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YourPrivateNightmare's Comments

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago



  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    So you're basically using a worse version of the Standard Hand Paladin?


    First of all, cut Bronze Herald for something that fits better like Ravencaller or Jardealer

    Then you take out Umbra because she only has like 3 targets, of which only 2 are even close to worth.

    Fight Promoter might be too slow as a two-of. If you can't get double handbuffs on her she's useless.

    Infested Goblin also seems like it's just not really hitting the spot

    Not running mountain giant in  deck with this much Hand presence is a a criminal offense

    Barista does what exactly?

    There is an argument to be made to include Subdue in the deck, just to have a way to deal with snowballing threats which you otherwise can't

    also run Carpet. YOu have a deck with a very large number of 1-drops or cards that generate them...and you also handbuff said 1-drops. Carpet is your best bet for a comeback play against wide boards.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From duppie
    Quote From sto650
    Quote From duppie

    I think it was just the timing.  It would be weird to nerf the #2 and #3 classes/decks but not the #1, albeit Pocket and Boom are a lot more "toxic" than extra arms was on the meta. 

    This is extremely short-sighted to say that combo priest was the #1 deck. One or two weeks does not indicate long term performance. Mage and Warrior were in the top two spots for a LONG time. To say that they were #2 and #3 is just not true. Combo priest was far too new to say anything definitive about it; and definitely WAY too soon to say it was going to be better than Mage and Warrior

    Priest was the best deck so far, that could have changed from meta warping around it but that doesn't mean the deck wouldn't need a nerf.  Priest was the best performer on ladder and tournament play and it had a better matchup spread than warrior and mage.

    The new combo priest wasn't around any longer than reno mage was.  Luna's pocket galaxy might have dodged a nerf if cyclone mage was still the only mage deck, highlander mage is what made it broken to the point of no return.  

    Quote From JFK

    *puts tinfoil hat on* Is it possible that Team 5 decided to nerf Extra Arms instead of Nortshire or Divine Spirit or something else because they want to show that the buffs were not successful (along with Pocket Galaxy) so that they don't have to do them again, at least not any time soon? I'm just paranoid, right?

    Yeah, I think that is just paranoia.  They don't want to nerf Divine Spirit because it's one of if not priests only viable win condition competitively and Northshire is a card that carries most priest archetypes on its back.  If they were to nerf/HOF these basic set cards they would be killing priest without providing adequate replacements and those replacements are going to take time to test.  I don't think they even expected combo priest to be as good as it was so the easiest and quickest way to fix it was to revert the snowbally card they just buffed.  

    didn't stop them from killing Druid's core cards with RR patch and only now sstarting to actually build the class back up again without it. They never had a problem with completely eviscerating a class for a long period of time with the goal of overall balance.

    If anything, this might indicate that Divine Spirit will be targetted at the end of the year when the old sets rotates and they have a better foundation to "rework" the Priest class (like it's happening now with Druid)


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    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    because Priest's class identity is having only broken win conditions and gettng their successful decks nerfed whenever they pop up.

    Divine Spirit is totally fine btw, not at all the root of the problem. Clearly, Blizzard is doing the 500 IQ galaxy brain plays when they completely revert their policy on trying to fix underlying issues with the Basic/Classic set and instead just bandaid fix the deck by kneecapping cards that are barely out for one expansion.



  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    I will analyze the video and give some background to what happens cause this video goes over a lot of stuff in the game.

    Unjustified rant/nitpicking:

    bugs: Bugs are part of every single program in the world there is not a single program without bugs except if you test it to perfection which is almost impossible to get all the edge cases. btw hs is NOT a finished game a game that updates really often (monthly updates is crazy for single player games if you play those as well). Game freezes/crashes are part of every big game not just hs.

    Auto complete not working in wild: The wild auto complete just doesn't work and they openly admitted it when they upgraded it to be actually good. also it's a plus cause the data on wild is so low so the meta is never really solved and the options are endless.

    Classic legendaries being "useless" Tinkmaster Overspark actually sees some play from time to time as a tech card, Lord Jaraxxus might be great again someday.. it was great for a while, also legendaries are overrated it means they are rare not OP or too strong to have 2 copies of, BTW it's better they suck so you don't have to collect more of them!

