Quests and their power level
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
Would be really interested to see opinions on the new quests.Maybe some new insight e.t.c.
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Would be really interested to see opinions on the new quests.Maybe some new insight e.t.c.
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Would be really interested to see opinions on the new quests.Maybe some new insight e.t.c.
Pretty hard to assess them all, especially with no testing available.
Going by their own design, they seem to be conditional lategame tools, but not necessarily gamesealers.
I think that some of them will pass the meta test, but only because they are embedded in an already solid deck. Most of them will fail, either on their own, or because they won't find a fitting deck.
Overall, i would focus on decks first, conceiving these new Quests as some sort of strong tech card.
Since I wanted to share my thoughts on the new cards, here's what I can say:
- Untapped Potential. I rate this card 3/5 in standard and 3.5/5 in wild.
- Unseal the Vault. This would probably enable some mid-range decks with an OTK or a TTK set-up. I am not a combo player and I can't evaluate such cards properly, so I suspect my ratings would be far from the truth. I think that the requirement isn't easy to fulfil (unlike the other quests), but the hero power allows you to kill your opponent with Unleash the Hounds (if you have 5 or more of them) and 2x Timber Wolf/1xBlackwald Pixie/[Hearthstone Card (garisson commander) Not Found]. There could be some Tundra Rhino, Scarlet Webweaver shenanigans as well, but I can't really say how viable or consistent those would be. However I can't deny the fact, that hunter sacrifices their turn 1 for a late-game reward and the current popular decks tend to end the game fast (mech hunter). For now I'm rating this card 2.5/5 for both formats.
Raid the Sky Temple - Normally adding a spell to your hand is better than a 1-damage ping. But since the spell will be a random one and you might not always get the perfect answer, I think the card is very underwhelming. I'm rating it 2/5 in both formats (2 because casino mage will be fun to play).
Making Mummies. I rate this quest 2/5 in standard and 2.5/5 in wild (and I'm feeling somewhat generous).
Activate the Obelisk. Easy to fulfil with a good reward. The other legendary (High Priest Amet) also supports the decks, that the quest would most likely enforce - zoo priest and Inner Fire priest. I'm rating this spell 4/5 in standard. In wild though things are a bit tricky (due to the aggressive meta) and even though priest has plenty of support there, I will stick to my guns and rate it 3/5 there. Zoo priest isn't viable and I think the infamous tier 1 IF priest would prefer a faster gameplan, but I could be wrong.
Bazaar Burglary. Easy to fulfil with a good reward. It makes the current standard thief package really strong and has nice synergies with the current Hooktusk deck:
That's why I'm rating this card 4.5/5 in standard. In wild I'm not really sure. RavenSunHS convinced me, that the quest reward doesn't compete with the existing popular archtypes, so only due to the good thieving package I am going to give the quest 2/5 there.
Corrupt the Waters - Fairly easy-to-complete requirement and a busted HP. In wild I'm looking forward to build a jade deck, I have seen others making their OTK Shudderwocks, C'Thunwocks and Yogg-meme Shudderwocks better. That's why I'm rating this card 4/5 in wild. In standard I don't know if there is enough support, but I will rate it 3/5 for now.
Supreme Archaeology. ... Right now the quest reward might not be good enough, but it's worth noting, that this opens a lot of combo possibilities. If you play Glinda Crowskin, then shuffle her with Baleful Banker, you can draw her with the HP and abuse the echo mechanic. In wild though, if you reach fatigue, you are better off pulling the good ol' Mecha'thun combo. So I'm giving this card 2/5 in standard and 1.5/5 in wild.
Hack the System. I'm optmistic about this card. I think, that in wild warriors are going to build a mid-range rush deck and it would be able to compete rather nicely. In standard I am not really sure, if this would beat control/bomb warriors and their OP mech support. I am rating this card 3.5/5 in wild and 2/5 in standard.
Sounds reasonable. I think druid looks promising, because it is easy to complete the quest. If it is easy to complete it doesn't nedd to give super high value. It might even make it in wild. Maybe not, but it seems like most potential because it doesnt need its own archetype.
Shaman is exciting. 6 is a lot though, you really need to commit in deckbuilding. But the payoff seems good.
I think the rogue quest is bad for lots of reasons, but the archetype is very fun to play.
Warrior quest will be better once Dr boom rotates. Now it doesn't need the quest I feel.
I had a similar thought about Bazaar Burglary in Wild, but if you think about it, despite the recent support to Burglary, the setup is just as slow as that of Kingsbane, while not having the same incremental burst. And that also makes the deck worse than Odd Rogue and fending off against Aggro, as things might grow out of control before you are ready.
I still hope i drop the Quest, so i can test myself, but i don't really see it in Wild meta.
