Shaman Quest a Problem ?
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
Just me or quest shaman super strong ? control warrior still worth playing with dr 9 to counter or is there another control deck out there ?
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Just me or quest shaman super strong ? control warrior still worth playing with dr 9 to counter or is there another control deck out there ?
Nobody is ever satisfied,are they?
No quest shaman is not a problem.
It is too easy to pull off and the reward is pretty ridiculous, especially in wild. Ive ended up in an endless Shudderwock loop where I just concede several times. A slight increase to its requirement wouldn't be bad.
Quest shaman has literally never been above a 50% winrate so far. Not even at legend.
Yes, it is most definitely ridiculously overpowered and warrants an immediate nerf.
Thanks for agreeing. It does need a nerf.
It has unfavorables against Aggro Rogue, Quest Druid, Highlander Hunter, and Aggro Warrior. None of those decks were impacted by nerfs.
I think what you mean is "there will never be a time when every single person is happy, will there?"
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I have been playing quest shammy for a while now (since Uldum release). It was always weak. Generally, sub 50% winrate for the tempo version (the most popular one).
I dont know how it will work after the nerf that hit today, but I would guess it still wouldnt be that OP.
I think what you mean is "there will never be a time when every single person is happy, will there?"
And also THIS! it is impossible to find a deck everybody likes or hates equally - simply impossible! there will always be at least one who will disagree!
It's the same about movies, music, books etc - there always will be a difference of oppinion in likings and dislikings :)
I once tried to find a Movie only using IMDB comments and critics that was liked by every Critic and Commentator ! or hated by everyone :) - simply Impossible!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
What are you guys gonna complain next? Quest warlock? Quest mage? Tempo decks that skip turn 1 are bound to be MEH.
I am sorry your cutesy thief rogue/quest druid/highlander paladin lost to quest shaman really hard 3 times in a row, go to the salt thread instead.
Quest Shaman is a very solid Midrange deck, that can be tuned to be faster or slower (almost a Control deck).
But ultimately, it stays vulnerable to Aggro or other Midrange (if the QS is implemented to be slow), so it's always in check (so far).
The real difficulty is understanding whether you are facing a fast list, to rush down asap, or a slower one, where you should play around board clears.
In other words, it seems invulnerable because Quest Shaman is actually a whole spectrum of decks, not one single archetype.
PS: I am speaking for Wild, but I assume the same holds true in Standard as well.
#salthread please
C'mon guys, let's NOT start being toxic with calls for the salt thread at every discussion about cards power.
The OP just asked for confirmation of an impression of his, he didn't whine or cry for nerfs.
Let's stay constructive with our answers. :)
Quest shaman is weak when they just finished their quest. Since then the 2-mana HP cost will hurt the most. So in the 6/7/8 mana period you must strike. Hard.
quest shaman definitely not a problem. It can seem really strong when it is gets the right curve for the right matchup or the right lackeys for the right time but it's super inconsistent and is prone to terrible opening hands in my experience. Straight up aggro and tempo decks kind of blow it out from my experience playing it and against it. It's a solid deck, whether it lands at the top end of the meta or not remains to be seen but its definitely not a contender for the top deck.
control warrior is still pretty good. I haven't played it much post nerfs because it was the main thing i played before the nerfs and I'm trying new stuff, but I can't imagine it being that bad. I think one thing myself and some other players were wrong about is how the mage nerfs affected the meta. We were like "ok less mages that has to be great for warrior" but mages were the thing making other midrange and powerful late game decks unplayable because mage just scammed them with pocket galaxy. Now there are more decks with a strong late game that can give more trouble that just didn't exist in the meta before.
As for other control decks besides warrior, i've seen a few relatively high legend players playing a control shaman list that has tons of removal and healing jammed in it.
Dono created the deck I believe and hit #16 with it,
The only quest deck with a 50+% win rate when played was Making Mummies. At least it was a few days back when this very site did an analysis of how the quest cards were performing. Might have changed some with nerfs but... might not have!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
As far as i know Making Mummies is still the Nr. 1 Quest regarding the Winrate. Sure i see more Quest Shamans then Quest Paladins but most of the time i face these Shamans i win :)
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Quest Shaman and Quest Druid, when fighting against them, feel like the kind of deck I tended to make early on. It has a LOT of synergy and does a lot of tricks that generate a lot of effects, like making a hand full of lackies and using them to wipe out a pair of giants.
But it doesn't seem to be GOING anywhere. They can generate a board or remove your board but can't seem to do both at the same time without using A LOT of those resources. Thus they have the old Tempo problem: if they lose control they lose. And quests, almost by design, make you sacrifice early control for a later gain.
Quest Paladin feels the same way with one major exception: it's bloody impossible to knock them off the board as their quest basically reads "drop super sticky minions in order to get the ability to generate more super sticky minions." Reborn and sticky mechs into making more 2/2 reborn/stickyMechs > 1/1s.
Am I wrong in feeling though that Shaman/Druid are like, a few key cards away from turning into something very nasty though? Like a Priest Dragon deck after One NIght but before Mean Streets?
Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions?
It gets dumped on by most consistent aggro decks. If a deck can be destroyed by one of the main playstyles then I generally don't think it is too much of a problem.
On a side note I'm not sure why these kinds of discussions seem to naturally pop up when the top decks are all getting nerfed. Do people want every established deck nerfed all at once because they're bored with the meta?
Everyone is mean to the OP. But if you have a look at the data, quest shaman is not under 50% winrate. It's most popular version is at 57% or so since the nerfs. This winrate is not nerf-worthy, but it's definitely not pathetic either, like some people are implying. Data here:
I'd suspect most aggro decks are able to deal with it pretty easily. Maybe try Mech Hunter
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Yes true it´s not that bad of a deck , at least since the nerfs are out but i still think that it struggles against a lot of the other Decks right now.
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