at the same time, Divine Spirit is what kinda holds Priest back in the first place, since they can't really print good cards with stat manipulation that don't translate into immediately frustrating OTKS (especially since Priest is also the dedicated Silence class, making taunt an ineffective counter).
I'd rather they axe Spirit completely and print more midrange cards (like Psychopomp and Injured Tolvir right now) that support a playstyle in which Priest actually buffs minions and then uses them to chip down opponents.
Right now Priest is actually kind of busted because whenever you're in a situation with any minion with above 5 health you're in danger of just straight up dying, especially now that you can't even use the strategy of "just bring the health of a big minion down so they can't combo" because of Neferset Ritualist.
I mean, they even have solid turn 1-2 curve thanks to Extra Arms and Lightwarden, so now seems like the appropriate time to finally remove the last non-counterplay OTK
idk why people downvote you. You're pretty much spot on
Galaxy will either get reverted (or bumped up to 6 because they still want it played) and Calling will receive some harsh nerf that makes it far less optimal in pretty much any Mage deck and requires more buildaround (removing Twinspell would help a lot for example)
Boom is honestly pretty hard to predict. There's so many things they could change to make the card less of an "I win" the same time they could also target some of Warrior's best removal (mainly Brawl)
Untapped Potential is only ever going to be broken if they print more defensive Choose One cards or if they more cheap early game cards they can use alongside the quest to deal with Aggro. There's a number of fast decks from multiple classes that can trounce Druid completely.
I'm more scared about Making Mummies tbh. That deck is the only thing that 100% beats Warrior in the ressource game while also having access to very decent defense and recovery and mostly gets screwed by bad draw or very fast aggro decks. It almost feels like a second coming of Quest Rogue (only less broken overall)
to be fair, Rumble changes were aimed at cards that had been terrorizing the meta for almost a year before, while this is probably aimed at some fairly recent problems (Warrior and Mage specifically)
I wonder if they'll also hit other classes out of left field (that turn out to be wise decisions in the long run, Equality style). There's something really ominous about Druid in a Meta where Control WArrior and Calling Mage aren't top dog anymore
So my guess is both Conjurer's Calling and Pocket Galaxy get some sort of adjustment
Warrior is really up in the air at this point. Boom is the most likely target, but at the same time they could go for an all out consistency nerf to their classic set, targetting stuff like Shield Slam or Brawl (or maybe they just do both and finally kneecap the dumb control Warrior playstyle that literally only works when you have more removal than other classes have win conditions)
Luna's Pocket Galaxy is going to get either reverted back to 7 mana, or nerfed to 6 mana. Should just be 7 mana, but I don't think Blizz is going to admit defeat with the buff they made.
I doN't know about that, Blizzard has been much more flexible recently. They reverted Specialist format and the arena changes because they realized they weren't working (Arena is debateable)
IN fact, the buffs in the frist place are an admission of failure.
I wouldn't be surprised if they revert Galaxy and just say "we thought this wouldn't be a problem, but it turns out it was, so no more of that"
And here we are again, some time ago was Rogue, until they nerf the class to the ground, AGAIN! In two months will be Druid or some other stuff.
STOP ASKING NERFS, it's only ruining our hard won collections, losing dust every 2 or 3 months. Ask for BUFFS!!!
because buffs will totally fix Warrior and Mage
I guess if we bring back Deathstalker Rexxar for every class it would fix the Warrior probelm...and then we buff Big game Hunter to 2-mana , because that has never been a problem.
This is how dynamic game design works you dunce. Nerfs are necessary because you can't predict the meta game from the moment you design a card, so adjustments have to be made as time goes on
Would really like to craft Zephrys and Reno, but I'm pretty sure Mage is gonna get nerfed and I'm not sure whether Highlander Mage is worth playing without the two "I win" buttons called Conjurer's Calling and Pocket Galaxy
I'd also love to play some sort of Control/Taunt Warrior but I'M not gonna craft anything in that direction until the inevitable Warrior nerf.
Other than that I'm still waiting where the meta goes so I'm either getting Highlander Hunter stuff (Brann, Zephrys and Siamat) or Anka to play around with Deathrattle Rogue.
