Anti-synergy with Jerry Rig Carpenter, as the split spells won't count as Choose One. Currently there isn't whole lot of Choose One effects to pair with this or Jerry Rig, but that didn't stop the latter from appearing in both Taunt and Anacondra Druid deck lists, and I think this card will similarly see solid experimentation.
So on one hand, Reno'ing yourself with one or two Lightshower Elemental deathrattles is fantastic...
...But what else are you playing with this? Elekk Mount and Undying Disciple seem to be must haves, but I'm not completely sure if they'll trigger properly (Elekk Mount being a spell, and Undying Disciple I'm not sure if it's going to check the attack of the original card or your hero's.) Mo'arg Forgefiend, Plagued Protodrake, and Scrapyard Colossus are all very great to load up, but that's just making your deck even slower when Handlock probably already finished their quest.
Feels a little too slow to be as ubiquitous as Convincing Infiltrator, but depending on the support, can be just as much of a nightmarish card to deal with as aggro.
Constructed? Awful, even in a meta about playing the biggest minion onto the board (which will never happen.) Depending on how Eating works with deathrattles and the like, it can have a niche application though.
Arena? 5 Stars, you're picking this every time, and the game is gonna devolve into a game of chicken between who drafted more of them or the removals to get rid of them.
Well on the one hand, if this ever hits the field against aggro, it's ggs for them since this just pumps out big ol taunts in the way every time it trades.
On the other hand, getting to 8 mana is a big ask, so really limited to slower decks like Librams.
It's no Phase Stalker, which is unfortunately what it needs to be in order for it (and by extension secrets) to be playable. The upside is that just by playing one copy of this, you're drawing most of the secrets Hunters usually are willing to put into their decks.
Deathrattle Rogue had a brief flash in Stormwind with Sketchy Information and Loan Shark... and evaporated just as quickly. Needs some actual Deathrattle targets to work with, but as is it's pretty weak.
Auto include for Non-aggro Druids. The battlecry is fantastic, and the hero card itself is relatively cheap. The 20 mana max is a meme though, any combos you're hoping to pull off by then would be ridiculously slow even with the Hero Power ramping. But that said, Ramp or Draw in the Hero Power is still very powerful tool to have for control and combos.
Really good minion in a spell, and as others said it's basically better Restless Mummy at that.
Anti-synergy with Jerry Rig Carpenter, as the split spells won't count as Choose One. Currently there isn't whole lot of Choose One effects to pair with this or Jerry Rig, but that didn't stop the latter from appearing in both Taunt and Anacondra Druid deck lists, and I think this card will similarly see solid experimentation.
Great top end for Aggressive Warriors: punting big taunts back into their owner's faces, and a new hero power to start chipping them away.
Someone had mentioned it pulling Illidari Inquisitor and I am not looking back. Big DH is suddenly a very promising deck archetype.
So on one hand, Reno'ing yourself with one or two Lightshower Elemental deathrattles is fantastic...
...But what else are you playing with this? Elekk Mount and Undying Disciple seem to be must haves, but I'm not completely sure if they'll trigger properly (Elekk Mount being a spell, and Undying Disciple I'm not sure if it's going to check the attack of the original card or your hero's.) Mo'arg Forgefiend, Plagued Protodrake, and Scrapyard Colossus are all very great to load up, but that's just making your deck even slower when Handlock probably already finished their quest.
Feels a little too slow to be as ubiquitous as Convincing Infiltrator, but depending on the support, can be just as much of a nightmarish card to deal with as aggro.
...This tracks while it's still in your deck right?
...In the dungeon I go deeper...
The only reason why you wouldn't run this Scabbs in every single one of your Rogue deck is if you're playing a Turbo Combo deck like Garrote Rogue.
Fresh meat this ain't. Unless Standard is suddenly overrun by Odd Paladin from Year of the Raven, I don't really see much use for this Abomination.
Sooo good for Control Warrior; kill the big thing and stall/limit your opponent's board space for a turn.
Constructed? Awful, even in a meta about playing the biggest minion onto the board (which will never happen.) Depending on how Eating works with deathrattles and the like, it can have a niche application though.
Arena? 5 Stars, you're picking this every time, and the game is gonna devolve into a game of chicken between who drafted more of them or the removals to get rid of them.
Seems like a Druid class card in disguise... Can't wait for it to roll Taunt 9 times!*
*Probably doesn't work like that.
Well on the one hand, if this ever hits the field against aggro, it's ggs for them since this just pumps out big ol taunts in the way every time it trades.
On the other hand, getting to 8 mana is a big ask, so really limited to slower decks like Librams.
It's no Phase Stalker, which is unfortunately what it needs to be in order for it (and by extension secrets) to be playable. The upside is that just by playing one copy of this, you're drawing most of the secrets Hunters usually are willing to put into their decks.
3 mana resummon Trampling Rhino
The only positive I can say is that this is better Flesheating Ghoul due to the higher health.
Oh hey it's Tavish Stormpike 2.0!...
Except even slower and just as bad.
Deathrattle Rogue had a brief flash in Stormwind with Sketchy Information and Loan Shark... and evaporated just as quickly. Needs some actual Deathrattle targets to work with, but as is it's pretty weak.
Auto include for Non-aggro Druids. The battlecry is fantastic, and the hero card itself is relatively cheap. The 20 mana max is a meme though, any combos you're hoping to pull off by then would be ridiculously slow even with the Hero Power ramping. But that said, Ramp or Draw in the Hero Power is still very powerful tool to have for control and combos.