 3/2 on turn 2 against a hunter, but in later turns I wonder if it's still worth it to play around Bloodseeker. The effect is good, but not detrimental. So, definitely draftable, but not amazing.

    Constructed: Nothing to see here.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Arena: Only draftable if your deck already includes some secrets, but even then it's far from guaranteed that you draw Dun Baldar Bunker before you draw your secrets.

    Standard: 2 mana tutor 3 is great. On top of that, all secrets will cost one less as well. The only downside is that the draw comes with a major delay. My bet is that it's still worth it to include Dun Baldar Bunker as long as secrets are viable.

    Wild: In Wild this has to compete with Subject 9, which is better in the card draw department, and Cloaked Huntress, which is better in the discount department. Maybe you run Dun Baldar Bunker alongside these two, but I don't think you want to play it instead of these two.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    This card does a lot for only 5 mana. I honestly don't think the increase to 20 mana is going to matter much, but that's only one aspect of this card. Playing this will also give you a non-empty mana crystal, effectively making Wildheart Guff only cost 4. And it casts a Shield Block and turns your hero power into Soul Tap as well.

    Arena: Not sure if hero cards are going to be draftable, but if so, this is a very solid pick. Who wouldn't want to have Soul Tap as a hero power in druid? The only downside is that have to play an expansive Shield Block first.

    Constructed: Decks that crave card draw will surely include this. That could be aggro decks to make sure they don't run out of steam. That could be combo decks looking for a specific set of cards. Or that could be decks that want to thin as fast as possible. Jade Druid comes to mind. It remains to be seen if Wildheart Guff is good enough to be run as a general inclusion without a specific reason.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    The discover pool is really small so the chance of discovering a Goliath basically comes down to a coin flip. If you discover one and opponent doesn't, it's hard to lose from that point.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    I strongly prefer control decks so easy Alliance for me.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Deeprun Engineer getting banned means we can finally enjoy dual class arena. Thanks Blizzard! Must say that I had my doubts if they would address this issue before launching the new set.

    Lots of good stuff in this patch overall!

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    I wanna be the very best like no one ever was...

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    I agree that C'Thun, the Shattered would make perfect sense. I'll keep him in mind for the next time I feel like playing Big Spell Mage.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for highlighting!

    Deepwater Evoker is somewhat decent in the deck. Grey Sage Parrot on the other hand was the first card I wanted to cut. It has no purpose whatsoever.

    -2x Grey Sage Parrot
    -1x Dragoncaster
    +1x Arcanologist
    +1x Flame Ward
    +1x Dragon's Fury

    is what I ended up with. It's slightly better, but still way too slow for this meta. Try at your own risk!

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Meanwhile Tyrantus is still patiently waiting to get hotfixed.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Fully focus on Emperor Thaurissan and ignore everything else on his side of the board. I don't know exactly what caused it, but something set off a bomb that triggered other bombs and blew up the entire board including all my mercs, but because I still had a merc on the bench I won. So try to bring him down by enough such that a chain reaction of bombs will kill him.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I'm surprised by how much I like it. I tried to go in without any expectations but was fairly curious about this new mode nonetheless. Today I finished the PVE on normal and I'm still excited to play heroic, though I don't have many mercs and I want to go in with a (preferably entirely) different party.

    I enjoyed figuring out what mercs work well together with the limited resources I have, trying out different parties, and occasionally swapping in a new merc. Ultimately, I settled with Cariel, Cornelius, Xyrella, Millhouse, Samuro, and Scabbs. No epics or legendaries. I do have some, but I felt like they all need specific builds that required other mercs that I don't have.

    I also liked the feeling of progression while leveling my mercs and upgrading their abilities and completing tasks to acquire coins and equipment. As of now, it didn't feel like grinding, but that might come soon once I got stuck on finding a new team for heroic when I get stuck playing heroic or maybe once heroic is also done and I don't know what to do next. Grinding for coin to craft new mercs? Maybe, I guess we'll see.

    Is the mode perfect? No, far from it! I agree with most of the critique all of you have already mentioned, but apparently that doesn't make me not enjoy this mode.

  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I had this happen to me once. Could have been with Xyrella, but might as well been with another merc. This isn't a Mercenaries specific bug, though, as this occurs to me more often in other modes. Try to play a different card, but don't actually play it and then try again with the card that's stuck in your hand. That usually solves the problem for me.

    In reply to Problem with Xyrella
  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    We were promised to get another dual class event which is usually in October, but because (I can only assume) Mercenaries is right around the corner this got delayed as well, just like the miniset. And if I recall correctly, last years dual class event came with a rotation. So yeah, we will probably get it all at once. The miniset, the dual class event, and a rotation all in the same patch.

    In reply to next arena rotation
  • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
    Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    With Wildfire down to 1 Hero Power Mage can no longer fit in a Genn Greymane deck. That makes me a little sad, but on the other hand, maybe Wildfire is now a nice inclusion in an Odd deck.

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