Hearthstone's newest mini-set, Audiopocalypse, has shaken the meta from its staid late-May doldrums, and its time once again for us to take a look at the decks that are performing best in its wake. Here are the five decks with the best overall winrates (according to HSReplay) at Diamond and Legend ranks.
Or, if you're a contrarian, we've once again included a counter-pick for each meta deck, and with such an unformed meta, we've gone out of our way to find an off-off-meta strategy that appears to do well against it - this brings our total to 10 decks for your viewing pleasure.
Pure Paladin
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Pure Paladin remains atop the meta, thanks to a previously-tight list that needed little refining but found some extra tools in the mini-set in the form of Horn of the Windlord, which unlocks a potent synergy with Feast and Famine.
Counter-pick: Spell Demon Hunter
To counter Pure Paladin, try Spell Demon Hunter, which brings the flexibility of Souleater's Scythe to pick between Lady S'theno and Silvermoon Arcanist (with Abusive Sergeant tagging along for extra damage from S'Theno) and ensures the trigger for Mark of Scorn.
Big Beast Hunter
Big Beast Hunter got a couple of new toys from the mini-set: Star Power, for additional board control, and Hollow Hound as an early Beast that can stabilize your life total then come back with Stranglethorn Heart.
Counter-pick: Thaddius Warlock
Thaddius Warlock matches with Big Beast Hunter by being even bigger with the massive Fanottem, Lord of the Opera who can cost 0 thanks to The Jailer and makes it incredibly hard for the opponent to threaten your life total before you can kill them. If you're in the mood for even more larger and larger men, try out Reverberations.
Enrage Warrior
Enrage Warrior was slowly rising through the ranks prior to the Audiopocalypse, and got some help to put it over the top (for now) in Jam Session - a great buff spell that also triggers all the helpful Enrage effects on its minions. It's also pretty good with Sunfury Champion.
Counter-pick: Control Priest
Control Priest doesn't need any fancy new cards to keep the board clear of minions, and has plenty more where that came from to keep itself safe from the aggression of Enrage Warrior. E.T.C.'s brought the crew: Theotar, the Mad Duke, Rustrot Viper, and Steamcleaner.
Totem Shaman
Totem Shaman should have some staying power - but we'll go ahead and address the elephant in the room: this list does not contain the new Totem cards Shaman got in the mini-set (Remixed Totemcarver and Jukebox Totem). It feels like an oversight to us, but the site didn't have a version of the deck that ran them.
Counter-pick: Arcane Hunter
This Hunter deck does decently against Totem Shaman, taking the top-end of Big Beast Hunter (Stranglethorn Heart and King Krush) and remixing it with the power of Halduron Brightwing to add extra damage to Star Power, Ricochet Shot, and more.
Big Druid
Big Druid is rocking large minions in this early meta, using Masked Reveler and Death Blossom Whomper to cheat out an early Neptulon the Tidehunter or Stoneborn General while ramping all the while.
Counter-pick: Weapon Rogue
The deck to get under Big Druid is an aggressive, Pirate-heavy Weapon Rogue that uses Festival of Legend's Weapon-buffing cards to build a bigger weapon and smack it into the opponent's face.
What top decks are you playing in Post-Audiopocalyptic Hearthstone? Share them in our deckbuilder and show them off in the comments below.
The ladder has been just lousy with Pure Paladins the last couple days. Not sure if I'm complaining, and I've been playing mostly Enrage Warrior and have been going about 50/50 with them.
Losing to Thad-Lock is one of the most feelsbad experiences, IMO. Every one I face has the Slime on curve, and if that doesn't drop Thaddius, it gets them the Behemoth that brings him out anyway.
I'm starting to see some Big Control Paladin featuring Kangor pop up here and there. Pretty resilient, if slow as heck to actually win the game. I don't know what its matchup spread is because I've hit it mostly with my achievement farming decks, but it looks like it has potential.