Tempo priest

Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
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Hey everyone!

I've created this tempo priest list mostly to try and find something new while also revisiting some old favorite cards and combos aaannddd it worked surprisingly well.

I've climbed with a 6-star bonus from bronze 10 to plat 10 over my first day facing mostly hunters and paladins with occasional touches of priests and mages.

I've won most of my matches, around 80%, against both hunters and paladins (unfortunately I didn't have innkeeper installed during the climb to provide sufficient proof), although none of these matchups feels one-sidedly favored. It boils down to understanding when and how you can stick a minion and safely buff it up for favorable trades, which can easily snowball into a victory in these matchups.

Against hunter, you have to keep in mind that they can play Dwarven Sharpshooter and then remove 2 health minions with the hero power. If they tempo it out turn one you should try to hold back a little and play a minion alongside a health buff minion to contest it, otherwise, you just waste a minion. Basically the same principle applies against paladins, they will usually have a 1 drop into a buff card like Hand of A'dal or Libram of Wisdom so avoid playing something into their turn two, which can't survive this. If you are the first though just go for tempo, your best play 95% of the time is just a one drop into Power Word: Feast. This just wins every trade on turn two and leaves you with a juicy boy on the board.

Against control decks just go for tempo. If possible try to drop big threats when you know they are going into a slow turn like, turn 4 for druid, when they want to play Overgrowth. By big threats, I mean High Priest Amet, Sethekk Veilweaver, Lightwarden and Archmage Vargoth.

Some card combos and tips for every matchup:

  • [card]Archmage Vargoth + Raise Dead: hand refill in exchange for 4 health and a threat development at the same time.
  • Injured Tol'vir revived by Psychopomp: If you see this in your hand against agro/tempo deck it might be the best course of action to hold on to some minions to not pollute the graveyard. Especially if you have the coin to play it on curve on turn 2 and 3.
  • You can increase the damage of your Lightwarden by healing your opponent's face with your hero power.
  • If you have multiple minions on board, try to spread your buffs so one silence or hard removal from your opponent doesn't lose you the game. If you don't have to protect a high priority minion, you should buff minions without text for the same reason. The point is to present your opponent with a decision as though as possible in terms of what to remove.
  • Silence rules against paladins! Try to get more from Renew and don't waste it! Try to wait for the turn 5 Blessing of Authority.

Possible card inclusions:



  • Reached plat 5 without any star bonuses only playing this deck.

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  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Nice deck! I have also tried similar concepts but without much success.

    I'm surprised by Vargoth, as targets are random, you could buff enemy minions. Is it performing well?

    • ForScience's Avatar
      195 3 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      Yes because most of the time I play him alongside a raise the dead or tempo it on turn 3-4, and it either gets removed instantly instead of something else, or I can trade away most of the opposing minions and go for guaranteed buffs.

    • MasticoreFTW's Avatar
      165 20 Posts Joined 05/23/2020
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      You always have control over Vargoth. As a tempo deck you're mostly going to be clearing the board, so if you have stuck a Vargoth and want to buff you need to clear to be sure but generally that's how you're going to be playing anyways, and a double-cast buff is going to snowball the board control anyways. Of course, you don't necessarily need to risk it, there's less risky cards like renew and raise dead you can utilize and your opponent will always scramble to remove Vargoth so even if you don't get a crazy amount of value from his ability he's going to eat some kind of removal basically guaranteed.

      Also worth mentioning Vargoth counts spells before he was played like Kael'thas, so if you raise dead into a Vargoth you can play the Vargoth to get another raise dead cast. Make sure not to put yourself in the rez pool though.  

      • ForScience's Avatar
        195 3 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

        yes this exactly.


      • drfelip's Avatar
        Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

        Thanks for replying!


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