Hearthstone Dad Dean "Iksar" Ayala has posted internal stats showcasing the 5 most performing deck archetypes among the best players on ladder. The stats refer to data collected from July 7th to July 12th from the top 1% of players.
By surprise of literally no one, we're talking about rather aggressive lists, with Face Hunter and Token Druid on top of Rush Warrior, Miracle Rogue and Deathrattle Demon Hunter. Here below you'll find the codes for these five archetypes directly from the last Vicious Syndicate Meta Report - use them as you wish, but remember: Trade is temporary, face is eternal...
Remember: We will see card balance changes announced later today. Druids and Priests are being targeted and the patch drops tomorrow so get those Druid games in while you can!
Quote From Dean Ayala If the face plays taunt (nonono) Me still go face (yeayeayea)
(Rankings From: 7/7 - 7/12, Top 1% of Players)
Aggro Hunter - 53,07% Winrate
Spell-Token Druid - 52,68% Winrate
Rush Warrior - 52,55% Winrate
Tempo Rogue - 51,40% Winrate
Menagerie Demon Hunter - 51,02% Winrate
Do you know where the line is on the ladder for top 1% of players? Just curious whether this is like, more or less top 1k legend, all legend, or some lower point.
I heard it's around 4000-5000 Legend, which, if you've ever been there, doesn't really feel that different from Diamond 5 anyways.
Thanks. I've hit that range twice and agree with your assessment.
And yet somehow Priest is getting nerfed despite not even being in the top 5 of their internal stats list. SMH. This is what happens when devs listen to community outcry. I'm really not happy to see these changes, and can only hope that these are based off pre-emptive changes with new cards (not yet revealed) in consideration to the nerfs. Otherwise they are going to make the top 5 performers even better by outsting/nerfing the only viable archetype for priest at the moment.
You fail to realize that top 1% doesn'T even mean top legend. At Top Legend, where you can't just autopilot your way to victory, Priest is king and shits on just about everything relevant.
Do you really think they would nerf Priest twice just to please the communnity when people have been whining about Tickatus for even longer and that fucker has barely even been mentioned. Priest is a problem, and it's not going to get better unless all of their future sets are complete shit.
You want them to make balance decisions based on the top 1% of players?
53% winrate, honestly isn't to bad. This seems quite balanced actually.
Hmm, we'll see if they're able to slow down the meta for the new expansion. Otherwise, the quests will go the way of the caravans and be unplayable.
I mean, they made shaman a top tier class with just two cards. It's also important to keep in mind that questlines also gives you small rewards while completing them. Plus they teased that there are going to be "tempo" questline decks like with the (yet to be revealed) warrior questline for example.