    Why does the video complains about wild combos? those are ok.. and you can't really design 3000+ cards and expect stuff to not be broken together.

    they nerfed Charge because they wanted more freedom in designing cards, having the ability to give ANY neutral or warrior minion charge at any given time is a headache to balance, the card should be called "rush" and they should return WC to it's old iteration but with rush instead of charge.. WC is such a sad joke card.. (the second part is the part that annoys me, but the charge/otk rant is holding on a lie they said back then, otk is fine if it has counterplay).

    Balance issues:dr. boom just got nerfed and the card was ok until rotation,big priest just got nerfed and it's win rate is sub 50, just really annoying to play against when they get Barnes on 4.. now they will never get Barnes on 4 again. they didn't want to nerf it because some people like big priest and it's playrate is high those people.. won't like their deck being nerfed (IKR some people like jhonny decks who would have guessed), don't think Naga Sea Witch got nerfed JUST cause reddit got a promoted thread. int he last year the dev team have been doing really well with balance I didn't feel that an extended amount of time something was waaaaay too good and it wasn't addressed they are doing it in a good pace too, not too soon, not too late.

    80$ skin: it's not a 80$ skin they sell you the packs, and legendaries the skin is an extra to the bundle.

    Legit complains:

    Interactions: it's annoying cause they added like 1000 interactions in dalaran's heist but they can't add interactions to ranked play?

    Economy: The HS economy is trash, including the achievements which people have been asking for AGES *looks at gwent* as well as statics.. which is dumb let's me add another thing did they realized yet every player that played for half a year have all classes at level 60 and the cap is meaningless? also the 50 quest of 2 games vs 1 game are kinda idiotic but the change was straight lazy bump from 40 gold to 50 gold instead of just .. deleting the 40 gold ones, but they won't this is cause they are greedy but it's NOT the development team fault it's the people who run the big money that block HS from making a better economy.

    Up for opinion I don't care:

    UI inconsistency: Quest rewards/dream/DK cards should really just show under a different tab in the UI I agree it's dumb but it doesn't matter that much really.

    OCD: 5 gold is annoying but you can get the other 5 gold if you play arena again.

    Zayle will be disenchant-able post rotation also can be bought with in game gold as I did.


    TL;DR: most stuff in the video are small/ insignificant stuff and the only legit complain is the economy which is terrible compared to any other card game and it's not the dev team's fault cause they have no control over how much the company wants to earn from the game.


    Solid counter there, but I have to disagree on some parts.

    The whole 80$ skins probably wasn't so much about it being overpriced but rather feeling like you're being forced into spending an unnecessary amount of money for a minor cosmetic.

    I for example don't need that many packs...ever. I still sit on a massive dust pile because I am usually very careful about what I craft (and disenchant a lot after rotations) so I can't actually justify spending 80 bucks on a bunch of packs that are effectively irrelevant to me, just to get a skin, even though I would actually consider buying it for a more moderate offer (a 20-50$ bundle for example).

    It's just a really bad idea to basically force players to spend a massive amount to get a specific cosmetic (that's also time limited) when you could just sell it for less and get more customers that way instead of targetting whales only.

    I also assume the video was made before the balance changes (and still holds up given how neither Boom nor Barnes nerf are going to change much)

    Also the complaint about the classic legendaries probably has something to do with the fact that classic contains some of the most important cards for standard play (by virtue of being evergreen) but only very few specific legendaries that are useful, meaning that opening multple classic packs will usually come with a subpar legendary (or epic even)....and a lot of those don't even need to be as bad as they are, especially considering how power creep has evolved the game (unnerf Ancient of Lore!)

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Lucuma

    Do Highlander hunter players think this deck will still be dominant, without Zul'jin, next year?

    I'm asking this because I don't know if it is safe to craft Brann and Subject 9. I have all the other key cards for this deck but I am a f2p scrub.

    I'd be more worried about Subject 9 if I were you

    Zul'jin is a great lategame card, but it's not like you can't win games before that. But Subject 9 is the only actual Draw Hunter has, meaning without her the deck will be so much more inconsistent than it already is (not to mention without the secret package 1/3 of the deck needs to be replaced somehow)


  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    If anything you need to go for Tempo. The Quest is pointless due to FInley override.

