The Conjurer's nerf doesn't fix any problem outside of the lategame combo of Khadgar + a Galaxy'd big boy into ouble Calling (which is overkill anyways)
Even if they nerf Galaxy too, you still have the same situation of "If I can't kill Mountain Giant the turn it's played I lose the game on the next turn because if I can't kill one 8/8 I certainly can't kill two"
Why is it so hard to just program the game for cards to retain their summoning cost when hitting the field. Problem instantly solved, as well as a bunch of other abuse cases. Wouldn't even have to kill Pocket Galaxy that way, since it can't be used with CC effectively anymore.
BUt no, 4-mana cost is a nice pretend-nerf that will lower the overall winrate of the decks without actually solving the problem.
Then there's the Extra Arms get it, the card is pretty bonkers with all the new Priest support. And can snowball a Lightwarden or Cleric way ahead against decks that don't have early removal. The thing is....the only reason this is even a problem in the first place is because of F***ING DIVINE SPIRIT. I don't know who on the balance team has so much brain damage that the only thing they ever want Priest to do is a cheesy 3-card combo that's literally just the last resort for Priests when every other archetype happens to not work out (notice how Inner Fire never shows itself when there's another win condition available).
if Divine Spirit was gone then we could actually play some strategies other than Hyper cycle OTk cheese, supported by whatever actually good cards Priest has available at the moment.
Granted, there's still a chance they might nerf more cards from these classes that actually solve this problem....but I maintain that both of these nerfs would be unnecessary if they just addressed the core problems instead.
My heart goes out to all the Priest players who once again have to see their class drop to the bottom of winrates because Team 5 refuses to actually fix problematic cards. I don't even get the thought process. You couldn'T even make the old "Blizzard want money, waaaaah" argument, because they have nothing to gain from destroying a popular new deck and forcing people to forever play the same Basic set combo. You'd think they'd want to actually move away from ancient archetypes and try to get people to play new decks with new cards.
Anyways, let's wait an see what they ultimately end up doing, but I'm not optimistic so far.
This is so meta. Instead of people being salty about the game we now have people being salty about the salt thread. Do we make a super-salt thread now?
as long as I enjoy them and they aren't terrible in the meta.
I played my own Discard Questlock during the last months of Rastakhans, but I dropped my Quest Hunter about a week into the expansion after it just couldn't compete with refined decks.
Right now I'M playing Handbuff Questlock and it's doing pretty well, but if the meta develops in a way where it just loses way too much I'll just stop
that or nerf its cost or effect (make it always have the highest attack minion survive so there's actual counterplay for midrange decks)
but yeah, I could see them straight up HoF it since it clashes with Warrior's established class identity (plenty of removal, but with a condition. All of their other AoEs need some sort of activator except for Brawl, which makes all other AoEs that serve a similar role [read Deadly Arsenal] redundant)
Am i the only person on the planet who realizes the real reason why they're releasing it so long after the expansion launched is so they make more money/syphon out more gold from players by reducing the value you get from the 15 packs that come with the adventure?
Opening packs of a new expansion is worth way more than opening packs from the previous one since you mostly open cards you don't have and thus don't have to craft them, everyone knows that. The more cards from a set you own the less value you get from opening those packs.
Let's say they release the adventure when the expansion launches or soon after, if you plan to buy for example 30 packs and craft the stuff you don't open, you just get the adventure + an aditional 15 packs, done - you spent $40
But Activision won't allow that, instead you have 2 options - either wait 3 months(remeber you get all the packs when all the wings are released) which is more than half the expansions lifetime so you can do the above and get full value, or buy the 30 packs immediately and then buy the adventure when it releases which in total costs you $60
By releasing the full adventure 3 months after the expansion launches blizzard is effectively making $20 extra from every player who is interested in the solo content.
Some other examples of greed, the real reason they abandoned the 1 expansion 1 adventure model is because adventures give you all the cards guaranteed, no gambling involved and thus less money for them. They promised free adventures when they announced that (hah!) but now we are getting reskinned dungeon runs for $20 that effectively reward you with an average 1500 dust. The real reason unplayable cards like Harbinger Celestia exist is to dilute the pool making it less likely to get the cards you need so you buy more packs. I would not at all be surprised if packs were tuned so you are 0.1% more likely to open an Octosari instead of Zephrys, it seems insignificant but makes them a lot of money over millions of customers. This is also part of the reason for abandoning adventures, you get all the cards anyway so diluting the pool earns them no extra cash.
yes, you are, in fact, the only player in the game who realizes that Blizzard is trying to get you to actually spend money on the game instead of just using the freely available ingame currency to play extra content for free that a massive amount of time and ressources went into.
