I wonder if it fair to compare Aurelion Sol who is a 10 mana unit with Star Spring which is 2 mana and has narrow removal.
I mean in case it is quite easy to "level" star spring it is way more powerful/ opressive as a 2 mana card than a 10 unit isn't it?
Also is a comparison with Shudderwock odd since he is 1 out of 30 cards and 9 mana while Star Spring is 3 out of 40 cards and has tutors in the same region.
I never said combo/alternate winconditions are bad for a game but they need to be balanced and i doubt that 2 mana Star Spring is balanced
I compared the "win the game" keyword to other "win the game cards if they have their conditions fullfilled they win the game.. on this card's case the condition is in front of your eyes in A sol and shudderwock the condition is to have slight board control and have played those specific 4 battlecries respectably.
I don't think healling for 22 dmg is easy, it's not.. you are wasting 2 mana for this card it's effect is kind of minor unless it wins the game, it's an engine that puts a clock as well.
shudderwock combo deck had ton of draw to draw the card most of the time.. draw is more scarce in Runeterra, there's a tutor for it but it costs 3 mana an then you are paying 5 mana total for this land mark..
My point is to not panic when you see "win the game" other cards also have that text but not explicit.. for example Ezreal level up on the right deck or TF level up most of the time as well.
there are a lot of cards that already actually say "win the game" just not explicit.
like for example Shudderwock if you played those 5 battlecries this game, win the game.
I mean sure it says "win the game" but an example in runettera can also be Aurelion sol level up.. which does basically the same.
alternate win conditions are interesting and this has further counterplay apart from removing this card itself.. to heal units you need units if you can control the board and kill units the player of this card can't heal.. another counterplay is the landmark removal which invalidates your deck if you rely too much on this win con.. also you ind of need to draw it early..
sure you can probably go late game with a burst heal of sort but combo decks.. are combo decks they exist in card games and it's fine.
This is how a good removal spell should be not like that one that destroys summoned cards from shadow isles that has no use against some decks.. Have a backup plan..
Just now realizing he gets damaged when capturing... Hmm not that great honestly.. Too niche.. Need a lot of healing.. But goes well with vlad.. We will see how well it goes..
Hmm seems like tham kench likes his units to not be full HP..? it's vlad synergy too I like how they can buff an old card with new cards and make it more viable.
Yeah, I agree with you OP. It's definitely quite here, certainly on the forums. I think the reasons are that the community is smaller now than it used to be, and also more split (hearthpwn is still there). Plus OoC is in itself split between several games. Especially the forums that's bad news. When you check the latest threads on the main page - which don't exactly take central stage in the first place, you have to scroll a looong way - you see only a few posts for 'your' game. Yes, you can use a portal - but then there are only 5 posts visible, and when you click on 'more recent posts' you again get content from all games. So the interface isn't optimal either.
And forum activity feeds more activity... when nobody posts, others lose the intensive to check/post/reply. It's too bad, I like OoC best of all because it is definitely the most constructive and friendly site. But maybe that is a factor as there are less pointless posts and trolling...
Well yes there are less stupid "OMG this thing is OP" every day.. tbh it's an upside..
I prefer the smaller community to random people who post salty threads about losing to X or Y...
I think the diversity of this site is a plus rather than a minus.. sadly both hs and runeterra had so far similar releases of new content so the site was super loaded when both had new content.
It is rare that I say this about any game but LoR is one of the few games that I'd say I appreciate the signs of money spending in since it is purely cosmetics and you are supporting the game by having them. Other than that though there are no ways to spend money in LoR that has any real impact on game play.
There are you speed up your collection.. instead of "grinding" I put grinding on quotes cause you can get a full collection just by completing all quests every week in just a few months
More than that, Grommash is leader of the Warsong clan, so the card is just being used for flavour reasons.
Even so, the card quite possibly will get a rework, but it's appearance in the adventure isn't saying much.
Re Night Elf tribe: this has apparently already been clarified as just a use of leftover code from way back (probably alpha or pre-alpha), as Regis mentions at the end of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y35FqDVO0fk
I saw it after the kaelthas match which was actually challenging and then.. the rest were just "press the button lol" so I thought maybe there was a future rework that would make the inclusion of that card make sense.. guess got excited for nothing but at least they looked at the card and added it to a deck so maybe they are aware of it existing..
I saw her in the solo adventure so either they wanted to make this encounter extremely easy by giving him garbage cards (more likely) or will warsong commander get a rework or something to do with injured minions/weapon? maybe they left her as she made sense.
One can only hope for justice to the most obvious "we don't want to deal with this card so we deleted it but it's still there for people to wonder just why it exists" card.
also Malfurion has "Night elf tag" foreshadowing that night elves being a tribe?
Thought it what swim said about people who defend deny and will of ionia, that it's Stockholm syndrome of being hostage by a powerful meta defining card.
I mean I thought hush was hotfix nerfed they said they will nerf the ability to spam the card.. IDK why it even have the echo effect it would be good enough as none echo.
The change I liked the most was to change Lee sin's champion spell was surprised it's dragon rage since it had little synergy with Lee sin, sure he casts it on his level up but now his champion spell fits him so much more besides while ult plays are flashy, Lee sins are known by their q casts way more.
