Unique HS decks

Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by

So I decided to make this thread since it can turn out to be pretty interesting. What are in your opinion unique decks of this game? I have few decks that just make me happy and satisfied when I play them because of their playstyle. Do you have any yours?

Anyfin Paladin

I just love this deck. Hear me out. Something which started as one of the first Control decks with Combo finishers is now by definition Aggro Combo deck with Control tools. The closest deck to this definiton was something Combo Control like prenerfed Patron Warrior. And the flavour is pretty neat too and summarizes Blizzards Paladin class identity pretty well. It has hordes of Murlocs,2 Giants, High Priest and Sunkeeper Tarim with DK Uther or Holy Ragnaros sprinkled on top.


Reno decks

I know I know. Pretty generic inclusion but I still love the singleton decks. Because how they play out. Each game feels different and it has one of my most favourite legendaries attached to them from design and unque flavour perspective. You name it. Zephrys truly is great,Reno is amazing and something like Kazakus which literally lets you build your own spell are all amazing effects.




In 10% works every time. Hah. Seriously though. The abbility to just pull out the complete lockdown of your opponents cards,board and damage is extremely satisfying. Im glad those types of decks are not meta picks xD


Odd Rogue

It might surprise someone. Such an Odd inclusion indeed. However I always enjoyed Tempo Rogue playstyle since the beggining and Odd Rogue is pure perfection of a Tempo Deck. You make use of your mana every turn. You punish your opponent for playing badly consistently and you have some buffs,heals, pressuring force etc. Really enjoyable deck if you like to play tempo decks.


And what decks are unique for you dear reader? Is it Kingsbane Rogue which has unique build around playstyle or is it something else? Let me hear your thoughts ^^

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    So I decided to make this thread since it can turn out to be pretty interesting. What are in your opinion unique decks of this game? I have few decks that just make me happy and satisfied when I play them because of their playstyle. Do you have any yours?

    Anyfin Paladin

    I just love this deck. Hear me out. Something which started as one of the first Control decks with Combo finishers is now by definition Aggro Combo deck with Control tools. The closest deck to this definiton was something Combo Control like prenerfed Patron Warrior. And the flavour is pretty neat too and summarizes Blizzards Paladin class identity pretty well. It has hordes of Murlocs,2 Giants, High Priest and Sunkeeper Tarim with DK Uther or Holy Ragnaros sprinkled on top.


    Reno decks

    I know I know. Pretty generic inclusion but I still love the singleton decks. Because how they play out. Each game feels different and it has one of my most favourite legendaries attached to them from design and unque flavour perspective. You name it. Zephrys truly is great,Reno is amazing and something like Kazakus which literally lets you build your own spell are all amazing effects.




    In 10% works every time. Hah. Seriously though. The abbility to just pull out the complete lockdown of your opponents cards,board and damage is extremely satisfying. Im glad those types of decks are not meta picks xD


    Odd Rogue

    It might surprise someone. Such an Odd inclusion indeed. However I always enjoyed Tempo Rogue playstyle since the beggining and Odd Rogue is pure perfection of a Tempo Deck. You make use of your mana every turn. You punish your opponent for playing badly consistently and you have some buffs,heals, pressuring force etc. Really enjoyable deck if you like to play tempo decks.


    And what decks are unique for you dear reader? Is it Kingsbane Rogue which has unique build around playstyle or is it something else? Let me hear your thoughts ^^

    A semi-competitive player of card games. Deckbuilder and overall fan of both MTG and HS

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I'd suggest putting your decks in the thread via the deck builder. You used the HS deck code, and most people aren't going to take the time to copy that code over to see the deck list. The deck builder on this site allows you to paste the deck code in for quick deck building. 

    I did your first one for you as an example. 


    Then you can put the link or embed the deck in your post.

    Just a suggestion

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

     I just don't want to advertise my decks because  it's more about a discussion. I'm no new to the outof.cards etc and I know how to post decks. Still apreciate your suggestion though ^^

    A semi-competitive player of card games. Deckbuilder and overall fan of both MTG and HS

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2025 3142 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From FirePaladinHS

     I just don't want to advertise my decks because  it's more about a discussion. I'm no new to the outof.cards etc and I know how to post decks. Still apreciate your suggestion though ^^

    Less about advertising them and more about giving people easy access to the cards so they can discuss them. Right now there is a barrier to entry for this thread if people want to talk about the decks you've recommend, that being loading Hearthstone and pasting deckstrings =)

    Founder, Out of Games

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  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From FirePaladinHS

     I just don't want to advertise my decks because  it's more about a discussion. I'm no new to the outof.cards etc and I know how to post decks. Still apreciate your suggestion though ^^

    Don't think anyone would consider it advertising. People need easy access to viewing the decks in order to discuss them. And honestly, people are lazy. 

    It's hard for people to make comments without reference. For example: I for one would like to make a point that I don't find Odd Rogue to be a unique deck. It's been a T1 wild deck for quite some time, and imo doesn't fit the definition of "unique". But for all I know, you run a completely different list that is actually unique and not just the same boring Odd Rogue I have played countless matches against for the past year or so. But because I'm lazy, I didn't check your deck to verify your list. 

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Thank you guys. I got it and  I added the decks and now we can discuss not only my decks which are unique to me but also to you as well :

    A semi-competitive player of card games. Deckbuilder and overall fan of both MTG and HS

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