    If Hearthpwn is to believe there are a bunch of tempo based highlander decks out there (Highlander Zoolock and Highlander Aggro Warrior for instance) so I think the concept of an aggressive Highlander deck isn't too far fetched

    Zephrys is nuts in any tempo deck because he can turn most losing situations around (or just give you lethal).

    The main question is: do we go for a secret build or in a more midrange focussed version. Mechs could work, but not with a Whelp/Egg package but rather focussing on the faster options like Menace, Wargear and ofc SNIP SNAP. MAybe even cut Army because it's really just a dead card in a lot of cases.

    Micro Mummy is the one reborn Minion I'd actuallly consider running purely because it can help you snowball against slower decks.

    Subject 9 would probably end up being too slow. Bellringer Sentry is just a great card that already does half of 9's job. Combine it with a Masked Contender and there's no real reason to run the Dino

    In any case, Tirion and Leeroy are a must in this type of deck, regardless of where you're going (leeroy just for the Zephrys synergy where you can get Windfury for lethal)

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    CC is powerful because it duplicates are large guy and threatens to do it again on the next turn. It's not the double summon that's the problem.

    You called?

    You underestimate this nerf I mean molten reflections never was played outside of quest mage  as a tempo tool, but only as an OTK enabler, this nerf is huge and will be much more severe than you think it is. 

    I honestly might be too skeptical on this one. I'm just still upset about this complete cop out of a nerf when there were so many better ways to handle this.





  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    this is the exact problem though. It doesn't address the inherent problem, it just supresses it.

    It's the reason why Control Warrior always goes from god tier to garbage depending on the meta. Because either the plan of just outressourcing your opponent via removal is enough to win or it isn't because there'S a popular deck with a good enough value plan to beat you

    It's a binary slugfest with no real depth. Either Warrior wins because of overpowered cards or they lose because of overpowered cards.

    I remember when Control Warrior had a limited amount of removal and relied on some finisher combo (or an Elise race) to actually win games. I remember when C'thun was a thing

    At some point Control Warrior just turned into a passive wall that just reacts to anything you play and wins after your hand is empty. It's broing, it's polarizing, and it's entirely the fault of cards like Boom or Brawl which give Warrior just too much efficiency in that department.

    I mean they even gave us some good stuff this expansion with the taunt package. That's a good baseline for a more proactive Warrior build that allows you to beat aggressive decks while also having some sort of pressure (via big minions) against value...but there's no reason to really use it beyond just the taunt value package and shove it into the typical gameplan of being the fun police.

    Warrior is basically the new Druid at this point. so many lategame strategies are completely useless because they have no chance at beating Warrior so everyone has to either go for highrolling BS like Mage or super aggression.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    on the flipside this would require you to run Naga Sandwitch....which you don't want to

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From Hydrafrog

    Was combo priest such a problem?  This seems like it was totally unnecessary 

    It really wasn't. The deck was strong because the meta wasn't targeting it (yet) and it required quite a bit of skill to pilot correctly.

    Oh well, I guess your nerf was long overdue, Anduin. How dare you have a good deck before the third expansion of the year is released. 

    as much as I want to agree, Priest was growing to be a real problem. It was already one of the best decks at legend and only needed some basic knowledge to pilot correctly.

    The hit the wwrong card, but Priest definitely needed the nerf unless you want a retrain of Gadgetzan era Dragon Priest

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    are you seriously just gonna pull a "they tested this, they know what they're doing?"

    you realize yo're talking about the same people who released SNIP SNAP and didn't even consider Reckless Experimenter when it's t he first thing the community noticed when it was announced.

    but hey, you'll see it yourself when Warrior's winrate drops a SOLID 0,5% after this and people will still get highrolled to death by Mage.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    ah yes, this definitely solves the issue of when you can't answer a turn 4 Mountain Giant...wait

    what does this even realistically do?

    Any deck that previously failed to beat doubling a 12-drop still can't do anything about it. You still get game ending swing turns with Khadgar if you ever have a minion left on the board.