Yes, the PVE content is a money sink if you don't enjoy actually playing don't then. I'm probably not gonna buy it this time because the RoS one ended up boring me after Chapter 3, but I still spend 2800 gold then because I actually wanted to....already knowing that the packs and Zayle wouldn't even be close to worth it.
so...what's the actual chance of Prismatic Lens getting a nerf as well?
On one hand, Tip the Scales Paladin is incredibly annoying because when it wins it's usually because it highrolled you to death, which is always frustrating
On the other hand, the deck is already perfectly refined, meaning unlike other decks, it will never actually improve beyond what it already does and it loses to pretty much any deck with a viable boardclear for turn 4/5 (Quest Warlock could actually beat it super easy unless they get run down by Tidecaller from turn 1).
It's the most limited aggro deck in the game as it has no actual burst or consistent damage output and entirely relies on a big swing turn that the opponent can't actually deal with, but at the same time Prismatic is just such a poorly designed cards that was just waiting for an abuse case like this to appear.
I wonder if it'd still see play at 3-mana but without the cost swapping effect. Quest Paladin would certainly appreciate getting to tutor their Consecration/Subdue in some matchups.
honestly, If DivineSpirit Cheese was gone you could still work with the current deck, but possibly try to include a more Reborn focussed build with the 1-mana Reborn spell and the dude that destroys and revives your guys.
Extra Arms is still really strong and Amet can also snowball out of control even without the threat of being OTKd from 30.
maybe a nerf would kill Priest this expansion, but seeing the support it has gottens o far it could easily come back next expansion with an actual deck that doesn't rely on highrolling your opponent to death.
it's not necessarily broken, but it can really steamroll ahead with a good opener, draw a lot of cards with very little counterplay (at least against decks relying on minion combat with limited access to destruction removal)...and at the end of it all you're constantly under threat of being OTKd with no real way to play around it.
If there was ever a time to HoF/nerf (I'd honestly prefer a rework) Divine Spirit it's now.
Why not just make it 2-mana, give a minion +5 Health or something. Still allows Inner Fire to be played in a deck that focusses on turning one high health minion into a big beater. Especially now that we have so many Reborn synergies that allow you to keep up an onslaught of Blademasters and Tol'virs
I don't think Quest will be that good until further support.
Right now you're basically just spamming lackeys without an endgame plan. Turns out Quest is still bad in decks that want to actually pressure their opponents...and it also turns out a quest reward that basically overloads you for 2 permanently in exchange for perma Brann is actually a downside in the midgame where you're trying to use your mana optimally.
It's just kind of depressing when your opponent throws down something like a Highmane and your best play is to double your Lifedrinker....that's just not tempo and unless you're actually close to killing your opponent it won't get you anywhere.
I hope there will be some sort of Control build that doesn't try to rush the quest but rather control the game and finish the quest naturally to use it with big value or swing cards (like Swampqueen)
the whole cost reduction mechanic should just be changed to minions keeping the cost they were summoned with, so all cost reduced cards can't be used in Evolve shenanigans and the like.
Result: Stuff like Giggling Inventor and Former Champ is still good with cards like Mutate, but something like Mogu Fleshshaper doesn't give you a turn 3 8-drop.
Fixes CC, fixes CC's interaction with Pocket Galaxy and deals with a few other abuse cases as well.
Also, pretending Mountain Giant is the problem when Khadgar + CC onto anything above 4-mana is basically an instant win against any deck without eefficient AoE removal speaks for itself. Kripp isn't the best source for balance insights.
at the same time, the one thing making it even playable right now is the Boomsday package, which rotates after the next expansion....+ the deck gets quite easily steamrolled by aggro decks (and combo decks to an extent) so I don't see it being that much of a problem in the long run.
