New Neutral Minion - Shadow Hunter Vol'jin
Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Shadow Hunter Vol'jin, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Shadow Hunter Vol'jin, has been revealed!
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I imagine you could use this in Druid with some cheap minion generating spells to get large taunts early. This can also help you cheese through Taunts. Other than that I don't think this will be played a lot. 5 mana to "disrupt" your opponent's board seems pretty clunky.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Nicely versatile card. You can use it on your own minions to cheat out something big, or escape a negative battlecry. You can use it as a potential disruption card to break combos. There is also always the soft removal option, a la Sap, to just put something scary, or buffed up back into your opponent's hand and trade for some other minion of theirs. I wonder what happens if there is no minion in hand to swap. Is there no effect or does it behave exactly like Sap at that point?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
This could be nice. Want to get rid of a big taunt? Done. Want to replay a strong battlecry? Done. Just hope you don't pull some 10-mana minion from the enemy's hand on turn 5.
I pulled a tickatus warlock's y'shaarj and won because of it.
Banned for spamming.
A strong tech card. And perhaps in time it will prove too strong. Most decks would want this if only because its basically a better silence card, or a backup removal option. In some cases, it even enables a second battlecry. The possibilities are endless.
This looks very strong because you can also target your own minions which will happen most of the time because if you use it on your opponent minion this could easily backfire.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Mediocre anti combo tool and occasional cheat engine (even though you need at least 6 mana at which point cheating out something bigger isn't that relevant)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Strong tech card, kinda like a more expansive Dirty Rat. Also seems good for Big decks like Big Warrior and Duel! Paladin right now, before they rotate. (BUT obviously you never want to pull Shadow Hunter Vol'jin with Dimensional Ripper or any other "recruit" card. so that's a big downside.)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Fun card. I've been running it in a big Paladin. Bouncing recruits to land a 10drop is fun. Won me a game or two from bouncing an enemy taunt too. Real fun to play with.
Love these preview legendaries. Always entertaining to play around with during reveal seasons.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
This is a great discount for otk mage(Antonidas), tried it in wild but i'm betting it could work in standard too.
If the enemy doesn't have minions on hand that card would work as Sap? Or doesn't do anything because there is no Minion to swap?
By The Holy Light!
So far my favorite move with it is getting rid of a Libram buffed whatever that a paladin left out there - no more minion, no more librams.
Definitely a juicy card, but I doubt it will be popular past its first week. In general, despite the apparent versatility, it's just too situational.
It's too unreliable against enemy minions, and Control decks have better options most of the time, while Aggro simply cannot afford a (5) 3/6 tech card.
Big Recruit decks are also better off without him for best consistency of summon from deck.
Either way, I'm trying it in Big Demon Hunter (with Felscreamer, Priestess of Fury and Overfiend as backup Midrange plan + big Naga and Colossus) and it's a nice card there, definitely a buff to the deck. It's just that the deck itself is still quite limited I think.
I like combo disruption, so I can see this being useful. Maybe also worth it to avoid your own minion's negative battlecry?
With a couple mana discounts, combining this with Silas Darkmoon could be fun.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Added him to my Deck of Chaos warlock, and have to say, pretty great at a 3 mana 5/6
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I've been trying to find a good use for this card and am still coming up thumbs
Love the combo potential of this card - wish I had the original.
All generalizations are false.
He's got some purple magic.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
It has some cool combo potential and it has some ability to disrupt enemy combos. Its going to depend on what combos are possible whether this sees use. It seems a little less than great at the disruption end but it still could do so if there is a desperate need for that.
The strength of the card lies in its versatility: offensively can be used to cheat out big cards by turn 5, or defensively to force a combo piece out of your opponent.
Not a build around card, but can be useful tech card for big decks.
eat sh*t dirty rat
On one side, I think this is great because hand disruption can be amazing, but on the other hand it might be too expensive to be really good. At least Dirty Rat was cheap.
