New Warlock Minion - Neeru Fireblade
Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by
A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Neeru Fireblade, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Neeru Fireblade, has been revealed!
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ok. Now it's worth destroying one's deck. Somehow I knew there was a purpose to the Shadow Cards and Roame. Now we know.
However, there is one slight drawback: destroying this card as one destroys their deck in order to use it. I'd say, pray that this card is in hand, or after a mulligan. If not, well, Concede.
Next expansion will have a Lorekeeper Tleklop which will have lowest to highest cards order shuffled.
Only way it's viable.
I think this has a serious chance to be a win condition for a Control Warlock. The class has an easier time than most other control decks reaching fatigue thanks to Life Tap. Once they hit fatigue and play Neeru Fireblade, they can play Envoy Rustwix or whatever ways they can duplicate that deathrattle to avoid fatigue damage. A free board of eighteen damage each turn can quickly outpace even the 6/6 Abyssals from Lord Jaraxxus and will be harder for opponents to keep up with than the 6/6 Abyssals. This looks crazy and scary and I can't wait to try this out!
For glory, honor, and gold!
Team 5 printing Soul Rend makes sense now lol.
Reminds me of Chef Nomi, which this card essentially replaces.
Ok, another self mill payoff card. The problem I see, is the same as with the discard mechanic: You don't want to burn your payoff cards. As long as this card is in your deck you can't reliably mill yourself.
The effect istself is like Nomi with weaker tokens, but it never runs out of gas. I doubt you will survive long enough.
One of those cards that shows potential but is practically impossible to pull off without dying.
But if team5 really wants this to work, expect plenty of support in the coming 2 expansions. The payoff is certainly nice. Outside of freeze spells, there's just very little you can do to prevent 18 damage incoming, since the imps are summoned every turn.
On paper it looks nice, but getting there and not die is something else altogether.
I'm getting heavy Chef Nomi vibes from him. 6/6s were more game ending, though this has the benefit of practically making the 3/2s nigh-impossible to remove since they come back at the end of the turn. That being said, you're taking fatigue damage, and I feel like even Control Mirrors will have ways of closing out games in fatigue.
3 stars, if only because he's the star of the Mill-yourself-lock deck.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Time to drop uncorrupted tickatus lol
A weaker Nomi. It will find room in some deck ... but not in the meta
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
This card is a battlecry so you can put more cheap spells in your deck via Educated Elekk and destroy it yourself to avoid fatigue. The game should be over after a couple of turns of the portal anyway.
I like it, can be a new win condition for lock
I think this won't be very good. It will be rare that you have the chance to even reach this point in a game, and even when you do you will have the chance that you just threw away this exact card during the process of getting there. It could be this is just played without the mill effects and it used as a chef nomi style win condition but even then I don't really think that the consistency of reaching fatigue without dying will be there.
Very much a similar card theme to chef Nomi, but the every turn demon spawn is definitely something to not sleep on.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
The synergy is real :D
As people have pointed out, the biggest issue of the strategy is that you need to have this in your hand or get lucky with what you burn since otherwise...yeah. Might be a bit too inconsistent to be viable.
Like Nomi but much better!
Welp, that's an easy 1 star. This won't even be a fun card to meme with, 'cause the payoff involves (basically) dying. You can't sit back and enjoy your handiwork for a few turns, can you?
We've already seen several cards printed this expansion which can kill this whole board outright, and besides, you don't need to kill the imps. If your board puts the Warlock opponent in danger and you can take some damage, he has to trade his imps away and hope you won't be able to repopulate. And, considering you have a full deck left, that seems relatively easy.
Better call Thrall!
pretty sure warlocks will find a way to not die from this.
