(Wild) Jade Shudderwock Shaman
- Jade Shaman
- Wild
- Ranked
Deck Archetype:......Jade + Shudderwock Shaman
Deck style:...............Control
Period:.....................Witchwood release >
Cause of death:.......Not yet
>To be updated<<
Old writeup:
Win condition:
Jade package:
Jade Lightning x2
Jade Claws x2
Jade Chieftain x1-2
Jade Spirit x1-2 (3 in combination of spirit and cheiftain)
Aya Blackpaw x1
Trogg package:
Flametongue Totem x2
Tunnel Trogg x2
Totem Golem x2
Flamewreathed Faceless x2
Thing from Below x2
Shaman staples:
Maelstrom Portal x2
Lightning Storm x2
Hex x2
Last 4 cards:
Jinyu Waterspeaker x1
Azure Drake x2
Brann Bronzebeard x1
Possible Techs:
White Eyes
Hallazeal the Ascended
Emperor Thaurissan
Al'Akir the Windlord + Corpsetaker
Rummaging Kobold
Eternal Sentinel
Hammer of Twilight
Elemental Destruction
Murmuring Elemental
Mana Tide Totem
Loot Hoarder
Lightning Bolt
Hot Spring Guardian
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0- 00
- 21
- 82
- 73
- 54
- 35
- 46
- 17+
- 1 Tunnel Trogg x 2
- 2 Flametongue Totem x 2
- 2 Jade Claws x 2
- 2 Maelstrom Portal x 2
- 2 Totem Golem x 2
- 3 Hex x 2
- 3 Jade Lightning x 2
- 3 Lightning Storm x 2
- 4 Flamewreathed Faceless x 2
- 4 Jade Spirit x 2
- 4 Jinyu Waterspeaker x 1
- 6 Aya Blackpaw x 1
- 6 Jade Chieftain x 1
- 6 Thing from Below x 2
- 9 Shudderwock x 1
- 3 Brann Bronzebeard x 1
- 5 Azure Drake x 2
- 5 Loatheb x 1
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