Twistin' with Demons and the Undead
- Plot Twist Warlock
- Wild
- Casual
Well this is by far the most fun I've had playing Plot Twist in quite awhile. Don't craft this. It's a meme, but it can win and make for some fun games. I was thinking, why not try the Thaddius, Monstrosity package with Plot Twist. I tried it in Warrior and Paladin already. The Paladin deck has performed ok. I'll try to update that one soon.
I'll explain a few things here. You can check out my previous versions for more details.
The obvious goal is to play Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug w/ Plot Twist as soon as you can. You have cheap spells to help survive the early game, but there are many other plays you can make as well. Voidcaller can pull you an early Fel Lord Betrug, and you can get discounts w/ The Dark Portal.
Card Choices:
I specifically chose these minions, but I'm not sure about Neptulon the Tidehunter just because he takes 3 spots.
Of course you can run Sense Demons instead of The Dark Portal, but I like the high roll potential.
Wicked Shipment is in there for trading and it can help get a Defile going if nec. You could run another spell instead.
I've run N'Zoth, the Corruptor works for another late game finisher. But it has no synergy w/ Plot Twist so I'm leaving it out for now.
I always keep Voidcaller and The Dark Portal. Against aggro you keep low-cost, defensive spells as well. Otherwise I'm keeping Dollmaster Dorian, and Plot Twist if I already have Dollmaster Dorian.
Again don't craft this, but if you have the cards you should try it out. Getting Thaddius, Monstrosity on the board from a Plot Twist or a Flesh Behemoth is fun times.
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0- 00
- 31
- 62
- 23
- 54
- 15
- 26
- 117+
- 1 Unstable Felbolt x 2
- 1 Wicked Shipment x 1
- 2 Defile x 2
- 2 Drain Soul x 2
- 2 Plot Twist x 2
- 3 Dark Skies x 2
- 4 Hysteria x 1
- 4 The Dark Portal x 2
- 4 Voidcaller x 2
- 6 Aranasi Broodmother x 2
- 8 Fel Lord Betrug x 1
- 9 Mal'Ganis x 1
- 10 Bloodreaver Gul'dan x 1
- 5 Dollmaster Dorian x 1
- 8 Mo'arg Forgefiend x 2
- 8 The Lich King x 1
- 9 Flesh Behemoth x 2
- 10 Colossus of the Moon x 1
- 10 Neptulon the Tidehunter x 1
- 10 Thaddius, Monstrosity x 1
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