I'm not online it's just your imagination
The card looks very attractive, but when you think about it, it's not going to see play competitively. You want to be going face and doing lethal damage to your opponent when you are fatigued, not controlling the board and taking more fatigue damage. Unless there's a new warlock card yet to be printed that makes you immune to fatigue damage. Not to mention, you need a viable way to draw this legendary before destroying your deck.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
for this to work there needs to be a consistent way to remove your own decks beside just tickatus
Goes well with double Rustwix and Elekks, plus some unrevealed synergy cards
I like the archetype already
This card is just too inconsistent. Remember the old Warlock quest? The quest was hyped too, but then it never saw play. True this card fills your board with imps, but i do not think it will be a good enough win condition
Sadly the albatross has left us, making it impossible to play around this.
has potential but emptying your deck + creating tempo + staying alive hmm we will see
This card is incredibly trash. Let's start with the stats: 5 mana 5/5 is not worth playing without the effect. So let's look at the effect: you have to have an empty deck. There are two ways to do it: either you destroy your deck yourself, or you draw through it like a madman. With the first option, not only do you destroy valuable resources, there's a very high chance that you'll discard Neeru Fireblade. With the second options, it means that you have to run a ton of cheap cards and draw to get through your deck quickly. That requires a very synergistic deck (think current Zoo with getting a bunch of Hand of Gul'dans), for which drawing a 5 mana 5/5 can be disastrous.
Let's say we manage to do it: Our entire deck is gone, we still have some resources in our hand (even though there is probably still some card draw in there) and we managed to not burn Neeru. We play it and... get some imps. Our opponent removes them, and builds a board themselves. We use our resources to remove their board, take some fatigue damage, repeat. We start running out of resources, fatigue damage builds up, and it turns out that our opponent's cards are better than some measly imps every turn. They use their resources to deal with the imps, our fatigue damage keeps building up, we die.
Just play Lord Jaraxxus.
As it seems that there are no ways to draw your empty deck win conditions reliably, this won't work. It's a really fun concept though.
A board filled with imps is a 21/14 worth stats, not 6/4. That portal isn't the same as Nether Portal.
By The Holy Light!
My brain is too small to think of a deck for this card
If Soul Rend sees play, it will be due to this card.
Soul Rend into this is the best scenario. Opponent needs to deal with the board from their hand.
HAHHAHAHAHHAHHA... HAHAHHAA.. IT'S THE Lakkari Sacrifice QUEST REWARD (Nether Portal) on a battlecry! With as a condition that your out of cards! hahahaha. The WORST quest reward from Journy to Ungoro is back hahahhahaha. It's so unfortunate that Archivist Elysiana isn't in the core set, otherwise you could have played her after Neeru Fireblade.
The worst Ungoro quest: Lakkari Sacrifice hardly ever saw play, because it didn't synergize that well with discardlock. Mainly because Discardlock is an aggro deck, that doesn't want to waste 1 card in mulligan. Neeru Fireblade however needs you to draw your entire deck. We do see some synergy with it in this set, and Tickatus uncorrupted can help destroy 5 of your cards. Control MIGHT slot it in as an alternate wincondition, because playing Neeru Fireblade after/before Lord Jaraxxus can help you turn your control deck into an aggro deck real quick. But still untill then it's basicly just sitting in your hand, useless untill you run out of cards.
BUT there still are a number of problems with Neeru Fireblade. 1st of all: It's just Nether Portals effect, summon 2 3/2 imps isn't that good when your in fatigue. 2nd reason: you need to have Neeru Fireblade in your hand, otherise you risk milling it with Tickatus, Soul Rend and other stuff. Reminder: Deck of Chaos has the exact same problem of "you don't draw it until late into the game". To me it seems like a deck build around Neeru Fireblade will have trouble with removal and recources, because they will burn most of their own cards.
I don't think a Neeru Fireblade focussed deck will work that well unless it gets a lot more support. But hey it might be a bad, but really fun to play deck though. And honestly i feel like some more kinda bad but at the same time REALLY fun decks is what HS kinda needs right now.
OH and in WILD it will see 0 play, because there already is a WAY better card that likes fatigue: Mecha'thun. Why summon imps and slowly kill your opponent when you can OTK your opponent while watching that beautiful animation?
