Spiteful... might be back?!

Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by

Sometimes I feel like I'm onto something, but am a crappy deckbuilder myself or lack the cards. So, I call forward all of you skilled players to mess around with good ol' Spiteful Summoner. I played some games with spiteful priest and King Phaoris was a nasty addition to hit those big spells we draw early. Especially, try a Khadgar with Spiteful. Maybe... highlander spiteful mage?!

  • torto123's Avatar
    Kindred 450 79 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Sometimes I feel like I'm onto something, but am a crappy deckbuilder myself or lack the cards. So, I call forward all of you skilled players to mess around with good ol' Spiteful Summoner. I played some games with spiteful priest and King Phaoris was a nasty addition to hit those big spells we draw early. Especially, try a Khadgar with Spiteful. Maybe... highlander spiteful mage?!

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Not in Wild: Spiteful decks are viable if you like, but don't expect to compete with top tier decks. Spiteful is just too slow, and quite inconsistent too. And not having small spells generally means your swing capabilities are quite bad, so gl with any Aggro or Tempo deck. Phaoris is stronger but also slower. At that point you should include a stronger wincon in your deck instead.

    On a sidenote that links to BSM, Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron is an insanely strong card, basically a Yogg that can be tutored, copied and repeated.


  • Synesthesy's Avatar
    240 142 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From torto123

    Sometimes I feel like I'm onto something, but am a crappy deckbuilder myself or lack the cards. So, I call forward all of you skilled players to mess around with good ol' Spiteful Summoner. I played some games with spiteful priest and King Phaoris was a nasty addition to hit those big spells we draw early. Especially, try a Khadgar with Spiteful. Maybe... highlander spiteful mage?!

    Spitefull Summoner can be played in two types of decks:

    1) Deck that want to play a high number of high cost spells where you do not have to change the deck to make Spitefull strong (example: big spell mage, some reno mage)
    2) Deck that can't play that many spells because their strategy is heavily minion based, so that they won't need to cut that much low cost spell to add a spitefull summoner engine (example: Dragon Priest, my quest hunter, some anyfin paladins).

    The first condition is something about Mage and other late game high spell class like druid. The second can apply to any class that has at least 2 big usefull spell and that has some archetypes minion-based with a good curve. Remember that Spitefull Summoner is a midrange card, very good if dropped on curve to substain your gameplay.


    Spiteful Engines possible:

    DRUID: ultimate infestation, tree of life, gift of the wild, the forest's aid, overflow, wisp of the Old Gods,
    HUNTER: call of the wild, crushing walls, Flark's Boomzoka
    MAGE: pyroblast, Puzzle box of Yogg-Saron, power of creation, glacial mysteries, firelands portal, flamestrike, Greater Arcane Missles
    PALADIN: Anyfin can happen, dinosize, tip the scales, lay on hands, kangor's endless army, a new challenger,
    PRIEST: mind control, plague of death, mass resurrection, Zerek's cloning gallery, free from amber, diamond spellstone, psichyc scream
    ROGUE: sprint
    SHAMAN: everyfin is awesome, sapphire spellstone, earthquake,
    WARLOCK: DOOM!, demonbolt, twisting nether, void contract,
    WARRIOR: dimensional ripper, the boomship, crush, mithril spellstone

    This shows that every class but Shaman and Rogue can play a Spiteful Engine.


    As an example, I will post this:

    That is a deck that performs better then you think. I still think that if you don't mind about high legend, you can play almost anything. Often if the meta is right, the surprise element helps more then you think.

    However, as you said, Mage is the best class for Spitefull. I have 2 lists on my device, I'll post it if you like.

  • AnAngryBadger's Avatar
    645 216 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    If you're playing a big mage style of spiteful deck, king phaoris could also be a solid consideration for when you draw a bunch of those bigger spells

  • LyraSilvertongue's Avatar
    360 383 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I use SS in a Mech Mage build of mine. As was already mentioned cutting out small spells isn't really that big of a deal since the deck is minion based anyway. The spells I use for SS are just burst spells (1 Pyro, 2 Fireland Portals, & 2 Fireballs, which is your only low roll).