Also really hoping for someone to find a working Zoo Priest deck because I have no interest in just playing Divine Spirit cheese
At this point Warrior and Mage are basically cheating.
One has so much removal that they don't even need a win condition against any deck that doesn't have near infinite value, the other one basically puts you into a "if I have this card at this point you lose and there's nothing you can do"#
I honestly can't wait for this garbage to be nerfed into the ground so we can go back to play the game normally, instead of every other deck having to come to terms with the fact that there are two classes that do everything they could ever hope to objectively better
you're literally here saying "mods help, me I'M being downvoted and you need to regulate how people are expressing their disdain because I'm a good boy"
you're literally blaming the mods for you being an obnoxious narcissist who needs validation wherever he goes
are you seriously getting your panties in a bunch because of a few downvotes?
You do realize that these mean absolutely nothing and you can just ignore them
also have you ever considered that you might just be really annoying and people are sick of it.
Also right here you are demanding special treatment because "the mods know you" which is all kinds of wrong.
In other words, man up or leave. If you can't handle "downvotes" on the internet and need the admins to save you then you shouldn't be on the internet.
what even is the point of the quest in this deck? Wouldn't it make more sense to just run more contol tools instead? Also, why not also run Omega Agent if you're going the Handbuff route? Could imrpove your performance against decks with multiple boardclears
Lets be really I am sick of Control Warrior, but I can definitely see this happen. At the same time I can see them touching either Mountain Giant or Conjurers. As for your suggestions I think they will do something about Tip the Scales but it might have to do with Prismatic Lens Instead
Mountain Giant is actually alright and makes for some pretty cool deckbuilding option in classes that aren't mage. The problem is that Calling basically punishes you for not being able to instakill an 8/8 on turn 3/4...and then punishes you further for not being able to kill two 8/8s on turn 4/5.
Calling is basically just cheating, and Pocket Galaxy makes the whole thing even worse (although it wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if Calling never existed in the first place)
at the same time, Divine Spirit is what kinda holds Priest back in the first place, since they can't really print good cards with stat manipulation that don't translate into immediately frustrating OTKS (especially since Priest is also the dedicated Silence class, making taunt an ineffective counter).
I'd rather they axe Spirit completely and print more midrange cards (like Psychopomp and Injured Tolvir right now) that support a playstyle in which Priest actually buffs minions and then uses them to chip down opponents.
Right now Priest is actually kind of busted because whenever you're in a situation with any minion with above 5 health you're in danger of just straight up dying, especially now that you can't even use the strategy of "just bring the health of a big minion down so they can't combo" because of Neferset Ritualist.
I mean, they even have solid turn 1-2 curve thanks to Extra Arms and Lightwarden, so now seems like the appropriate time to finally remove the last non-counterplay OTK
idk why people downvote you. You're pretty much spot on
Galaxy will either get reverted (or bumped up to 6 because they still want it played) and Calling will receive some harsh nerf that makes it far less optimal in pretty much any Mage deck and requires more buildaround (removing Twinspell would help a lot for example)
Boom is honestly pretty hard to predict. There's so many things they could change to make the card less of an "I win" the same time they could also target some of Warrior's best removal (mainly Brawl)
Untapped Potential is only ever going to be broken if they print more defensive Choose One cards or if they more cheap early game cards they can use alongside the quest to deal with Aggro. There's a number of fast decks from multiple classes that can trounce Druid completely.
