Health and Lackey Zoo

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
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This is my take on Zoo with new Scholomance tech.  The self-damage package and soul fragment package both synergize well internally and with the new Priest/Warlock cards of Brittlebone Destroyer [Hearthstone Card (and Flesh Giant) Not Found].  This deck seeks to take advantage of this synergy and utilize Magic Carpet along with a small lackey package to help create faster and more reactive turns. Magic Carpet becomes much stronger after Dark Pharaoh Tekahn gets played and can even activate on Flesh Giant relatively quickly, allowing the removal of large threats that would otherwise be a pain to get through.

The deck is capable of creating very wide boards with cheap minions and lackey generation, but can also create tall threats with Void Drinker and Flesh Giant.  This flexibilty in threat generation demands that opponents have a variety of answers to your board.  Additionally the deck comes with a lot of resource generation through lackeys, Warlock's natural refill, and Raise Dead.

Cards/packages that were considered but not included are Darkglare, eggs, Disciplinarian Gandling, and the discard package from AoO.  I have not tested running Darkglare, but have also not felt any need for it.  Cheating out mana could lead to some explosive swings, but the deck is still able to make powerful swings already and I personally value resource generation from lackeys.  Eggs and Gandling seem like a good fit in zoo, but I'm a bit skeptical.  Especially in a meta that I predict will have a lot of fast decks, eggs and Gandling come out a bit too slowly to compete.  I heavily debated between running the lackey package or the discard package, but eventually decided on the lackey since the package is less reliant on a single card.  Sinister Deal and EVIL Genius are good on their own with Tekahn being a power boost while Expired Merchant and Nightshade Matron are very reliant on Hand of Gul'dan to be good or even playable.  I strongly prefer the reliability of having lackeys to needing Hand of Gul'dan and a discard-er in my hand.

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