I agree that theese quests serve more as too support existing archetypes(which i think is pretty sad(best example is warrior quest), except for thief rogue, this deck deserves to work already).But some there are still new, like priest or druid, and they look like there is a lot of potential in them.
You are right.
Was about to open a thread just for Making Mummies but I will post it here, in short I think the quest is the worst designed theme since freeze shaman, it's plain awful, has little flavor within the paladin class and makes no sense.
It's the only quest that requires you to use a set specific keyword so this quest compared to others won't get natural support from other sets and is parasitic and forced upon paladin and any card printed with reborn if any is directly linked to this quest mostly..
Looking at the reborn cards paladin got access to which is just 11 cards and one of those is a legendary so a maximum of 21 card slots to use for the quest maximum (by that I mean to complete the quest).
most of them are neutrals which are not very impressive I think you need around 10~ 12 card slots dedicated to reborn in your deck to complete the quest.
In paladin I evaluate them as such:
5 stars: Murmy,Bone Wraith
4 stars: Micro Mummy, Temple Berserker
3 stars: Khartut Defender,Candletaker,Wrapped Golem
2 stars:Ancestral Guardian, Wasteland Assassin
1 star: Generous Mummy, Colossus of the Moon(potentially good in big shaman though),
I can just not see the deck coming together much it just doesn't feel very strong and the reborn class cards in paladin are not impressive really.
And I didn't even talk about the reward it just won't win the game very much the micro bot makes kangor's army worse
I see some traction was gained in thy discussion so i will add a little bit more of my thoughts on this new stuff.They are on only based on 4 months of this expansion in standard.
Rogue quest-5 star, it has the power to enable an incredibly fun archetype which was tried and failed for up to 3 years by now.The new 2 mana (clever disguise) makes it easy to enable this on about turn 4-5.It is insane.What i think is also worth overlooking is that it will probably see play in exactly thief rogue, not tempo rogue.Tempo rogue does not need value generation, it needs to go face.And i think it is great that it wont fit into tempo rogue.The reward is 3 mana worth of hero power, this is exactly the long term sustainability that thief rogue thrieved for while trying to set up tess and then shuffle her with tog scheme, most of the time there wont be enough time to do this, but with this reward i think the chances are now pretty high.Great card for the most fun archetype in the game.Too bad it itself is boring.The deck itself will probably end up in tier 2m however quest is still 5 star because it enables the deck to function normally, by providing incredible board control tools.
Shaman quest-4 star, remember jambres mutate shaman in may patch.Incredible deck,much fun.But it was not enough power to win most games, since the only win conditions where a bunch of mutates, storm bringer, shudderwock.This quest fits right into that archetype perefectly and just makes it much more stronger, while removing the need to run some less synergetic cards like the murloc package jambre ran in his deck.The quest would be fast to complete on average(lackeys in early game), it is natural synergy with shamans class identity.I belive this mutate shaman deck will now be good enough to make it into tier 2
Druid-3 star. Another quest which is in itself interesting and can potentially create a new archetype.Vs control this will be very strong, because the quest would probably be completed on about turn 4-5.Aggro however is a diffrent story, it forces druid to spend all of its mana in order to remove strong threats, making the basic gameplan of the deck useless, and just leaving it with a bunch of mediocore choose one cards, this is why i rate it 3 stars.However, i belive this archetype will be viable as a counter to a meta where contorl dominates, or just warrior.
Paladin-1 star.Too much mediocore reborn cards have to be played in order to enable it, while also having enough removal not to lose board control.Even when quest is completed(turn7-8), just summoning copies of mediocore reborn minions will not work.
Warrior-1 star-(sadly)outclassed by DR.boom
Hunter-2 stars. will probably see experimentation for some sort of OTK with thundra rhino, scarlet webweaver.Soon to be realised that it is not worth the struggle.This will be completed on average by turn8-9, the saddest part is you cant play zul jin anymore because you lose this hero power, making the quest worthless.Hunter does not have enough refill and minions to make unremovable boards(unlike druid or mage with giants).I dont think this will be viable.
Warlock 2 stars- very fun deck, but unlike rogue, not enough support for plot twist warlock, it was bad before expansion, zero tools were released to help plot twist warlock except 4 mana remvoal and this any normal warlock deck, this is completed on average by turn 14(i belive) nobody will wait this long.Plot twist doesnt have enough early game removal to sustain its late game plan.Reward is great, but too late.You also have to play a lot of high value cards or pray for good rng on rafaam(which why it is fun to play).
Mage 2 stars-seems weak, no point to run it in cyclone mage.They got another gameplan to win the game,this would just be unnecesseary.Freeze mage, however might like this card, but where is freeze mage now?Nowhere.Can random spells win the game by themselves?No, also most mage spells are either incredibly cheap and will have zero impact or are just secrets for 3 mana.In aggro to slow(if it will ever exist) and control mage has noways of actually winning consistently(unlike warrior with fatigue and a shit-ton removal).
