Hybrid SotF Druid

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

This deck is designed to mix the mana cheating effects of ysiel and kael’thas to easily play Survival of the fittest early, while still having enough minions to get value off of the spell. I used mostly spell synergy minions to increase the quality of the minions in this deck. The goal is to ramp towards SotF as fast as possible. many of the spells in this deck Are there to do this either by themselves or to activate kael’thas. Than play multiple massive minions each turn and overwhelm your opponent. The deck is very defensive using cards like groundskeeper and steel beetle to withstand aggro decks, while ramping towards your win condition, the broom is there to act as a 5/5 rush removal and to get your other big minions moving a turn early, lore keeper is there to more consistently draw your win condition. Ysiel is a decent way to get stats off of SotF faster, and can be used with lightning bloom and nourish to play multiple spells in the same turn. Anubisath defender is another way of getting fast stats after playing SotF

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