I'm more scared about Making Mummies tbh. That deck is the only thing that 100% beats Warrior in the ressource game while also having access to very decent defense and recovery and mostly gets screwed by bad draw or very fast aggro decks. It almost feels like a second coming of Quest Rogue (only less broken overall)
to be fair, Rumble changes were aimed at cards that had been terrorizing the meta for almost a year before, while this is probably aimed at some fairly recent problems (Warrior and Mage specifically)
I wonder if they'll also hit other classes out of left field (that turn out to be wise decisions in the long run, Equality style). There's something really ominous about Druid in a Meta where Control WArrior and Calling Mage aren't top dog anymore
So my guess is both Conjurer's Calling and Pocket Galaxy get some sort of adjustment
Warrior is really up in the air at this point. Boom is the most likely target, but at the same time they could go for an all out consistency nerf to their classic set, targetting stuff like Shield Slam or Brawl (or maybe they just do both and finally kneecap the dumb control Warrior playstyle that literally only works when you have more removal than other classes have win conditions)
I sure hope so, I kept a golden copy after all
I really hope they finally break Control Warrior's legs and piss on the corpse
haha yes, ofc, am friendly furry, now please come closer into flamethrower range :^)
yeah that's what I mean, they should just do what the were teasing all along and bring back old cardbacks for tavern brawls
3 boots? that sounds like witchcraft to me
tried, don't think it's possible due to limited keys
I also use cardbacks based on my deck's theme (Blizzard pls gib Pirate cardback, I don't like using Kul'tiras in Rogue)
I doN't know about that, Blizzard has been much more flexible recently. They reverted Specialist format and the arena changes because they realized they weren't working (Arena is debateable)
IN fact, the buffs in the frist place are an admission of failure.
I wouldn't be surprised if they revert Galaxy and just say "we thought this wouldn't be a problem, but it turns out it was, so no more of that"
because buffs will totally fix Warrior and Mage
I guess if we bring back Deathstalker Rexxar for every class it would fix the Warrior probelm...and then we buff Big game Hunter to 2-mana , because that has never been a problem.
This is how dynamic game design works you dunce. Nerfs are necessary because you can't predict the meta game from the moment you design a card, so adjustments have to be made as time goes on
Would really like to craft Zephrys and Reno, but I'm pretty sure Mage is gonna get nerfed and I'm not sure whether Highlander Mage is worth playing without the two "I win" buttons called Conjurer's Calling and Pocket Galaxy
I'd also love to play some sort of Control/Taunt Warrior but I'M not gonna craft anything in that direction until the inevitable Warrior nerf.
Other than that I'm still waiting where the meta goes so I'm either getting Highlander Hunter stuff (Brann, Zephrys and Siamat) or Anka to play around with Deathrattle Rogue.
Also really hoping for someone to find a working Zoo Priest deck because I have no interest in just playing Divine Spirit cheese
At this point Warrior and Mage are basically cheating.
One has so much removal that they don't even need a win condition against any deck that doesn't have near infinite value, the other one basically puts you into a "if I have this card at this point you lose and there's nothing you can do"#
I honestly can't wait for this garbage to be nerfed into the ground so we can go back to play the game normally, instead of every other deck having to come to terms with the fact that there are two classes that do everything they could ever hope to objectively better
you're literally here saying "mods help, me I'M being downvoted and you need to regulate how people are expressing their disdain because I'm a good boy"
you're literally blaming the mods for you being an obnoxious narcissist who needs validation wherever he goes
are you seriously getting your panties in a bunch because of a few downvotes?
You do realize that these mean absolutely nothing and you can just ignore them
also have you ever considered that you might just be really annoying and people are sick of it.
Also right here you are demanding special treatment because "the mods know you" which is all kinds of wrong.
In other words, man up or leave. If you can't handle "downvotes" on the internet and need the admins to save you then you shouldn't be on the internet.
also downvoted for being a bad thread
what even is the point of the quest in this deck? Wouldn't it make more sense to just run more contol tools instead? Also, why not also run Omega Agent if you're going the Handbuff route? Could imrpove your performance against decks with multiple boardclears
Would replace Bronze Herald with Sandbinder for more consistent Mountain Giants in the midgame.
Also I feel like the many 1-health minions are just really hard to actually get a hold of the board with.
Mountain Giant is actually alright and makes for some pretty cool deckbuilding option in classes that aren't mage. The problem is that Calling basically punishes you for not being able to instakill an 8/8 on turn 3/4...and then punishes you further for not being able to kill two 8/8s on turn 4/5.
Calling is basically just cheating, and Pocket Galaxy makes the whole thing even worse (although it wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if Calling never existed in the first place)