Edit: Oh it fills your entire board each turn, well still it's hard to trigger. So i still think it wouldn't be that good, the only thing i changed my mind on is giving it 2 stars instead of 1, just because it fills your board.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
first discard cards in hand ,now discard your deck ,future discard your hero .
This card can be played in a control deck and be your trump card for the late game.A deck that makes you mill yourself fast to get the effect i dont know.
To bad Archivist Elysiana .Maybe we get some new card/s that can put /shuffle card in your deck after you play this.
I kind of like this risk high reward card and i can't wait to try it.
Whoops, you are right. Makes it a bit better, but my other points still stand.
Good reward for depleting your deck and the method has some actual support. Looks interesting to experiment with!
If Octopus card which draws 8 was in standard, this deck could have seen play.
Not sure if its worth it to destroy your deck to have 3/2 imps. You will take fatigue damage every turn for 3/2 minions? They will be destroyed by zone attack or bigger minion that will trade and you'll die by fatigue. I'd rather two 8/8 than this.
Murlocs <3
This card is insane and the deck burning cards will be played. Polkelt to guarantee you don't burn this and win.
Alright so the most obvious comparison is Lakkari Sacrifice which had the very annoying downside of having to play the Portal after completion and the imps being summoned at the end of the turn, making them very slow.
This fixes both of those by being summoned alongside a 5/5 while also essentially giving you imps with charge (since they'll just be resummoned at the end of the opponent's turn if killed)
Essentially this is a ticking clock that will constantly push the opponent off the board and punch him in the face. Basically a juiced up version of Jaraxxus if you will
The downside obviously is fatigue damage + the fact that it will take a while to get there. Not to mention that you have to find this before you start yeeting your deck.
Personally I don't like this kind of card because it's just a control killer and nothing else. All you need to do is burn through your deck while the opponent watches helplessly because they can't actually burn you down.
However, it does seem like they are no longer actively pushing pure removal control decks anymore and instead shift towards actual win conditions so perhaps those will keep the deck in check.
If not, then I'm just going to make peace with the fact that Warlock will be the only relevant control deck for the next two years
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
It would be good in standard if archivist elysiana was still a thing. In wild it's not worth the effort, better go for Mecha'thun
Seems difficult to destroy the right cards while survive vs aggro deck and then to enjoy the portal. It's a funny deck
Playing a discard deck Warlock archetype means you'll need way more win conditions than this, because you'll probably end up discarding it anyway.
A much much weaker Chef Nomi
Aggro? Control? Weird...
Discolock was an aggro oriented deck.
This sounds like a control tool but... wrong? Not sold at all right now.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
a win condition, but something I feel won't be enough to secure the deal before you die. To get this far the warlock needs to have tapped/taken a lot of damage, how long can they resist the fatigue damage?
Good card... But not good enough if you can't get a deck back
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Fatigue lock!
I don't understand this card. It looks like the winning play for a control deck that's intent on going to the fatigue game, otherwise it's just useless at all other times of a game. I wonder what archetype Blizzard was thinking for this card when they printed it. Maybe there's more upcoming support for it.
It's a thing you can do now. It'll be fun to try... For someone else. I don't want to open this.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
I hope this doesn’t work out. I’m not a fan of empty deck win conditions. Running out your deck should be a bad thing. It’s not fun to grind your opponent to fatigue and then realize they WANTED that.
Sure makes Lakkari Sacrifice look stupid. The big question is "how easy will it be to stave off fatigue after this?"
Now warlocks can play uncorruptedTickatus with no worries as long as you don't discard this.
Maybe this can be an alternative win condition for some Control Lock like Chef Nomi was for some deck. If the opponent don't kill u in 1-2 turn (or u died for the fatigue damage) this card set the game
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
fatigue and tickatus protection? not sure it works great, but its certainly interesting. need to see it in action. reserving judgement
In a control match-up, activating this will probably win you the game, as there will be no way to remove the portal. But you'd still be taking fatigue (unless you jam Envoy Rustwix or something AFTER playing this). In most other matches, this is just a dead card.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
A meme card for meme decks, it's always fun to see a couple of those
You have to draw this while destroying your whole deck and not die. This is a dead card sitting in your hand the whole time and you also die to fatigue. To many variables to be good enough.
self-destruction warlock?
Rogue DH
Useless meme legendary...
I like the Rustwix Idea, so I think just Rustwix is better since if you have Neeru and did not have an empty deck it becomes a dead card for a pretty long time.
now this is a card that you wanna build a deck for it
I really wish warlock would get its own Academic Espionage someday.
This card has potential, but we've seen the Portal before, and if discard had more synergy than deck emptying, I don't think this will be a popular card
4 Mana 7/7
Old quest warlock on a stick. By itself, still not impressive. Needs another good payoff to go with it like burn or opponent deck destruction
Actually a strong effect for deck burning warlock...
An interesting last ditch effort... But kinda mediocre
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Now this card is SUPER cool. This is a pretty cool (and strong) payoff for destroying the deck, although there are a lot of issues with this. Still though, it'll see play just because it's a cool card and people will try to make it work.
Nether Portal on steroids. Not sure if it´s worth it, Lakkari Sacrifice looked good on paper too, but it wasn´t very played.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
Leave it to Warlock to be first in line with a weird alternative win condition.
There are a LOT of taunts and board clears in the game this time around, so imps are not beating that. It's too slow to beat aggro. I have to wonder what kind of opponent this thing is meant to beat. I feel like we're just going to have to wait for a memer to get lucky and watch it play out on YouTube.
I"m skeptical. Filling your board with 3/2's is great. Doing so as a win condition in a class where it beats up your own health to gain advantage and then still taking cumulative burn each turn? I'd like to think this will be awesome, but I'm remaining skeptical.
Can't wait to destroy this card every time I cull my deck. But seriously, I think Warlock can Life Tap its way to an empty deck without needing to destroy any of its cards, so this could be a useful finisher.
Don't know if 3/2s are enough but unlike Nomi they come back every turn is a threat. Even without self mill he's decent in long matches. I'm sure he'll see some play.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
It'll be really sad when you destroy this card in a deck about deck self-destruction.
An interesting card if nothing else. The issue I see with this archetype is needing to get Neeru before you start turbo milling, but maybe Free Admission to tutor it becomes the answer.
Can a board of 3/2s kill your opponent faster than fatigue kills you ? I doubt it.
Reminds me of Nether Portal, you work so hard to activate it and then, your opponent easily deals with the imps cause it's just too late and too small to really benefit from the infinite value.
I think this will require some actual knowledge of how to play whatever decktype it enables. This will not be one of those autopilot kind of decks. The real question will be can you keep your health high enough that a few turns of fatigue damage won't kill you while you try to finish off your opponent with a bunch of 3/2 minions. It says that it fills the board each turn, I presume that means start of any turn, yours or your opponent's.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
It's Chef Nomi and Lakkari Sacrifice fused in one.
Very powerful effect, and gives you something to do at late game when warlock is out of gas.
I am intrigued, but skeptical. I don't think this is meant to be competitive unless there is a lot more support. And even as a silly meme card it still seems awful. I think we are going to get more support for a "Fatigue Warlock", but right now this and the pig won't be enough.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I dunno. Still not feeling destroy-your-deck Warlock.
This reminds me of the Ungoro quest for warlocks which was not played. Maybe this will be better?
I agree seems too inconsistent for the most part. Might be better in wild with Hemet, Jungle Hunter but will still be inconsistent at times.
Wasn't a portal that spits out imps the quest reward from Un'Goro? Aside from Soul Rend and uncorrupted Tickatus, I'm not sure what ways there are to quickly burn through your deck. You probably don't want to destroy it too quickly because you opponent will have more ways to destroy you. This might work, especially if you still have cards in hand to buff the imps like Wicked Whispers.
could be good... a better onyxia?
Meme card, might be the worst legendary in the set
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
Appatrnylu he's not abad in the kitchen eother.
If it's at the end of each turn, opponent can never remove it, and you get full board of ready to attack minions next turn.
If at the start of each turn, you actually can't summon any more minions nor attack with your board, basically you block yourself.
Which one it is?
Card with some potential. IMHO hard to play with this kind of deck, but it will be great idea, to make sth with it and Barrens Scavenger.
Really cool package, but I've got no clue how strong it'll actually be. Could go either way, so 3 stars to be on the safe side.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Easy warlock quest? And it fills your entire board without any draw back? Sign me in o/
I'm also excited to see where this is going - seems pretty strong and fun to pilot
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Wow a very new idea - but I doubt it'll really see play as the condition is too hard to achieve
Good in control
Interesting card for sure but right now i only see this working as some sort of Last Resort - not sure if a deck that would be build around this would be strong enough for the meta.
Could work, but right now im not that convinced.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
The portal fills your board at the end of each of YOUR turns (see the token at, so if the opponent removes them you'll have board space.
nomi but every turn, i se a word where this might be good
Thanks, forgot to check the token. Text on the card itself got me confused
While the condition to activate Chef Nomi is similar, the cards are insanely different. Chef Nomi is all about a 1 turn burst of stats to end the game, Neeru Fireblade is about a consistent board presence. Not only that, thanks to Envoy Rustwix, the drawback of burning your deck isn't as severe.
Please, T5, don't print more deck destructio Warlock, it's more annoying to play against than Priest.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Lakkari Sacrifice meets Chef Nomi. Like the sacrifice, this seems to fit into decks that burn away a lot of their cards in pursuit of "infinite value." I like that it doesn't have to be run in those kinds of decks (you could just run it in an ultra-control Warlock that naturally reaches fatigue, if such a thing ever exists) but it's highly unlikely this sees play in anything other than Toss Warlock. My personal feeling is that Toss Warlock will be too inconsistent and too heavy on getting rid of its own cards to be any good.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
So apparently this doesn't fill the board at the end of every turn but just yours....which makes it actually worse than Lakkari Sacrifice.
Well, at least it Warlock won't rule the control game all alone
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
i'm not sure if this is worth burning through your deck, but not a bad a card to throw out when you've emptied your deck
Very nice finisher
Seems like a better Chef Nomi
~ An expertly disguised dinosaur
Really cool card, can't wait to see it in action! Altar of Fire will work great with this
Tleklop lol!
Blizz please listen to this guy!
For The HORDE!
Very fun card
Very interesting card that makes the Tickatus mirror a lot more luck-based.
I think this can be solid in several warlock control decks. Obvs, will such vs aggro unless their is some solid stabilization, but I think we'll see this show up more than we'd like.
Questlock never worked, even though the reward seemed so good. This doesn't make you play bad cards to get the reward, but it comes way too late to be good
Reaching fatigue will probably take way too much time and you risk destroying this with cards like Altar of Fire in the process. When it works it probably wins the game by itself but it won't happen too often.
Only good in the archtype, and this archtype will likely be a bust, but only time will tell.
I think 3/2s are still too easy to deal with. Lakkari Sacrifice didn't really do it for me. Granted this is much better, but it's so hard to accomplish and survive long enough to do this. There's also the high chance of destroying this card with Soul Rend. I don't have faith in this deck.
I def will play Fatigue Warlock.
once the fatigue starts ticking, not sure this card will be enough to win the game
Warlock deck shenigans!
Honestly, I don't think the self Mill Warlock will take off. As a straight finisher should your Control match run to Fatigue... I guess a repeatable (if weaker) Chef Nomi is good.
Welcome to the site!
Amazing value for burning your own deck. You monster. (8 mana destroy half of both decks. CoUgh.)
So much value if you wait until the end of the game to play this. The only problem is that you have to wait until the end of the game to play this.