Picture this: We take the Malygos Quest Druid shell and just remove BEES! and Wardruid Loti. Then we need Gonk to die and Dreampetal Florist or Jepetto to hit Mad Summoner.
In the end the combo will be: Double Witching Hour to double Gonk, play the Sidequest, cast Pounce (you only need one, but running two is probably good) and kill two imps to finish the quest. Cast the 3 claws and you're up to 8-10 attack damage, which will result in a 56-70 damage OTK
The advantage over the old OTK (which worked essentially the same) is that you don't actually have to run Claw in your deck, which frees up at least one card slot (and you get more potential damage overall, which is good against armor classes or when you need to use up a Pounce earlier)
While Malygos needs less overall combo pieces it doesn't nearly have as much damage.
You could also ditch the Witching Hour plan and just run Floop, Gonk and Faceless and hope that you get to Jepetto before you've drawn all 4 combo minions. In that deck you could basically always pull off the combo as long as you hold on to both Innervates.
on the other hand you don't have to pay the 2-mana if you invoke, so it's a one turn Fiery War Axe wheneveer you play an invoker, which is pretty crazy.
If Warrior gets a 2 or 3-mana Invoke Minion that's half decent then this is crazy good
seriously though this actually makes Gonk OTK a consideration (as a funnier alternative to Malygos I guess)
You only need this and double Pounce. This means you can run it alongside Quest and still complete for the reward even without your original hero power.
The plan would be to get Gonk killed, reduce your mad Summoner to 0/1 with either Dreampetal or Jepetto and finally resurrect two Gonks with Witching HOur, Mad Summoner and use the Claws + leftover Pounce to get to 6-10 attack which will allow you to deal between 42-60 damage (assuming your opponent doesn't have a huge taunt blocking you)
The Quest shell should allow you to actually survive long enough, all you need to cut is [Hearthstone Card (BEES!) Not Found] and Wardruid Loti.
you guys are really underestimating how good this is in Quest Hunter
the deck already generates plenty of rush minions (Springpaw, Henchclan Hogsteed, Zilliax, Locusts and the Halazzi spawns) so you can probably activate this the turn you play it.
What's even better is the fact that it (alongside Desert Spear) is another way to generate a free minion to use on the same turn as Cult MAster, which is one of the most important cards in the deck (not to mention additional Sea Giant synergy)
I'M going to run this as a 1-of in my Quest Hunter (probably replacing Knife Juggler) and if it performs well enough I'll double up
I've played Quest Hunter almost exclusively for the last weeks and I have to say that this would have come in handy in a multitude of situations. A free 4/4 is no joke, especially in a deck that basically just needs to stall the early game until they can burst or overwhelm you.
Also, if it works like normal quests, this should work fine withSwarm of Locusts. the quest will complete on the third locust and summon the Gryphon inbetween, so you don't accidentally waste it.
I'm willing to call this the best version of Galakrond (even without having seen Shaman's)
The reason being that not only is it a HUGE lategame boost for Midrange/Tempo warrior but the fact that it can only draw minions makes it even playable in a control type variant.
I mean, just think how bonkers it would be to get a buff on Tomb Warden or even something silly like Security Rover or Berrylium Nullifier. Hell, just Zilliax and Eternium Rover are crazy enough.
A 7/11 tomb warden is something that Quest Druid can't even get rid off in just one turn....and then you have to consider all the Rushers, chargers and whatnot you can run in a deck like that.
Akali might be a consideration just because of this.
this makes me very happy because I really like minion focussed Warrior archetypes.
oh yeah, the hero power is also pretty neat, especially when it comes to keeping up tempo. If you run it in a dragon deck you can probably generate enough armor through Emeberscale and Molten Breath to not have to worry about dying.
Double Kraken and also prone to show up from Draconic Lackeys.
Could be somewhat interesting in Dragon Control Quest Shaman (or just Quest Shaman in general) as a lategame pseudo Flamestrike. Probably not necessary though, Shaman has enough boardclears as is.
Ah yes, the new Warrior class identity. Complete overkill removal that noone would ever put in their deck but will still show up randomly through discover effects.
This could honestly make Gonk OTK playable
Picture this: We take the Malygos Quest Druid shell and just remove BEES! and Wardruid Loti. Then we need Gonk to die and Dreampetal Florist or Jepetto to hit Mad Summoner.
In the end the combo will be: Double Witching Hour to double Gonk, play the Sidequest, cast Pounce (you only need one, but running two is probably good) and kill two imps to finish the quest. Cast the 3 claws and you're up to 8-10 attack damage, which will result in a 56-70 damage OTK
The advantage over the old OTK (which worked essentially the same) is that you don't actually have to run Claw in your deck, which frees up at least one card slot (and you get more potential damage overall, which is good against armor classes or when you need to use up a Pounce earlier)
While Malygos needs less overall combo pieces it doesn't nearly have as much damage.