Already loving this guy in combo decks, both Wild and Standard. I think I might run him in my decks with [Hearthstone Card (Norzdomu the Eternal) Not Found] simply because some people have been telling me a 7 mana 8/8 dragon is bad. But it I can bounce back a good Battlecry minion while guaranteeing an 8/8 summons in it's place... Pretty good!
Also someone wrecked me in a game last night by using their Vol'jin to swap a minion of mine for one in my hand and I lost a combo piece. I hadn't even realized that you could use it that way until someone did it to me! LOL
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Either a mild form of hand disruption, or a way to mana cheat. Even if it doesn't disrupt the meta in a major way, it should still be fun to play around with.
It's a nice tech card as of right now, we'll have to see what gets added in the new set that wants to be bounced/cheated out
Will we get a golden one for Reward track?
at least some chance to try to stop combo decks
Been using this one regular, have to say sometimes the outcome is not when you want/epect. Though it's awesome (I had to laugh) when it then puts Tickatus in the field, ha hahaha
I'm not online it's just your imagination
He is now great in WILD with MechaC`tun combo :)
can be useful
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Generic anti-combo card.
Disclaimer: if the above is factually incorrect or complete rubbish it is definitely both intentional and comedy genius.
I guess it will be used more as a combo enabler, rather than disabler.
Fun card.
Good one
He's a meme, but not more. Great to have him already, but not gonna use him in the forseeable future.
Fun card, scary as a combo enabler, I'm using it with good success in Big Demon Hunter already :D
It behaving like Sap on an enemy minion against some opponents it's quite cool
Interesting but too situational. Might see some play but not widespread accross all classes.
This card made so many interesting combo decks become more powerful and fun.After the rotation i really want to see if this card is still good.
Trying in my deathrattle rogue deck at wild. But no success yet...
Enables Mana cheat and combos, but I dont care for that much honestly...
Every card that disrupts Combo somehow is welcome in my book!
ArtStation | Twitter
Been playing him already. Not too crazy, but good enough to distrupt and cheat some mana. Pretty fun and flexible card
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Huge fan of Vol'jin in WOW but the card is mediocre
Couldnยดt make this card work yet, more like fun card, than competetive.
โก u 4ever 2008 - 2022
Feels like a meme card, but maybe there will be one or two combo decks that want him. Also, depending on how many strong battlecries and frenzy effects are in the game, he might be a decent (albeit super greedy) value play. For example. you could bounce Ysera the Dreamer, potentailly swapping the 4/12 for an Emerald Drake and getting that battlecry again. If that's how he's most useful, then Shadow Hunter Vol'jin will probably be a bit too greedy to be played much.
Interesting potential both as combo piece or removal, could fit into a lot of decks.
Depends on the god of RNG
Rogue DH
Using this in my Control Warrior deck. Vol'jin + Brawl is a cool combo, just like Dirty Rat + Brawl was. It definitely helps against OTK decks like Antonidas Mage.
More a card to play in opponent minions, building a deck with only high cost minions and spell that generate tokens sounds hard to do. But still, maybe paladin can do something with his recruits, but if we play recruits we are more likely to play synergy to buff them.
Murlocs <3
The art is prety good,but i don't like another mechanic like this!!!
I enjoy the versatility of the card. Use it on an opponent's big minion and (hope to) pull out a smaller one, or use it on one of your small minions to pull out a big one.
We're already seeing a bit of the combo potential of the card, and in FitB, there's bound to be more.
I already like playing with it, it's a fun card which is decently strong, without being oppressive. Also flexible as heck. I really dig it.
Good for combo, good for disruption, good for value, this card is THE nuts.
Slower dirty rat no place for it yet.
I only had 1 great use of Vol'jin. I was playing against a Rogue opp who played Edwin VanCleef as an 12/12 that I switched out!
The beauty of this card is that it's a Choose One card in disguise.
I've already used it to wreck some combos, and when I don't need it for that, I use it to replay my own Corrupted cards for Y'sharrj value. It never feels like a dead card in my hand.
Bit on the expensive side for a tech card so most likely will only be used in combo/anti-combo decks. Lot of people have been experimenting with it, it'll be interesting to see if any strong decks emerge after rotation and Barrens launch.