Priest 4 stars.Strong card, will probably take a while to complete(6-7 turns average) however(overhealing doesnt count).But looking at the colossal amount of support it got(even the legendary is made to help this quest,unlike any other classes).I belive that it will work out, it has removal, it has tons of pressure, it has a way to refill its resources(cleric).It has exta arms which i belive to be a broken card.It can succesfully contest aggro while also completing its quest(unlike druid) and it can constantly make new threats for strong control decks with the help of a hero power wich is worth about 3 mana.I think this will be a good tier 2 deck
I wanted to open a thread like this: I'm happy to see that someone had the same idea. Just as other users did before me, I'l try to give my perspective about each quest, hoping to be as objective as possible.
Untapped Potential 3/5 - Yesterday's final stream really improved my opinion on this card. Team 5 gave us valid reasons to run this quest: Crystal Merchant supports your crippled early game by rewarding your unspent mana (kinda clunky though, since you could play her starting from turn 3); Worthy Expedition is a super flexible spell that will give you huge value (and will see play even in non quest decks); Oasis Surger after the completion is super good and, basically, every Choose One buff card gives you a solid board. Cons? for the first few turns you are at the mercy of your opponent: Murloc Shaman and Mech Hunter should annihilate you with 5 turns of little no to opposition. Moreover, this expansion brought a lot more board clear cards, so it may be difficult to recover your initial disadvantage. Will see play.
Unseal the Vault 3,5/5 - Although I don't like the card, it's undeniable that it's pretty strong: Unleash the Hounds agains a full board + HP is 21 damage, enough to kill most of your opponents. The quest requires to summon 20 minions, which is a lot easier than playing them. Also, stuff like Unleash the Hounds, Swarm of Locusts, Revenge of the Wild and so on will help a lot. To be noticed that it has remarkable anti-synergy with Zul'jin: you can't have two hero power at time, most of the cards you play with the quest would interfere with him and you wouldn't want to go for the value game. Will see play in an aggro/midrange swarm deck as a strong finisher.
Raid the Sky Temple 2/5 - one of the worst quests in my opinion. I think people overestimate it due to the fact that it reminds of Primordial Glyph, which was a hell of a card for mage. However, the Discover effect is a huge difference: with this quest, you give up your 1 damage hero power (which is one of the best in the whole game) for a discounted spell that may or may not help you. Moreover, Mana Cyclone does Ascendant Scroll's job way better, so why would you go for the worse alternative? May see some experimentation in Highlander Mage, but it seems kinda unreliable to me.
Making Mummies 2/5 - It would be really good if there were enough decent Reborn minions and enough valid targets for Emperor Wraps. However, I'm afraid it's not the case: yeah, getting a 2 mana 2/2 Mechano-Egg every turn is very solid, but if your opponent lets you do it you should probably win even without the quest. Kinda slow and win more, but I may be deadly wrong.
Activate the Obelisk 5/5 - I was really impressed by how easily Kibler was able to generate huge minions out of nowhere with Obelisk's Eye. It doesn't ask you to do anything different from what you usually do and gives you an upgraded hero power (from 2 to 3 healing and an upside if you target a minion). Team 5 has really pushed Midrange Priest and this is the card that will allow such archetype to exist.
Bazaar Burglary 5/5 - The reason is the same for Priest: the quest rewards you for doing something you would normally do. You don't even have to play those 4 cards, but just get them: this is huge, because you can spend your mana for tempo stuff and you're not bound to play (possibly) bad/high cost cards just to finish the quest. Ancient Blades is incredibly good and should push Hooked Scimitar away from the meta. Clever Disguise makes a simple goal even easier to achieve. Impressive.
Corrupt the Waters 4/5 - Brann Bronzebeard for 2 mana. Pretty easy to achieve with all the Lackey generator cards and supports the Battlecry direction the Devs have taken for Shaman a while ago. Just like with Hunter and Zul'jin, Hagatha the Witch won't be in the same deck, especially if you decide to run Shudderwock. Will surely see lots of play.
Supreme Archaeology 2,5/5 - The Lackey/Zoo package is really strong and you don't have enough reasons to play a Plot Twist deck right now: it should be a lot of fun, but a bit too unreliable. It's a shame cause it's one of my favorite quests. May become better in the future with more broken stuff to use.
Hack the System 2/5 - Let's start by saying that it's not one of the best quest released. Moreover, it comes in a moment when Warrior has one of the best buttons in the whole game. Even if you build a Midrange deck in order to make it work, you would always be tempted to slam in Boom in order to seal the game (just like people were doing a few months ago with Deathstalker Rexxar). 0% chance to see competitive play outside of the first weeks (at least until Boom is in Standard).
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.