You could also ditch the Witching Hour plan and just run Floop, Gonk and Faceless and hope that you get to Jepetto before you've drawn all 4 combo minions. In that deck you could basically always pull off the combo as long as you hold on to both Innervates.
they can't make any money off Battlegrounds so no, they won't abandon normal HS. They'll just use Battlegrounds as a distraction
yeah, but it's more conditional. Eternium Rover is in any Warrior deck anyways
Doesn't mean we can't build a mech deck for it that abuses Magnetic, but on average I feel like Zilliax + Rover is going t be a common outcome
why? it's not like it gives you infinite value or a super aura. You get 4 strong minions and a hero power that prevents you from gettiing more armor.
on the other hand you don't have to pay the 2-mana if you invoke, so it's a one turn Fiery War Axe wheneveer you play an invoker, which is pretty crazy.
If Warrior gets a 2 or 3-mana Invoke Minion that's half decent then this is crazy good
since it's most certainly a handbuff yes.
4/7 Eternium Rover + 7/6 Zilliax = BEEG HEELS
Gonk me daddy, Gonk me harder
seriously though this actually makes Gonk OTK a consideration (as a funnier alternative to Malygos I guess)
You only need this and double Pounce. This means you can run it alongside Quest and still complete for the reward even without your original hero power.
The plan would be to get Gonk killed, reduce your mad Summoner to 0/1 with either Dreampetal or Jepetto and finally resurrect two Gonks with Witching HOur, Mad Summoner and use the Claws + leftover Pounce to get to 6-10 attack which will allow you to deal between 42-60 damage (assuming your opponent doesn't have a huge taunt blocking you)
The Quest shell should allow you to actually survive long enough, all you need to cut is [Hearthstone Card (BEES!) Not Found] and Wardruid Loti.
I have no cards and I must Gonk
you guys are really underestimating how good this is in Quest Hunter
the deck already generates plenty of rush minions (Springpaw, Henchclan Hogsteed, Zilliax, Locusts and the Halazzi spawns) so you can probably activate this the turn you play it.
What's even better is the fact that it (alongside Desert Spear) is another way to generate a free minion to use on the same turn as Cult MAster, which is one of the most important cards in the deck (not to mention additional Sea Giant synergy)
I'M going to run this as a 1-of in my Quest Hunter (probably replacing Knife Juggler) and if it performs well enough I'll double up
I've played Quest Hunter almost exclusively for the last weeks and I have to say that this would have come in handy in a multitude of situations. A free 4/4 is no joke, especially in a deck that basically just needs to stall the early game until they can burst or overwhelm you.
Also, if it works like normal quests, this should work fine withSwarm of Locusts. the quest will complete on the third locust and summon the Gryphon inbetween, so you don't accidentally waste it.
I'm willing to call this the best version of Galakrond (even without having seen Shaman's)
The reason being that not only is it a HUGE lategame boost for Midrange/Tempo warrior but the fact that it can only draw minions makes it even playable in a control type variant.
I mean, just think how bonkers it would be to get a buff on Tomb Warden or even something silly like Security Rover or Berrylium Nullifier. Hell, just Zilliax and Eternium Rover are crazy enough.
A 7/11 tomb warden is something that Quest Druid can't even get rid off in just one turn....and then you have to consider all the Rushers, chargers and whatnot you can run in a deck like that.
Akali might be a consideration just because of this.
this makes me very happy because I really like minion focussed Warrior archetypes.
oh yeah, the hero power is also pretty neat, especially when it comes to keeping up tempo. If you run it in a dragon deck you can probably generate enough armor through Emeberscale and Molten Breath to not have to worry about dying.
God I hope there's cheaper neutral invokers or else Warlock'S gonna be even more dead than it already is.
If this is what the other Invokers are going to look like then Galakrond decks are doomed.
Dragonspeaker it once and it's Super-Soggoth.
Warrior can get it even higher.
Yeah, i wouldn't count this out, Untargetable is a HUGE roadblock for many classes. Hell, even if this gets silenced you still have a 7/7.
just for reference, how does Rogue deal with this as a 10/10? Gotta run that Leeroy in there. Mage can't Poly it and Crowd Roaster doesn't do the job.
Ironically enough Druid probably has the best way of getting past this efficiently through Oasis Surger and Loti.
Double Kraken and also prone to show up from Draconic Lackeys.
Could be somewhat interesting in Dragon Control Quest Shaman (or just Quest Shaman in general) as a lategame pseudo Flamestrike. Probably not necessary though, Shaman has enough boardclears as is.
Well, it'S absolutely annoying to face in Holy Wrath paladin, but I fail to see how it would be useful in any other kind of deck.
High value minions don't stick to the board unless you already won. This isn't LoR.
Ah yes, the new Warrior class identity. Complete overkill removal that noone would ever put in their deck but will still show up randomly through discover effects.
the only thing fiendish about this is the mana cost. 1/1s aren't that powerful, almost every class has access to some sort of 1-damage AoE
it's probably not as bad as it looks if you build a deck around abusing the invoked Hero power.
Still poopy in a meta where Lackeys run amok
Rogue has made good use of worse things. Probably will be good enough to work.
Better than Pilfer and that's just about it. Will run it to make Underbelly fence and Vendetta more consistent.