A new Warrior card has been revealed by Alliestrasza.
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By the wording, I'm assuming it costs 1 less even if you have only one minion of any tribe?
There's just one problem, and that's this card interrupts tutoring that deathwing out and also competes for the dragon slot when you play out nzoth.
But that's not to say this card is bad. In most cases we're looking at getting this out at least 1 mana cheaper so a 4 mana 5/5 with rush is still above vanilla stats and it also comes with rush.
Since there's plenty of pirate tutoring in warrior, is there any reason to run this instead of the much superior Bloodboil Brute, which is easily cheapened by the tutored Risky Skipper, as compared with this card.
competing against deathwing? so what? I would saט that it can be much better ress target than deathwing, while it being 12/12 it doesn't have rush..
It really depends on what the meta would be, and how something like a menagerie warrior would adapt to it. Warrior isn't running out of rush minions or removal anytime soon, so we can take away that debate about the early game. If the question is about what Nzoth will bring back, then we'll have to look at the full list, not really just the dragon slot. In most cases, if I can have at least 2 taunts out of Nzoth (which wouldn't be difficult), I wouldn't care much for a 5/5 rush when I can have a full 12/12 revived.
But as I say, that's not to say this card is bad by any means. Even with one discount its already a very strong card, but far from being an auto include because I rate Deathwing, Mad Aspect higher than this card, both as a tutor target and a Nzoth target. Maybe there's room for both, but we'll have to see if there's more menagerie support for warrior to be revealed.
You will whiff on N'zoth(not draw deathwing) and ring master("draw patches") often if you run only the ideal legendary target.
you should have more good targets specially with how it seems the archtype to be built (the 1/3 weapon might be decent actually.) you might want minions that stat changes to them make sense (a 12/12 being a 13/13 doesn't change too much)
At the moment, there's only 1 dragon tutor card, and the nzoth timing is not an auto play on 10. I honestly don't see anything wrong with only having one tutor target, since in most cases this would be a midrange deck that wants to play on curve anyway, and their cards are usually big enough that you'd rarely run out of value. So if you whiff tutoring that one dragon, that also means you've exactly what you want in your hand.
Let's also not forget that there's only 1 beast worth running in warrior and that's Armagedillo, and there's no chance on earth you'd dilute your pool just so you dont whiff. So same situation here.
Still, we don't know what else is down the line, so there's still plenty of time for me to end up with egg on my face.
What a waste of a perfectly good tent!
Honestly, I think 5 Mana 5-5 with Rush alone is already prettty solid. If Menagerie Warrior becomes a Thing, this could easily be one of its Powerhouses.
A single discount already makes this pretty good so it's probably going to see a decent amount of play. Reviving a Deathwing, Mad Aspect with N'Zoth would be ideal but this isn't bad either.
In a vacuum this would be an easy 5 star card: even just a 1 mana discount will make the card worth the cost.
The point is: is this the only payoff for Menagerie Warrior (outside of N'Zoth, God of the Deep and Ringmaster's Baton) or is there something else? And in case the answer is yes: will it stand a chance against the other Meta decks?
I'm thrilled to know the answer. After all, N'Zoth, God of the Deep is my favorite of the new Old Gods.
They are pushing the Menagerie type over all classes (see Elemental support in Palladin) I guess at least one Menagerie deck will at least be T2. Why not Warrior?
Don't forget Ringmaster Whatley too, 5 mana 3/5 that draws 3 isn't bad either
can somebody clarify what does this mean?
1 tribe = 1 less
If you have a murloc, beast, pirate, dragon, and elemental on board it would cost 5 less but you mostly want this card turn 3 because anything cheaper than that is unlikely
You got a murloc a pirate and a beast on board this costs 3 less. you got 2 murlocs and a pirate on board it only costs 2 less
so they are pushing Menagerie Warrior
I mean with cards like Whately and Ring Master's Baton they kind of have to, otherwise they'd waste a legendary and epic card slot.
but the real question is how many of those minion types is Warrior going to run in their deck?
6 so that N'zoth summons full board. Something like this:
yanno with stuff like Fishy Flyer, Tent Thrasher and N'zoth you could probably make a deck list with ETC where N'zoth summons a board of rush minions and use them to deal 10 damage to the opponent and clear their board for 10 mana.
Would have to include minions like Gyrocopter and Fleethoof pearltusk but eh, just throwing that out there