It may not be the most sensational piece of news of the Patch 22.4 notes, but it's still worth highlighting, since it has been bothering players' heads for more than two months now. Team 5 was finally able to find and swat the pesky bug that prevented people for completing "You Are Not Worthy", a Fractured in Alterac Valley achievement that requires players to prevent 100 damage using Lightforged Cariel's The Immovable Object.

Fortunately for us, this bug did not affect the Hero card's gameplay performances (which have declared it as one of the best Hero cards of the entire set), but we understand the pain of our Achievement hunters out there that couldn't do nothing to get that sweet sweet 100% completion score in their profile journal. The patch releases next week on February 15, so get ready to finish up that achievement.

Lightforged Cariel Card Image The Immovable Object Card Image

Quote From Blizzard

  • The Immoveable Object has finally been moved! Fixed a bug preventing the “You Are Not Worthy” achievement from tracking progress.

Alterac Valley Achievement Guides

Speaking of achievements, we do have a list of guides in case you have trouble with completing a couple of them. They also contain deck lists you can use in order to get your XP and also showcase particular synergy from game modes other than Standard that you may want to exploit at your own benefit: