New Hunter Minion - Warsong Wrangler
Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by
A new Epic Hunter Minion, Warsong Wrangler, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Hunter Minion, Warsong Wrangler, has been revealed!
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This is quite good buffing potentially two beasts or more with Dire Frenzy
Draw a discovered beast and buff it? Thats crazy strong!
I wish it actually drew the beast, but I suppose just buffing them could be fine as well.
With Dire Frenzy working it's way back into the mix... this card just gives me hives. This is the sole reason I'm glad that Stonetusk Boar lost charge
Great with Sunscale Raptors, sounds like a new pogo enabler to me
4 Mana 7/7
Pretty good buff, will certainly see play in some kind of Beastmaster Leoroxx OTK Hunter at the very least. THIS is the kind of "handbuff" (Buffs the cards, even when you have 1/2 in hand) that people actually use!
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Nice one
I want to like this, but it just seems so slow.
In control matchups you can maybe get away with combining this with Dire Frenzy for giga value, but still.
At least Hunter has some decent removal to come back onto the board after setting up all those handbuffs
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Hunter did not look good at all during the reveal stream. Looks like hunter will be dead
This has potential! Really looking forward to experiment with hunter again!
Not terrible. Hunter is lacking in draw so I will take what I can get. I like the buff to all copies, and the discover provides a lot of flexability, but 4 mana may be a tad much for this to really shine. If this had the same text but was a 2 mana spell it would be nuts.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This has really great potential for a 'multiple copy' type deck. Especially with the previously announced raptor.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
This is for Sunscale Raptor, right? How can we abuse this? There has to be a way...
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
doesn't this look like a straight up better verison of that card in core set?
Someone is going to build a buff-my-beast-to-30 deck aren't they... single tundra rhino OTK
very powerful card
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
I like this idea, but this is pretty slow and I just don't really see this late game plan coming together. I hope I'm wrong though. I suppose this can still be used for an aggressive game plan as well, in some way, maybe with the Stampeding Rhino.
hmmm, too expensive for this effect I'd say...
Interesting combo piece, maybe, and gives Hunter more on-brand ways of drawing cards. A bit like Scavenger's Ingenuity on a stick. There are certainly a number of applications for this card, and its ability to buff minions already on board as well as give a persistent buff to Beasts in deck could make this strong enough to see play in the right deck.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Auto include into Dire Frenzy decks. Looks a little slow, but the payoff is good.
It reads "wherever they are". It means if you choose a minion that is already on board, it will get buffed. You would get the effect immediately.
I wonder that "wherever they are" means they get buffed in the graveyard. C'thun would get buffed in the same way even after it died, and you could shuffle it back into your deck with all buffs.
this also draws the beast you buffed, right? then easy 5 star
draw card and buff it while a good enough body
Beast hunter at its best!!!
"Wherever they are" generally means "every copy you ever see for the rest of the game," including new copies that haven't even been generated yet.
So yes, this is an extremely good card.
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
Value Hunter?
BeAst Hunter time
Rogue DH
This is going to get crazy in wild
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Super cool card with a lot of potential value.
since you can draw the card too, seems playable
Its just far too slow to do anything. And since hunters still can't draw for shit, this card may well be a tempo loss for a better future turn that doesn't exist.
But if you manage to highroll a discover for a card that's already on board, then there is no tempo loss. But admitably that's a really big highroll.
Cool synergy with Dire Frenzy, but it's no Master's Call.
Trampling Rhino incoming
too bad Gibberling isn't a beast
I'm not sure whether it puts the Discovered Beast into your hand or not; sounds like not, but if it draws then it's a good card. If not, too slow.
Good with that Ashes legendary
great hunter card in the making here
I love beast hunter and this card and art is just perfect.Can see some combo otk potential.
Has decent stats for a Discover minion and it gives it a good buff.
I really don't see the combo this is worth running for. Thus, bad.
Buff it wherever it is. Nice. Beast Hunter plays this and LIKES IT.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Interesting card, but I doubt it'll see much play outside of tutoring for a specific beast in a deck with few of them. In your usual midrange beast deck, 3/4 for 4 feels like too much of a tempo loss.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I wonder how this would work with Sunscale Raptor.
At first glance this should empower the first and second (Third and fourth if you triggered and have them in play.) and let the rest be simple copies.
But something inside tells me that's not how it should work, and a new Carnassa is coming.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
A little slow. If you don't have one of the cards in hand, you have waste more time to draw some of the cards you just buffed.
This is a pretty good card with a good effect. I can see shenanigans with this in wild and the Ungoro quest.
Wow, awesome combo potential and just a strong card anyway. I'm exited for this card.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
What does hunter have to add multiple copies of a minion to your deck? Just Dire Frenzy? There's no Togwaggle's Scheme here, so it isn't utterly broken, but still looks nice.
Love this with the dumb little frenzy raptor.
There are a few good targets for this (Augmented Porcupine, Trampling Rhino, Wolpertinger), but it just looks to me like a low tempo play that really works best when you're playing Dire Frenzy to load up on lots of buffed beasts in your deck (and then maybe uses Guardian Animals to summon them?)
My gut instinct is that the deck-buffing Guardian Animals deck is a meme, and that you're better off playing something else.
Pure best hunter might be a thing.
Childish flavor text still got me giggling - am I tired? Yes
"Me? Playing favorites? I love my beasts all the same!"
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Strong card. If Beast Hunter will be a thing. This card will be in there.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Really good with all the keep coming raptors
Looks strong on paper, but it feels pretty slow for a Hunter card. The fact that you can't draw the discovered beast is a downside, but it could still see play in a beast-oriented deck.
can make some great combo shenanigans
Seems solid - a draw, with a buff for future copies (maybe sunscale raptor?). With dire frenzy as well this helps. Can be in some memey combo decks as well
Agreed !
It didn't lose it, it just got rotated in favor of Emerald Skytalon. Standard will be safe from those shenanigans, Wild won't.
I'm pretty sure this card can create an infinite value chain when targeting Sunscale Raptor. Will probably be too slow unless you're facing a control deck, but most times, their deck would have better value
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Very good
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Making your deck around this will give some consistency. Not sure how good it would be though.
Dire Frenzy combo!
By The Holy Light!
Maybe the Raptor + Dire Frenzy
otherwise i think its an ok card.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Every hunter deck will contain this
Could be good for some shenanigans but I don´t see it rn.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
Very good card for Beast Hunter.
Thats really strong, in stats its a total of 7/6 for 4 manas.
Murlocs <3
good midrange card
Sunscale Raptor says "Hello, I exist, please use me!" Also good if comboed with Dire Frenzy.
Dire Frenzy hunter for the win! Sunscale Raptor loves this too.
Quite interesting card in Hunter, this leads me to think there might be a Trample Combo Hunter coming our way, but not sure this is enough to make it a reality.
decent but nothing to write home about
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
I was going to say the same thing! Those raptors will keep being buffed!
For The HORDE!
This card is insane imho. Considering that a 3/4 body is good for 3 mana, you pay 1 extra mana to draw a card and give +4/2+ potentially
A core card in beast hunter!!
Beast synergy is returning strong
Ahhh... nice to see something new and interesting in my loved Hunter. Great one!
This seems like a fun card. I wonder if it will make Queen Carnassa make occasional appearances in Wild.
I can see the idea behind this card, but Hunter generally favors a faster playstyle which this card is not really fitting into
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
None of the new cards really support that play style. It may be time to accept that Rexxar is getting old and slowing down a bit.
With Dire Frenzy back in Standard, this could actually be interesting.
Looks very strong, will definely be a staple in many Hunter decks
Big fan of this Discover and buff direction they are taking Hunter in. Very interesting build-around potential.
This enables chunky l'il decks and OTK shenanigans the world 'round. Can I say once again that I'm glad they're returning to this direction with Hunter?
Better call Thrall!
This would need to be run with something that you can generate multiple copies of in deck or on board. Is Wolpertinger good enough to target for this?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Good card with the right deck I like the flavor
I think this is overhyped, but maybe I'm wrong.
good card
I think if a mid-game or control hunter has the tools to come together, this will be clutch, especially alongside dire frenzy. Otherwise, kinda expensive and slow for most hunters.
I really like the prospect of this together with the 4 mana +3/+3
Sunscale Raptor and Dire Frenzy make this card interesting but we've never seen such a Hunter deck succeed and I don't think this one will.
Beast Humter
I LOVE that this has discover. I don't know that I would throw this into a deck with a ton of beasts, but if you can limit this to a small number of targeted cards, there is a lot of value. In particular, I want to try this with Zixor, Apex Predator. The other great thing about this card is that it buffs copies wherever they are, making it possible to hit minions already on the board. Not too shabby, if you ask me.
If you discover, that means you draw one copy? Plus second copy gets a buff as well. So seems pretty good in the right deck...
Okay, so what if Moonfang Hunter?
We get Moonfang, we shuffle Moonfang, we get more Moonfangs until the opponent is out of hard removal and then we win
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
It's doggytime Moonfang
too slow card with arguable value
Something about this just seems too slow for me. The buff is very powerful and you draw a the Beast too, but it just seems like a meme and nothing more. Eh, I wish I'm wrong.
Midrange Hunter is back!
Beast buffing archetype could be fun.
You definitely combo this with Dire Frenzy instead of Sunscale Raptor. Allows you to get far better targets hit.
Welcome to the site!
It's okay. Not good stats for cost. Effect seems boring.
I'm a little skeptical about Warsong Wrangler's viability as four mana to draw a card and play a 3/4 seems pretty slow, but it may be what Hunter needs to draw the beasts they Dire Frenzy faster.
For glory, honor, and gold!