Interesting disruption tech. May see play if/when we get to a control/big combo meta. Right now, I see way too many Rogues to make this worth including. But hopefully that changes soon!
I like his effect, but his art is terrible....
Justice for Volยดjin!
I'm already seeing this card being played definitely has good flavor with Mecha'thun and possibly other large minions
I don't think this will see serious play in Wild. It may find a place in disruption warlock, but that's not a serious deck. The meta would have to become very combo-heavy for this to be a good card, and Blizz doesn't seem to want to go that route. Even for bouncing powerful battlecries in Reno decks, this is too expensive and inconsistent, even if it is theoretically versatile.
Combo enabler, combo disrupt tool, with flavor and free.
Yeah, pulling N'zoth and Y'shaarj, even C'thun and the ocasional Yogg, annoying the opponent all day long.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Dirty rat's cousin...I like!
Love this card so much! Finally a better Volโjin! Either for yoinking good cards like Raza and Zephyrs from the enemyโs hand, getting rid of their big beefy minions or cheating out some of your minions/getting battle cry minions back. This card is awesome!
A tech card, maybe combo enabler, that I haven't seen anywhere but meme decks as of yet.
Make use of him quick, before the highlander cards rotate out.
So, the janky OTK stuff with Malygos is tried and tested, with decent results but, with the expansion rolling out and with the overall power level of decks hopefully decreasing, Shadow Hunter Vol'jin's ability as a disruptor can also shine, giving this card extra flexibility. However, Shadow Hunter Vol'jin will still face competition as a Neutral disruption tech tool with Maiev Shadowsong. There's also the chance you can run both, though, for the sake of consistency.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91ยซ60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
It's a nice free legendary for cheating out big stuff. It is especially nice in Paladin or Shaman that can consistently bring out cheap minions with their hero power.
I love the experimental aspect of release 1 (or a few) card(s) prior to release day, shake things up a little before the meta truly changes.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
seems good but there are better cards like dirty rat, i know you can cheat big minions but why would you do that? if you have shadow essen,muckmorpher or duel
compare the art with the old Vol'jin. new art styles got worse over the years...
Decent enough to get a second chance at a battlecry!
Seems good. Flexible and enables interesting combos.
Seems fun so far as a comboy type card to cheat out key minions early/ swap tokens for big guys. As a "sap" type card or disruption card I'm not too convinced seems to have potential for backfiring
combo breaker + combo starter + sap wtih a body seems like a good card for every ctrl decks. But it seems blizzard is trying decrease the number of OTK decks so depending on the meta a good card
Useless freebee as per usual
I'm having fun with Warlock Vol'jin, may not be the best card from a competitive standpoint, but as a card to just mess around with it's pretty fun.
Small APM, big heart.
Hey, the last two haven't been "useless freebies." Vargoth has been quite good in res priest at least, and Kael'thas had to be nerfed two separate times. Maybe Vol'jin ain't the best, but don't be talking bad about my boys from the past now.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Having a lot of fun with this in duel/big paladin! I think he'll be a fun staple of the meta as it's like a reverse dirty rat
Having played around with this a little, it's a lot of fun, especially when you break up a combo.
Also: Tickatus go bye bye haha.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Nice OTK's
i really like the design on this card. flexible and being able to do crazy stuff. so fun!
Use 0-cost minions as baits to switch out for bigger ones. Druid/Warlock/Warrior/Paladin can use this.
Pretty meme-y, could become centerpiece of a strong deck, but that's a hard nut to crack.
Fun card in big minions deck, anti-combo tech sometimes
Cool effect in principle, I like its versatility. But in the end will probably have only one purpose, cheat mana in some combo decks.
The art is so uninspiring though, especially compared to old Vol'jin :(
Would love a turn 5 scrapyard colossus
Interesting card indeed, maybe slightly easier to use to bring some minion on board faster than remove an enemy minion with the risk it comes back on ground
For The HORDE!
Good card with nice potential
Sap + Dirty Rat
Great card, having lots of fun experimenting with different deck types.