  • Meteorite12's Avatar
    670 696 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From doingtheobvious

    What made Spiteful competitive was a lot of very specific conditions. Namely it pooling from 6 - 10 mana drops in a smaller list. There are a lot and I mean a lot of minions you cannot benefit from and even some you don't want on board at worst from Wild's larger 6-10 mana drops.

    If you want to play a slot machine effect like Spiteful Summoner then you're better off with something like Evolve Shaman instead.

    Jeez, the amount of low rolls even in the 8 mana slot is amazing

    Who needs consistency when you could have fun?

  • torto123's Avatar
    Kindred 450 79 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Synesthesy
    Quote From torto123

    Sometimes I feel like I'm onto something, but am a crappy deckbuilder myself or lack the cards. So, I call forward all of you skilled players to mess around with good ol' Spiteful Summoner. I played some games with spiteful priest and King Phaoris was a nasty addition to hit those big spells we draw early. Especially, try a Khadgar with Spiteful. Maybe... highlander spiteful mage?!

    Spitefull Summoner can be played in two types of decks:

    1) Deck that want to play a high number of high cost spells where you do not have to change the deck to make Spitefull strong (example: big spell mage, some reno mage)
    2) Deck that can't play that many spells because their strategy is heavily minion based, so that they won't need to cut that much low cost spell to add a spitefull summoner engine (example: Dragon Priest, my quest hunter, some anyfin paladins).

    The first condition is something about Mage and other late game high spell class like druid. The second can apply to any class that has at least 2 big usefull spell and that has some archetypes minion-based with a good curve. Remember that Spitefull Summoner is a midrange card, very good if dropped on curve to substain your gameplay.


    Spiteful Engines possible:

    DRUID: ultimate infestation, tree of life, gift of the wild, the forest's aid, overflow, wisp of the Old Gods,
    HUNTER: call of the wild, crushing walls, Flark's Boomzoka
    MAGE: pyroblast, Puzzle box of Yogg-Saron, power of creation, glacial mysteries, firelands portal, flamestrike, Greater Arcane Missles
    PALADIN: Anyfin can happen, dinosize, tip the scales, lay on hands, kangor's endless army, a new challenger,
    PRIEST: mind control, plague of death, mass resurrection, Zerek's cloning gallery, free from amber, diamond spellstone, psichyc scream
    ROGUE: sprint
    SHAMAN: everyfin is awesome, sapphire spellstone, earthquake,
    WARLOCK: DOOM!, demonbolt, twisting nether, void contract,
    WARRIOR: dimensional ripper, the boomship, crush, mithril spellstone

    This shows that every class but Shaman and Rogue can play a Spiteful Engine.


    As an example, I will post this:



    That is a deck that performs better then you think. I still think that if you don't mind about high legend, you can play almost anything. Often if the meta is right, the surprise element helps more then you think.

    However, as you said, Mage is the best class for Spitefull. I have 2 lists on my device, I'll post it if you like.

    Quote From RavenSunHS

    Not in Wild: Spiteful decks are viable if you like, but don't expect to compete with top tier decks. Spiteful is just too slow, and quite inconsistent too. And not having small spells generally means your swing capabilities are quite bad, so gl with any Aggro or Tempo deck. Phaoris is stronger but also slower. At that point you should include a stronger wincon in your deck instead.

    On a sidenote that links to BSM, Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron is an insanely strong card, basically a Yogg that can be tutored, copied and repeated.


    Yeah, it's not going to be that consistent but damn it's fun. Also, as much as there low-rolls, there's a bunch of really high ones. Getting that new 10/10 with divine shield and reborn on turn 6 really took people by surprise when I played it.

    Also, Synesthey, please do post it, I'd like to give it a try ^^

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