    The explanation makes it seem like they think the problem was   using two CCs on the same turn...but it's not. If I can't kill a single Mountain Giant the turn it's played what makes you think I'll be in any better of a situation if they double it the next turn for 4 instead of 3 mana?

    The only situation where this matters would be some weird turn 10 combo with a 4-cost giant, any combo involving Astromancer (the one card where this wouldn't even be nearly broken with, but thanks I guess, better not fix the inherent problem of cost reducing cards and evolve effects).

    CC is powerful because it duplicates are large guy and threatens to do it again on the next turn. It's not the double summon that's the problem.

    I guess they'll fix it next year when they hoF Mountain Giant and pretend ilke he was the issue all along.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Honestly, at this point I'm just happy I'll finally get 1600 dust out of my Barnes.

    It's pretty obvious they have no intention of ever kneecapping Big Priest...and since the majority doesn't care about Wild anyways they'll never be forced to.

    In reply to Card Nerf - Barnes
  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    the only good nerf...and it's literally just a return to a previously tested position.

    I'm just surprised they didn't left it as is and HoF'd Doomsayer or something seeing how they missed the mark on almost all the other nerfs.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    "This is fixes every issue in Priest""

    -that one guy at Blizzard who plays Inner Fire and nothing else and regularly forgets how to breathe

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    changes absolutely nothing.

    oh wait it does, it now allows aggro players to mroe successfully run down Warrior. Pretty sure that's supposed to be strong point of Ctrl Warrior, but who knows at this point. Class identity I guess.

    Still means every possibly fun deck that dares to not have access to near infinite value is effectively useless.

    Better not address any of the actual issues in the entire WArrior class that will end up repeating this entire scenario for years to come. Let's just go back to braindead winrate nerfs that are bandaid fixes at best.

    Then at the end of the year they'll probably HoF brawl and the entire Warrior class will be a joke for the next year until they finally experiment with something broken enough to put it back into relevance

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    so what? then aggressive decks beat it more often....which is kind of counter intuitive given Control Warrior's strength should be anti aggro.

    Any value oriented deck that doesn't go close to infinite will still lose to endless removal and value generation (all in one card mind you)

    They create archetypes like plot twist Warlock and then have them be invalidated by the fact that there is a top tier control deck that you have no possible way of beating...same goes for any other attempted control deck.

    Then at some point there'l be a Deathstalker Rexxar reprint and Warrior is back in the dumpster because of their binary playstyle of "I remove all your stuff until you're out of cards and I win by default"


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    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    except those two actually successfully killed the deck as intended whereas nerfing Kingsbane or Shudder would be pointless and just invalidate perfectly good cards that just happened to be the victim of some other abuse case

    nerfs are not supposed to be dust dispensers

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    wow, this is ..... certainly disappointing

    Galaxy nerf was predictable and basically fixes the issue. Probably the best nerf out of the bunch

    CC nerf just ignores the inherent problem of not having an answer to turn 4 mountain Giant losing you the game on the spot, which doesn't change even with the increased mana cost. At the very least Mages are insanely weak to early snowballing tempo decks so I guess that's what you're gonna do from now on. Sucks to be any control deck that isn't Warrior I guess.

    Extra Arms nerf is once again just dancing around the massive elephant in the room that is Divine Spirit, but hey, I guess that's what the need to keep the one-eyed mongoloid chained up in their basement happy, because I can't think of any other person that actually likes to play Inner Fire Cheese

    Boom nerf is just a mockery at this point. Out of all the things in Warrior that are a problem, Boom's cost certainly isn't one. The only one to actually benefit from this are aggro decks that want to kill Warrior before they can stabilize...which is the one thing Warrior is supposed to counter....but hey, fuck literally every other class that wants to play a slower deck and doesn't have access to some nearly game breaking value engine (read Quest Paladin or Tess shuffle).

    Last expansion I was betting on a second round of nerfs for these exact problems and now that the nerfs are here i realize that it wouldn't have mattered at all. I'm not even sure what their goal is anymore. This doesn't make me want to buy new packs or craft new cards. This just makes me annoyed that the same 5 cards are gonna define the class until the next rotation where they will be replaced with similar offenders.