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Salty Dog
Joined 06/07/2019 Achieve Points 1030 Posts 685

ElSabidon's Comments

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Don't forget that Druid is keeping their best ramp tools, Overgrowth and Lightning Bloom. Playing this card on turn 4, for example, is huge.

    Also, if you're playing this card as your beast in your N'Zoth, God of the Deep, you can actually kill it of without triggering the frenzy part to revive the rush part of the card with N'Zoth, God of the Deep.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I love adjacent minion mechanics and, therefore, I love this spell. Now, it may seem like the RNG is unnecessary but, in this case, I don't think that's a bad thing, since there is no RNG element guaranteed, it's only there if the minion targeted is in the middle. 

    Also, this is a control tool and the rank up mechanic tends to favor control, so I can honestly expect this card to see some play, unless Shaman is dead next expansion.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Boy, am I glad Gadgetzan Auctioneer is out. 

    On a more serious note, if this card is generated by a pure control Priest, they'll most likely be happy. Control priests don't go face, they win through value, so the mirror effect will most likely not be a factor whatsoever in that scenario.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From burgoskid

    What's the point of buffing health if inner fire is rotating out?

    Having a virturally unkillable minion on what seems to be a more board centric meta, now that most burst from spells is out. Also, there's a chance Apotheosis will become a Holy spell. That alone makes Spirit Healer even more annoying.

    That being said, I believe Lightsteed will be more consistent, at least in a more aggressive Priest deck. Spirit Healer can also find a spot in such a deck for critical mass' sake, but I believe Spirit Healer might find a better home in Paladin.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Pack Filler power creep, RIP Pit Fighter

    I guess you can say that Pit Fighter is "in trouble now".

    I'll see myself out.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Huge highroll potential, I believe at almost Prince Keleseth levels if you play Mankrik on 3 and topdeck the wife on 4.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    A 5 mana fully neutral 3 damage boardclear alongside Abusive Sergeant for any tempo/fast midrange deck. While not very flashy and somewhat lackluster on its own, Blademaster Samuro can make an impact on the meta, especially with that juicy 6 Health stat.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Considering the fact that virtually all of shaman's direct damage are gone (aside from Lightning Bolt and maybe Molten Blast as far as possible Nature Spells go), I see this Bru'kan as a control tool more than a pure OTK tool. However, the direct damage cards I said before can provide extra reach for a possible control Shaman for some surprise burst.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    After a "long" zoo vs zoo game, you're on turn 6 and the fact that this card is a 2 mana 6/4 over two minions might seal the deal in your favor. In any other situation, I don't see this card being useful in any other scenario, the same way Omega Agent ended up not having an impact. That being said, the condition I said where this card can be good is virtually what arena is all about.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Sunscale Raptor's effect on a class with lots of card draw is insane. In Hunter, where the closest thing to card draw is Tracking, its effect is less powerful. That being said, and although drawing 1 mana 3/4 or 1 mana 5/5 might not be enough in terms of sheer power, one cannot forget the tempo swing on board with such beefy minion for such little mana that can be splashed into any turn on the later stages. Also, Animated Broomstick can make this card be fast. A 1 mana 3/4 or 1 mana 5/5 Rush minion is very strong in midrange match-ups.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I guess the biggest question is: what is better, this card's ability or River Crocolisk's beast tag?

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    OKay, extremely minimal, but I had the win 2 games in any mode quest, so I decided to try it on PvE content. I had a Dalaran Heist run going on the first Bartender Bob encounter. I thought, let's do this and win the next game to see if it works. Not only does it work, it worked on Bob himself.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From ElSabidon

    I did some quick maths after the last changes to the Tavern Pass and concluded that, in a 19 week time span (assuming each month was around 4,5 weeks and giving an extra week because the expansion released earlier than usual), I reached a total of 11300G for the expansion, which is a bit of an upgrade to your "personal highscore being over 10k gold saved up". 

