[Theorycraft] Survival of the Fittest OTK Druid

Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
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A janky combo I thought up. Will update as more cards are revealed.

The Combo:

You setup by casting 2x Survival of the Fittest. Ideally this is done by cheating them out through Kael'thas Sunstrider. After playing both Survivals, equip the Sphere of Sapience and play at least 3 of the 4 charge minions. Some combos include:

Deckhand + Deckhand + Boar + Moonfire/Hero Power = 4 mana 30 damage

Deckhand + Deckhand + Boar + Hero Power = 5 mana 30 damage 

Boar + Boar + Deckhand + Claw = 4 mana 30 damage

Boar + Boar + Deckhand + Hero Power + Moonfire = 5 mana 30 damage

Boar + Boar + Deckhand + Moonfirex2 = 4 mana 30 damage

Deckhand + Deckhand + Boar + Boar = 4 mana 38 damage (important because it bypasses extra armor from Ice Barrier/Galakronds)

Due to the cheap mana cost , you can actually play draw cards and execute the combo on the same turn, which both speeds up the combo and throws off any disruption our opponent attempts to cast. With innervates or nature studies discounts it's even possible to play Overflow and OTK the opponent on the same turn! 


Card choices:


2x Innervate: Activator for Kael'thas, allows us to cast Overgrowth earlier and empty our hand on our Overflow turns.

2x Lightning Bloom: Another 0 cost Kael'thas activator. Also good for ramping into key cards like Overgrowth and Overflow.

2x Moonfire: Kael'thas activator that also acts as extra reach in the case that we only draw 3 charge minions. We run 2 to make drawing our charge minions from Polkelt easier. 

2x Nature Studies: One of the key cards in this deck. It can discover answers that we aren't hardrunning, is a cheap spell for Kael'thas, and smooths our curve out considerably. 

1x Sphere of Sapience: Activates the Deckhands for the OTK turn, and can also be equipped earlier to help draw key cards if you're confident the opponent has no weapon removal.

2x Southsea Deckhand/Stonetusk Boar: The charge minions that allow us to OTK. We only need 3 of these to hit 30 dmg, but we run a fourth one anyways for consistency purposes and to bypass the extra armor from Galakrond/Ice Barrier

2x Rising Winds: Cheap card draw that can also give much needed board presence if necessary.

2x Wrath: Another cheap draw card that can double as a tempo removal. 

2x Bogbeam: A cheap removal that eventually costs 0, giving it the same upsides as the other 0 cost cards already mentioned.

2x Overgrowth: The backbone of Druid ramp. Allows us to play  our expensive cards earlier, namely Kael, Overflow, and on the rare occasion we can afford to, Survival of the Fittest.

1x Lorekeeper Polkelt: Playing this card puts Kaelthas and the two Survivals on the top of the deck, which allows us to get our Kaelthas setup turn quickly. This will bury the 1 mana chargers lower in the deck, but we run so much draw that it's a huge drawback.  

1x Kael'thas Sunstrider: Essential card. Allows us to cheat out  Survivals to enable our OTK, and Overflow to quickly draw through our deck. Our entire deck is built around making the Kaelthas turn as consistent as possible.

2x Overflow: The 5 cards we draw through this card is massive and allows us to quickly zip through out deck. The 5 health gain is also a nice bonus against potential agression. With all of the mana cheating present in this deck, we rarely cast it for it's full cost on turn 7. 

2x Survival of the Fittest: The card that turns our chargers into 1 mana 8/8s and 9/9s, and a vital part of the OTK.



2x Crystal Power: A good, cheap card that helps our survivability considerably. However, it doesn't go face like Claw/Moonfire or draw any cards. It's helpful but not required.

1x Claw: Another cheap card that helps early-game survivability, as well as providing some extra reach during the OTK turns. It's great against aggro but can sometimes be a dead card vs. control.


More coming soon:

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