Medivh's White-Eyes Blue Dragons
- Reno Mage
- Wild
- Fun
I must say, I'm in love with Dragons. After the gathering of Green Dragons, it's time to unite the Blue Dragons under the leadership of Medivh. So, get ready to witness the power of Reno Dragon Mage and unleash the Dragon's Fury with Kalecgos.
(Blue Dragons are gorgeous!)
In order to understand how to play this deck, we need to learn how to fight against certain archetypes:
- Aggro: Keep them out with Anti-Aggro cards such as Explosive Sheep/Twilight Guardian/Rotten Applebaum/Dragon's Fury. Cards such as Archmage Arugal/Brann Bronzebeard/Stargazer Luna can be considered as soft-Taunts thanks to high value these cards contain, which is another way to stay alive.
- Combo: With the correct timed of Dirty Rat will punish Combo players hard. Brann+Zola+Dirty Rat combo is so brutal that they will concede the instant you executed this combo. Also, there is another way to punish them: Keep Dirty Rat and Baleful Banker during Mulligan Phase. Then, at 10-Mana, play Hex Lord Malacrass and shuffle him via Baleful Banker. Thus, you will have infinite Malacrass and Dirty Rat, all thanks to Baleful Banker.
- Control: This is where you will excel in. With the power of Blue Dragons, mostly coming from Kalecgos, you will be victorious. Don't forget the value Ysera and Frost Lich Jaina has. Possible infinite Malacrass+Banker combo and value cards such as Firetree Witchdoctor/Netherspite Historian/Echo of Medivh will fatigue your Control opponents hard because they can't have answer to every value-play you have.
(Nostalgic times with Lord Jaraxxus)
That's how you fight against your enemies. Now, check which cards you don't have and swap them with these cards mentioned below if needed:
Remove | Add |
If you want to ask why, here are my reasons:
- Ysera: If you don't have the Green Aspect, swap her with any Dragon. Alexstrasza would be a good pick because you can either heal yourself or finish your opponent.
- Archmage Arugal: If you feel lucky, you can copy your Dragons whenever you draw them. If combined with Stargazer Luna, that would be sweet. It's alright if you don't have him, though. So, any card can do the trick but I prefer Raven Familiar thanks to Big Spell synergies this deck has.
- Zola the Gorgon: Youthful Brewmaster on steroids. You can copy any card without tempo-loss. If you don't have her, swap with any card.
- Stargazer Luna: Arugal and Luna are in harmony for this deck. If you don't have her for some reason, Pyromaniac can do the trick.
- Brann Bronzebeard: Double the Battlecry, double the power. Otherwise, eat Jades with Skulking Geist.
That's all folks! If you have any questions, ask me anytime. Have fun in Wild format!
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10- 00
- 01
- 72
- 43
- 54
- 55
- 36
- 67+
- 2 Archmage Arugal x 1
- 3 Stargazer Luna x 1
- 4 Echo of Medivh x 1
- 4 Kazakus x 1
- 4 Leyline Manipulator x 1
- 4 Polymorph x 1
- 5 Dragon's Fury x 1
- 6 Meteor x 1
- 7 Flamestrike x 1
- 8 Hex Lord Malacrass x 1
- 8 Kalecgos x 1
- 9 Frost Lich Jaina x 1
- 2 Baleful Banker x 1
- 2 Dirty Rat x 1
- 2 Explosive Sheep x 1
- 2 Firetree Witchdoctor x 1
- 2 Netherspite Historian x 1
- 2 Zephrys the Great x 1
- 3 Brann Bronzebeard x 1
- 3 Voodoo Doll x 1
- 3 Zola the Gorgon x 1
- 4 Twilight Guardian x 1
- 5 Azure Drake x 1
- 5 Emperor Thaurissan x 1
- 5 Harrison Jones x 1
- 5 Rotten Applebaum x 1
- 6 Bone Drake x 1
- 6 Reno Jackson x 1
- 7 Crowd Roaster x 1
- 9 Ysera x 1
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I found that my had was always full and Echo of Medivh was almost always a dead card, so I replaced it with Luna's Pocket Galaxy
1 Mana cards in the deck are goooood
One of my wild lists is a greedy dragon mage, I'll have to give this reno variant a try!
Heh apparently I am only missing one Echo of Medivh ..... I may have to try this deck for fun.
which is weird cuz I swore I played echo mage... musta needed dust at one point haha
Very fun and efficient deck. +1! My only issue is against Pogo Rogue, but nothing is invincible.
I ended up replacing Hex Lord Malacrass for Sindragosa for purely monetary reasons, but the results have been great regardless.
Even Archmage Arugal, who I've never found a use for until now, manages to occasionally do his job.
The only card here I'm not so sure about is Stargazer Luna. Most games I either tempo her out to force my enemy to waste resources, or end up drawing relatively little due to the deck's mana costs in general. Still, very few complaints about her either, and I can't think of a better draw engine to replace her with, so I'm keeping her too.
Thanks for the feedback but I insist that you should craft Malacrass as early as possible. In this deck, he can retrieve your Dragons back. In general, he is good in Reno Mages.
Yeah, he's been in my crafting list for a while now. Once the next expansion launches I'm pretty sure I'll go no further without him.