Not super excited to put Truesilver Champion or Lightbringer's Hammer just to play this, but might be worth throwing down two sizable roadblocks in Big Paladin.
Problem: Divine Shield will prevent Samuro's Frenzy from being proc'd. I still think this will be a very strong card, especially with how abundant Rush keyword is, just not quite with that specific Rush minion.
Much better Initiation (though that's not hard,) it seems alright for holding off board aggression if you can get the Honor Kill consistently, and also as a sneaky way garner extra value out of your own Deathrattle minions.
Also ranking this at 3 stars seemed pretty appropriate.
Satyr Overseer 2.0, really good if you had a weapon on 1 and curved into it, and still pretty decent turn 3+ with a Hero Power to immediately activate it.
If it worked like Deck of Lunacy and replaced the minions with ones of equal cost and then discounts them, this might be pretty good... But alas, it's completely random, so you're more likely to put together a mismash of (0) or (1) costed minions that don't provide much other than stats... Though now that I put it that way, Shroud of Concealment is looking pretty appealing with this.
The interaction with Maestra of the Masquerade and drawing your Rogue cards is funny, but I don't think it's quite enough for a Thief Rogue to last more than a few weeks of the meta.
Not super excited to put Truesilver Champion or Lightbringer's Hammer just to play this, but might be worth throwing down two sizable roadblocks in Big Paladin.
Hate drawing your minions you were hoping to summon off of Commencement? Now you can cheat them out!
Problem: Divine Shield will prevent Samuro's Frenzy from being proc'd.
I still think this will be a very strong card, especially with how abundant Rush keyword is, just not quite with that specific Rush minion.
It's weird to say that 2 mana is a bit much for a single card draw, but that's the state of Hearthstone now. Pretty good for Big Paladin.
You are going to see Priest play this a lot, both naturally and Created By.
Greetings :)
Really missing Circle of Healing now... at least it has Gift of the Naaru to support it instead.
Not sure if I'd rather play this over Inner Fire in Wild/Solo Heroic completions, but a solid stand alone buff card.
For the same amount of mana:
Druid: Free 2/2s with stealth.
Priest: +2 health to your board.
Way too slow, and not enough impact even if I was playing some aggro Bless deck.
Good tutor effect, and being able to play it the same turn makes this an auto-include for so many Paladin decks.
Meant to be played in Big Spells, but let's be honest this will be played with ANY size of spells.
As much as everyone memes about minions in Mage being bad, this is incredibly strong.
Like Juicy Psychmelon, unlikely to see standard play, but there's no Mage Avianna + Kun to make it better.
Worth it just to upgrade the hero power, and with how many times a Demon Hunter can attack over the course of the game, the x/4s are a potent bonus.
Barrens Priest just might be making a comeback in Alterac.
Much better Initiation (though that's not hard,) it seems alright for holding off board aggression if you can get the Honor Kill consistently, and also as a sneaky way garner extra value out of your own Deathrattle minions.
Also ranking this at 3 stars seemed pretty appropriate.
Satyr Overseer 2.0, really good if you had a weapon on 1 and curved into it, and still pretty decent turn 3+ with a Hero Power to immediately activate it.
If it worked like Deck of Lunacy and replaced the minions with ones of equal cost and then discounts them, this might be pretty good... But alas, it's completely random, so you're more likely to put together a mismash of (0) or (1) costed minions that don't provide much other than stats... Though now that I put it that way, Shroud of Concealment is looking pretty appealing with this.
Mini Tess! Might be limited in impact if you've burgled too many cheap things though.
The interaction with Maestra of the Masquerade and drawing your Rogue cards is funny, but I don't think it's quite enough for a Thief Rogue to last more than a few weeks of the meta.
The Honor Kill can be a bit tricky, and it only gets a copy, so it's not a Gnomeferatu on a literal stick.