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
meme's a-go-go
meme card or for some OTK's
Hm expensive sap or panda... MarkMcKz kind of card...
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ยฉTrimutius
It's very versatile, but I'd much prefer this to be a 3 drop or 4 drop. 5 drop is a bit too expensive for its effect.
Vol'jin will be run as a keystone in meme-y mana-cheat decks and not for hit utility against enemy minions. 5 mana is too much to pay for such variable disruption that could screw you over, but is a nice fit for cheating out any large minions.
A weird, potentially useful card in the right deck (one that wants to cheat Mana). The randomness will always make it a hard choice, IMO, unless you run very few minions and have a lot of draw.
A fun, niche card, and occasional build around, but probably only for meme's
It's been ok so far, but this has high combo potential once we know more of the set/when future sets are released.
op card many combos can made and distroy whit this voljin
This brings back Dirty rat memories
Highlander or meme
The strength of this card is it "distrupting combo potential". If the meta see some "core card" in the top tier deck (like Il'gynoth deck) that u want try to elimanate, we are going to see it played. In the other case isn't good enough.
Fun meme card. Who knows, might get some big support somewhere down the road.
The advantage of this card is that it is flexible : it allows for both combos and removal. Won't be surprised if some decks find a way to abuse this, but most classes already have acess to better removals.
Meh but good if the action broke otk cards
Has already seen play solid Legendary
Tell me I'm makin' a big mistake 'mon when I coin this out on Turn 5, replace a 1-mana, and play a 10-mana minion.
Tech card, don't expect to see much of it
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
Dirty rats cousin.
Great for those big Decks and, as I have learnt, disrupting your own combos.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
This finally makes murloc tinyfin a mainstream card
4 Mana 7/7
Impactful card.
I do not understand why so many people play this card, seems like more often than not it would help the opponent more than yourself.
We already saw it in action for some time now. Good against buffs, combo decks and in big decks
sometime great, often meh
So much fun to play with, but might be less good with highlander decks rotating out
Cool in big decks though nothing special, not so cool as disruption since it costs a lot and has little board impact. OG Rat is significantly overstated and even has Taunt.
This card already found its way into the meta. I have very little doubt it won't continue to do so after rotation. Combo potential and Dirty Rat in one.
Arena > Wild > Standard
good card
Kenny's little poet. ๐
The free legendaries are always kind of meme cards
This and any 0-mana minion is basically a way to cheat out larger minions - in wild stuff like Aviana or Mecha'thun come to mind.
Finally a semi-anti combo card for standart, thx blizz
Fun tech card but not sure it will stick around once meta stabalizes.
I've already been having a lot of fun with Vol'jin, and I don't see him slowing down any time soon. As the card pool in Standard shrinks, I think it's likely we see Vol'jin come in just as a card that can deny combos or push a big body back to hand. Of course, I'll still be looking for ways to use him in Show and Tell style decks to cheat big minions into play way before they should have been.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Good in any deck that likes to cheat out big minions or reuse impactful Battlecries. I can see this guy popping up now and again throughout the next two years.
~ An expertly disguised dinosaur
Versatile card, I like that a lot. Lots of room to be creative when using it
Card with potential. Only for meme propably. But still fine!
Interesting effect, especially if there are combo decks looking for specific minions.
not impressive so far
This is a fun card so far!
Awesome card
Flexible, mana-cheat is always good.
Put your faith in the Light!
Good card for pulling off crazy combos or for disrupting them but it probably won't see a huge amount of play.
Already sees some experimentation. The big payoff cards like malygos are rotating, so it might see even less play when the expansion hits
Useful card to cheat out minions for bounce back an opponents.
We've had this for a while and I haven't been impressed. Maybe we just haven't been focused on building with it yet before the rest of the expansion.
Welcome to the site!
This has proven to be a somewhat efficient tech card against combo decks that require certain minions or a Sap with a body, so I definitely think Shadow Hunter Vol'jin will continue to be considered to be a tech card with good use for certain matchups.
For glory, honor, and gold!