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Oasis Oracle
Joined 03/13/2019 Achieve Points 1905 Posts 2492

anchorm4n's Comments

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 months, 1 week ago

    It's extremely convenient for me this time, as I'm watching most games of the (football) Euros and don't have much time to engage with the Hearthstone reveals at all. That will gradually get better during the next days, as the tournament nears its end and there are fewer games per day. So yay from me for this specific weekend that has just ended.

    In a vaccum, I'd prefer a constant flow of cards to keep the hype up. They should be revealed in bundles of synergising stuff imo, getting standalone reveals makes theorycrafting very hard. So ideally, I'd like to see a somewhat shorter but ongoing reveal season until the expansion launch.

    I do appreciate that you guys can enjoy your weekend without somebody having to stay on watch all the time though <3

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    All puns aside, this could turn out to be a really good card. Drop this on curve, turn 7 Zarimi and three 10-cost minions. Big ouch.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    "Starting with Patch 29.6, most Diamond cards will be able to be disenchanted..."

    Huh. I have 23 diamond cards in my collection, only one of them can be disenchanted. It's the Patches I got from the Twist bundle. Contrary to that, the Helya I got from another bundle can not be disenchanted. Too bad we can't dust the ones from reward tracks and such, there are quite a few that I never use.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    New year's resolutions done!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    I want every Wild deck that runs C'Thun and a support package of say... 7 cards to start at 80 Health. Pretty please?

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    I haven't played a lot of it yet, but what I've seen of this new season has been super fun (ignoring the hackers and Arfus being OP). Definitely my favorite Twist iteration so far!

    I'll also admit that I'm much tempted by the Diamond Patches offer in the shop. As an aggro enjoyer who has dusted all his unused cards, I have no chance at all to get this one the regular way.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    Thank you very much!

    I don't want to be a nuisance, but can we please get the new editor for account management as well? That's close to uneditable right now. 

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    Nooooo why do I not have this??

    In reply to Call of the Void
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    Great card back for Rainbow Mage decks!

    In reply to Rainbow!
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    Very cool to have these features back, thanks to everybody involved!

    It's time to write a few guides again. Can anyone tell me how to adjust the database code to display signature cards? I've tried [Hearthstone Card (signaturecardimg) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (sigcardimg) Not Found] without any luck.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    While Stormlight 4 still sits in my reading corner waiting to be started in time for the expected release of book 5 later this year, I haven't had the stomach for such a heavy and deep saga lately. Instead, I've picked up The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers on a flea market. It's what I'd call a modern fairy tale, lots of fantastic creatures with one of them going on a big adventure. It celebrates reading and writing and shows the author's love for his craft. The story itself isn't the most impressive I've ever read, but I've really enjoyed it nonetheless. Light reading with some humor, excitement and lots of love for books. 4/5 stars from me.

    Up next has come a book that has been sitting on my to read list for a very long time: The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins. I'm about halfway through after less than a week and so far it has been a blast to read. It's a little gore-y at times, but that actually fits the characters and the violence that is happening makes sense in the context of the story. What I like the most about it is that I get the impression that the author has really put his heart into this, it's almost like watching Jack Black in School of Rock - you can feel the joy it brings to the artist and that transfers to me, the reader. I'm really curious where the story is going next, so far I can fully recommend it.

    In reply to Books
  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    No big changes here since last month. I've played some Jedi: Fallen Order but it's not really pulling me in. Hearthstone still makes up 95% of my game time, which has been reduced quite a bit in favor of sports and reading lately. Which reminds me to add an update to the Books thread as well.

    It's probably still a long way to go, but I am planning to get one of the new Nintendo Switch consoles. I've been aching to replay some old classics like Ocarina of Time, Portal or Mario games. Let's hope Nintendo does the smart thing and releases it before Christmas (I doubt it)!

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Not the best choice in my opinion. Of course you can go low maintenance mode because there won't be any surprises that need the dev's attention with prebult decks, but there are quite a few downsides as well. Some people just like deck building, they're left out. Some people like figuring out the meta bit by bit, trying out different archetypes, responding to trends with tech cards and the like. That will be done in like 2 days max. I have a really hard time to see how they think player engagement will last longer than a week for this one. At some point the viscious circle of less players - longer queue times - less players will get going as well. Weird, weird decision for me, but maybe I'm missing something crucial.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months, 4 weeks ago

    Very excited for the new Switch as I'm looking forward to finally getting a Nintendo system again. I've been itching to replay some good old Ocarina of Time, Portal and other stuff that I don't get on my PS5, but knowing a new system was on the horizon has kept me from getting the current gen so far. Maybe this turns out to be the perfect Christmas gift to myself :D