    However, the Tavern Pass is not perfect. As stated before, the first 50 levels are insanely grindy (even when considering suddenly having +300G does feel good, the grind doesn't [they did reduce the XP amount on later levels, though]). Achievements are a nice bonus, but they're not amazing. Sure, some of them are mostly a puzzle that can be solved in few games, but some others are brutally hard and boring to complete (looking at you, summon 200 Greyboughs and play 500 Corrupted cards). There's also the fact that you can't complete those achievements in casual (which Dean Ayala believes is the right approach, for some reason), which is very frustrating because some achievements involve bringing terrible decks to ranked and know you'll have an abysmal winrate for a while.

    Also, there have been a couple of posts in which the devs made about events that include XP for catching up, but we've seen none so far (though those should just arrive closer to the end of the expansion cycle, as they're being treated as a catch-up mechanic rather than extra XP for us).

    Thanks for the info, this is much more encouraging now.

    If you don't mind me asking, given that I started playing again today and managed to get to level 14 on the pass so far (mainly through quests and a few random achievements), do you think it is possible to still get to at least lvl 50 before the next expansion (without accounting for any potential events that would make it easier)?

    Highly unlikely. Assuming the next expansion is released by the end of March, that's in around 6 weeks. 6 weeks worth of XP (assuming 1 hour of play every day and no achievements whatsoever) should be around 96k XP. Since you're at level 14, you should have a total of at least 13,2k XP. Adding those two numbers, you'll end up at around level 39, just shy of level 40 (by around 1k XP). If you get to level 40 (by adding just a couple of achievements and excluding rewards from levels 1 through 14), you'll get 2750 G, 5 packs, 1 legendary and 1 ticket to arena/duels. It's not a lot of resources, but it's something.

    EDIT: Oh wow, I really misinterpreted that text when the Battle Pass changes were announced, @Suchti0352. Yeah, I guess catch up XP is likely off the table, then.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I did some quick maths after the last changes to the Tavern Pass and concluded that, in a 19 week time span (assuming each month was around 4,5 weeks and giving an extra week because the expansion released earlier than usual), I reached a total of 11300G for the expansion, which is a bit of an upgrade to your "personal highscore being over 10k gold saved up". 

    However, the Tavern Pass is not perfect. As stated before, the first 50 levels are insanely grindy (even when considering suddenly having +300G does feel good, the grind doesn't [they did reduce the XP amount on later levels, though]). Achievements are a nice bonus, but they're not amazing. Sure, some of them are mostly a puzzle that can be solved in few games, but some others are brutally hard and boring to complete (looking at you, summon 200 Greyboughs and play 500 Corrupted cards). There's also the fact that you can't complete those achievements in casual (which Dean Ayala believes is the right approach, for some reason), which is very frustrating because some achievements involve bringing terrible decks to ranked and know you'll have an abysmal winrate for a while.

    Also, there have been a couple of posts in which the devs made about events that include XP for catching up, but we've seen none so far (though those should just arrive closer to the end of the expansion cycle, as they're being treated as a catch-up mechanic rather than extra XP for us).

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Opened Greybough recently and made a treant deck with it with the sole purpose of starting the grind towards Druid Achievements, including one copy of Guess the Weight and Faire Arborist to help both the Darkmoon Treant and the Corrupt expansion. And while I didn't finishany of them entirely, I did go 14-4 with the deck and ended up reaching legend. 

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    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Fluxflashor

    Now we just need a random hero option for out decks :D

    This. So much this

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    No I didn't, only got for the arena one. On the plus side, I was already 9-2 and ended 10-3, so the rewards were still good (although I low rolled a bit with the golden common).

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    So, it turns out leaving a Duels run midway won't preemptively end it midway and give you a new ticket + rewards from interrupted run.

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Question: if we leave a heroic duels run midway, will it automatically end it arena style? Because I have a 9-2 run saved up right now.