If it really runs amok they can always nerf the quest counter to 6 which would effectively ruin the deck from a tempo perspective. Let Paladin have their one moment in the sun for an expansion before it's back to polarizing snowball decks like mech paladin or the new Aggro-Hand variant.
problem is, Priest has a pretty good overall deck archetype right now that can snowball pretty hard early...but it also has a 3 card nuke combo that can get you at any point with no real counterplay, which is just not good game design.This expansions has proven that a proactive Priest deck is possible, which means if they further explore this direction than Priest won't need Divine Spirit as it's only win condition anymore
wow...this one's actually great value. It's mid year so all the Raven packs still have use and a free legendary from an expansion with probably the most playable legendaries total is also neat.
Gonna wait for the balance change announcements, but this is tempting to say the least (even if I have so much dust that I don't actually need it whatsoever)
Crab Brawl
Crab Brawl
not just that, King Krush's artwork is reused artwork from the old Warcraft TCG and doesn't feature Krush at all, but...some other named Dinosaur.
you know a card is broken when the suggested counter is "play Control Warrior"
This legitimately upsets me.
The Conjurer's nerf doesn't fix any problem outside of the lategame combo of Khadgar + a Galaxy'd big boy into ouble Calling (which is overkill anyways)
Even if they nerf Galaxy too, you still have the same situation of "If I can't kill Mountain Giant the turn it's played I lose the game on the next turn because if I can't kill one 8/8 I certainly can't kill two"
Why is it so hard to just program the game for cards to retain their summoning cost when hitting the field. Problem instantly solved, as well as a bunch of other abuse cases. Wouldn't even have to kill Pocket Galaxy that way, since it can't be used with CC effectively anymore.
BUt no, 4-mana cost is a nice pretend-nerf that will lower the overall winrate of the decks without actually solving the problem.
Then there's the Extra Arms get it, the card is pretty bonkers with all the new Priest support. And can snowball a Lightwarden or Cleric way ahead against decks that don't have early removal. The thing is....the only reason this is even a problem in the first place is because of F***ING DIVINE SPIRIT. I don't know who on the balance team has so much brain damage that the only thing they ever want Priest to do is a cheesy 3-card combo that's literally just the last resort for Priests when every other archetype happens to not work out (notice how Inner Fire never shows itself when there's another win condition available).
if Divine Spirit was gone then we could actually play some strategies other than Hyper cycle OTk cheese, supported by whatever actually good cards Priest has available at the moment.
Granted, there's still a chance they might nerf more cards from these classes that actually solve this problem....but I maintain that both of these nerfs would be unnecessary if they just addressed the core problems instead.
My heart goes out to all the Priest players who once again have to see their class drop to the bottom of winrates because Team 5 refuses to actually fix problematic cards. I don't even get the thought process. You couldn'T even make the old "Blizzard want money, waaaaah" argument, because they have nothing to gain from destroying a popular new deck and forcing people to forever play the same Basic set combo. You'd think they'd want to actually move away from ancient archetypes and try to get people to play new decks with new cards.
Anyways, let's wait an see what they ultimately end up doing, but I'm not optimistic so far.
This is so meta. Instead of people being salty about the game we now have people being salty about the salt thread. Do we make a super-salt thread now?
would you look at that, they finally got King Krush's appearance right.
I wonder if they'd ever update his current artwork'know...actually him
as long as I enjoy them and they aren't terrible in the meta.
I played my own Discard Questlock during the last months of Rastakhans, but I dropped my Quest Hunter about a week into the expansion after it just couldn't compete with refined decks.
Right now I'M playing Handbuff Questlock and it's doing pretty well, but if the meta develops in a way where it just loses way too much I'll just stop
that or nerf its cost or effect (make it always have the highest attack minion survive so there's actual counterplay for midrange decks)
but yeah, I could see them straight up HoF it since it clashes with Warrior's established class identity (plenty of removal, but with a condition. All of their other AoEs need some sort of activator except for Brawl, which makes all other AoEs that serve a similar role [read Deadly Arsenal] redundant)
yes, you are, in fact, the only player in the game who realizes that Blizzard is trying to get you to actually spend money on the game instead of just using the freely available ingame currency to play extra content for free that a massive amount of time and ressources went into.