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months, 4 weeks ago

    As much as I like the idea of a meta shake up halfway between expansions, I've come to hate these mini sets. I can't remember the last time one of them didn't contain something absolutely broken that warped the game around it and needed fixing within a short span of time. First and foremost the poster boys come to mind: The Jailer, Thaddius, Yogg, Brann and to a lesser extent Mr. Smite, Kazakusan and Neptulon were clearly problematic cards from the moment they were revealed and Dorian is no different. The rest of the bunch usually contains a power outlier or two as well that more often than not proves to be nerf-worthy: Crabrider, Nitroboost Poison, Stealer of Souls, Grey Sage Parrot, Objection, Construct Quarter, Felscale Evoker. I've just scrolled through them and the percentage of cards that are staples in Wild decks is mindboggling.

    tl;dr: the power level of mini sets is way too high and I don't like it.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 months, 4 weeks ago

    With Wild legend already in the bag thanks to 11x star bonus, I plan to dial back my Hearthstone time a bit this month. The game has had a negative influence on my mood lately.

    Got Jedi: Fallen Order for the PS5 instead but so far it hasn't really clicked with me. Maybe I'm still too much in the button-masher mindset after God of War, but it feels like timing your parries and getting to know the enemies and their movement is very important here. I've tuned the difficulty down for the moment so I don't get too frustrated in the early stages already.

    Not the best start of the month gaming-wise... There's always books I guess.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 months, 1 week ago

    That's because it's a buff for the other highlander cards since they can't get disrupted anymore - as the devs have correctly flagged it in the patch notes. Reno is the only one that you can get a refund for because his Cost was adjusted.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 months, 1 week ago

    Very happy with the first impressions from around 1.000 on Wild EU. This might be the best patch for Wild ever, surpassing even the last major one that killed Big Priest.

    The changes to the Highlander condition are a very cool bonus, would make for an interesting discussion if the old cards like Reno and Zeph should be adjusted as well. Consistency basically demands but I wonder if that wouldn't make them too strong as you can't counter them anymore with cards like Curse of Agony, The Darkness or Plagues.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 months, 1 week ago

    Best Hearthstone news in ages! I should have been suspicious when I enjoyed the new Standard meta so much that I've played Tempo DH to legend - whenever a Wild main likes the Standard meta, nerfs are almost certain :D

    That said, I'll stick to the Wild side of these news.

    • My biggest hope is that they finally pull the "once per game" plug on Time Warp. Reno Quest Mage has been torturing Wild players for quite some time and with the new 10 Mana spell they got to use their Parrots again. If you can't kill them by turn 7ish, they chain infinite turns and the best you can do is waste their time by not conceding. I've had it happen to me on turn 5. Ice Block, Frost Nova and friends don't help and don't forget they can be rediscovered. Yikes.
    • Speaking of which, Ice Block is a card people had on their nerf radar for a long time as well. If the Time Warp change is coming as expected, I don't think they'll touch Ice Block as well. I could picture them doing it the other way around though, basically giving Ice Block the "once per game" treatment and challenging players to kill the Mage twice before Time Warp shenanigans unfold. Possible, but unlikely since giving a non-legendary card "once per game" makes no sense whatsoever.
    • Mine Rogue is another candidate that has been left untouched for far too long imo. It also kills quite consistently around turn 5 and is hard to disrupt. There are a few ideas circling in the community on how to change it, my guess is they'll target Snowfall Graveyard or Necrium Blade.
    • Fruit Druid has lost some of its popularity these last 2-3 weeks but I'd still expect a nerf to Floop's Gloop. That card just can't stay alive in its current form with the latest rule change to Mana acquisition.
    • Big "maaaaaaaaybe?" when it comes to Miracle Rogue (no idea where to even start there) and Shudderwock (once per game?).
    • We already know that Zarimi gets touched so Aggro Shadow Priest will go back to the list from before Whizbang's Workshop. Personally, I had consistency problems with the Draggon version from day 1 and never really switched. I don't expect a nerf to Voidtouched Attendant, but I wouldn't rule it out either.
    • Reno, Lone Ranger is also a known target that I'm a bit sad about, but it has been crystal clear that this card would catch a bullet sooner or later right since its release. From what I hear from Standard players, a change to the Highlander mechanic would be favored by the community (so the card checks if your starting deck had no duplicates, not your current deck the moment the card is played). That would be cool for Wild where I haven't seen people run duplicates in Highlander decks. Personally I'm not so sure if they'll do that because a) wouldn't that mean they have to do it with all Highlander cards? and b) the other numerous nerfs in Standard might kill the Reno decks with duplicates anyway. My guess is Reno's effect will become symmetrical or get a complete overhaul.

    All in all I'm hyped for this and I hope I won't get disappointed again. The reasoning behind the nerfs sounds amazing, lets hope the devs live up to their own standards. Worst that could happen is a bunch of dust lol

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 months, 1 week ago

    linkblade has helped me realize that I've made a pretty selfish argument here. While Blizzard hasn't fucked up hard enough to drive me away from Hearthstone for myself, I need to reconsider if they have fucked up other people's experience enough to make me draw consequences out of sympathy.