But maybe with Targon being such a great expansion maybe they'll give us something less cool for the next region like Shurima before adding the Void.
How dare you call Shurima un-cool! OK maybe the region itself isn't as lore-rich as Targon but come on: Amumu? Rammus? Reketon? Nasus? Cassiopeia? Sivir? There are some really cool champs from there.
You're also totally discounting Ixtal as the possible next region: Nidalee, Rengar, Zyra, Malphite.
Really, I think I'll be happy with whatever region they pick so long as they keep doing as good a job as they are.
Ixtal is not gonna be a stand alone region it's gonna join another big region or their champions are gonna "travel" like teemo, heimer, lulu.. Too few champions there
Idk tbh I won't be dissapointed with either but I would prefer the Void first it has more jungles and I main jungle so.. Totally not biased.
Looks good to me.. a lot of bildgewater cards got injured statlines so I guess that's the combo they want to have soraka in "naturally"
but maybe also.. crimson?
No banana tokens? failed to translate soraka to LoR.
I compared the "win the game" keyword to other "win the game cards if they have their conditions fullfilled they win the game.. on this card's case the condition is in front of your eyes in A sol and shudderwock the condition is to have slight board control and have played those specific 4 battlecries respectably.
I don't think healling for 22 dmg is easy, it's not.. you are wasting 2 mana for this card it's effect is kind of minor unless it wins the game, it's an engine that puts a clock as well.
shudderwock combo deck had ton of draw to draw the card most of the time.. draw is more scarce in Runeterra, there's a tutor for it but it costs 3 mana an then you are paying 5 mana total for this land mark..
My point is to not panic when you see "win the game" other cards also have that text but not explicit.. for example Ezreal level up on the right deck or TF level up most of the time as well.
there are a lot of cards that already actually say "win the game" just not explicit.
like for example Shudderwock if you played those 5 battlecries this game, win the game.
I mean sure it says "win the game" but an example in runettera can also be Aurelion sol level up.. which does basically the same.
alternate win conditions are interesting and this has further counterplay apart from removing this card itself.. to heal units you need units if you can control the board and kill units the player of this card can't heal.. another counterplay is the landmark removal which invalidates your deck if you rely too much on this win con.. also you ind of need to draw it early..
sure you can probably go late game with a burst heal of sort but combo decks.. are combo decks they exist in card games and it's fine.
This is how a good removal spell should be not like that one that destroys summoned cards from shadow isles that has no use against some decks.. Have a backup plan..
Aram landmark huh? I tend to play a lot of aram so I find this amusing, it's not competitive.. So what?
Wonder which region will get summonerc's rift at some point.
Just now realizing he gets damaged when capturing... Hmm not that great honestly.. Too niche.. Need a lot of healing.. But goes well with vlad.. We will see how well it goes..
Hmm seems like tham kench likes his units to not be full HP..? it's vlad synergy too I like how they can buff an old card with new cards and make it more viable.
guess they learned at least a bit from feedback.. they should buff jaina's voice lines..
THe l1 lulu looked awful.. now she looks much more like lulu we love to hate in league :)
Think this is how everyone feels about this skin, just hard to understand how they missed the opportunity they already created.
Well yes there are less stupid "OMG this thing is OP" every day.. tbh it's an upside..
I prefer the smaller community to random people who post salty threads about losing to X or Y...
I think the diversity of this site is a plus rather than a minus.. sadly both hs and runeterra had so far similar releases of new content so the site was super loaded when both had new content.
I am still here, I never actually posted any deck.. but it's been slow time for this site/forums atm..
There are you speed up your collection.. instead of "grinding" I put grinding on quotes cause you can get a full collection just by completing all quests every week in just a few months
I saw it after the kaelthas match which was actually challenging and then.. the rest were just "press the button lol" so I thought maybe there was a future rework that would make the inclusion of that card make sense.. guess got excited for nothing but at least they looked at the card and added it to a deck so maybe they are aware of it existing..
I saw her in the solo adventure so either they wanted to make this encounter extremely easy by giving him garbage cards (more likely) or will warsong commander get a rework or something to do with injured minions/weapon? maybe they left her as she made sense.
One can only hope for justice to the most obvious "we don't want to deal with this card so we deleted it but it's still there for people to wonder just why it exists" card.
also Malfurion has "Night elf tag" foreshadowing that night elves being a tribe?
It's similar to nozdormu seeing play on that regard.. You don't want those interactions in the game it's 100% unfun
Thought it what swim said about people who defend deny and will of ionia, that it's Stockholm syndrome of being hostage by a powerful meta defining card.
I mean I thought hush was hotfix nerfed they said they will nerf the ability to spam the card.. IDK why it even have the echo effect it would be good enough as none echo.
The change I liked the most was to change Lee sin's champion spell was surprised it's dragon rage since it had little synergy with Lee sin, sure he casts it on his level up but now his champion spell fits him so much more besides while ult plays are flashy, Lee sins are known by their q casts way more.
Ixtal is not gonna be a stand alone region it's gonna join another big region or their champions are gonna "travel" like teemo, heimer, lulu.. Too few champions there
Idk tbh I won't be dissapointed with either but I would prefer the Void first it has more jungles and I main jungle so.. Totally not biased.