Yes, the PVE content is a money sink if you don't enjoy actually playing don't then. I'm probably not gonna buy it this time because the RoS one ended up boring me after Chapter 3, but I still spend 2800 gold then because I actually wanted to....already knowing that the packs and Zayle wouldn't even be close to worth it.
so...what's the actual chance of Prismatic Lens getting a nerf as well?
On one hand, Tip the Scales Paladin is incredibly annoying because when it wins it's usually because it highrolled you to death, which is always frustrating
On the other hand, the deck is already perfectly refined, meaning unlike other decks, it will never actually improve beyond what it already does and it loses to pretty much any deck with a viable boardclear for turn 4/5 (Quest Warlock could actually beat it super easy unless they get run down by Tidecaller from turn 1).
It's the most limited aggro deck in the game as it has no actual burst or consistent damage output and entirely relies on a big swing turn that the opponent can't actually deal with, but at the same time Prismatic is just such a poorly designed cards that was just waiting for an abuse case like this to appear.
I wonder if it'd still see play at 3-mana but without the cost swapping effect. Quest Paladin would certainly appreciate getting to tutor their Consecration/Subdue in some matchups.
honestly, If DivineSpirit Cheese was gone you could still work with the current deck, but possibly try to include a more Reborn focussed build with the 1-mana Reborn spell and the dude that destroys and revives your guys.
Extra Arms is still really strong and Amet can also snowball out of control even without the threat of being OTKd from 30.
maybe a nerf would kill Priest this expansion, but seeing the support it has gottens o far it could easily come back next expansion with an actual deck that doesn't rely on highrolling your opponent to death.
it's not necessarily broken, but it can really steamroll ahead with a good opener, draw a lot of cards with very little counterplay (at least against decks relying on minion combat with limited access to destruction removal)...and at the end of it all you're constantly under threat of being OTKd with no real way to play around it.
If there was ever a time to HoF/nerf (I'd honestly prefer a rework) Divine Spirit it's now.
Why not just make it 2-mana, give a minion +5 Health or something. Still allows Inner Fire to be played in a deck that focusses on turning one high health minion into a big beater. Especially now that we have so many Reborn synergies that allow you to keep up an onslaught of Blademasters and Tol'virs
Can confirm, I'm a Blizzard employee who programmed a bot to play Big Priest for me while I reside deep within my toilet.
I don't think Quest will be that good until further support.
Right now you're basically just spamming lackeys without an endgame plan. Turns out Quest is still bad in decks that want to actually pressure their opponents...and it also turns out a quest reward that basically overloads you for 2 permanently in exchange for perma Brann is actually a downside in the midgame where you're trying to use your mana optimally.
It's just kind of depressing when your opponent throws down something like a Highmane and your best play is to double your Lifedrinker....that's just not tempo and unless you're actually close to killing your opponent it won't get you anywhere.
I hope there will be some sort of Control build that doesn't try to rush the quest but rather control the game and finish the quest naturally to use it with big value or swing cards (like Swampqueen)
the whole cost reduction mechanic should just be changed to minions keeping the cost they were summoned with, so all cost reduced cards can't be used in Evolve shenanigans and the like.
Result: Stuff like Giggling Inventor and Former Champ is still good with cards like Mutate, but something like Mogu Fleshshaper doesn't give you a turn 3 8-drop.
Fixes CC, fixes CC's interaction with Pocket Galaxy and deals with a few other abuse cases as well.
Also, pretending Mountain Giant is the problem when Khadgar + CC onto anything above 4-mana is basically an instant win against any deck without eefficient AoE removal speaks for itself. Kripp isn't the best source for balance insights.
at the same time, the one thing making it even playable right now is the Boomsday package, which rotates after the next expansion....+ the deck gets quite easily steamrolled by aggro decks (and combo decks to an extent) so I don't see it being that much of a problem in the long run.
If it really runs amok they can always nerf the quest counter to 6 which would effectively ruin the deck from a tempo perspective. Let Paladin have their one moment in the sun for an expansion before it's back to polarizing snowball decks like mech paladin or the new Aggro-Hand variant.
not that bad of a quest considering it could be playable somewhere down the line
wow...this one's actually great value. It's mid year so all the Raven packs still have use and a free legendary from an expansion with probably the most playable legendaries total is also neat.
Gonna wait for the balance change announcements, but this is tempting to say the least (even if I have so much dust that I don't actually need it whatsoever)