I think the text isn't enough for what I want it to be. So back to the drawing board for that one.
Here is another idea.
Theme: a treant minion consuming the mana of the opposing hero.
Functional: a conditional [Hearthstone Card (inneravate) Not Found] with a body. More easily played around by your opponent, but provides more of an upside.
Feedback (WIP):
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Disclaimer: below is personal opinion lol.
FieselFitz - Not bad as board refill minion, though you have to lose your board to gain a board. Unsure of balance, expensive murlocs tend to not make the cut though.
Neoguli - I like the effect it is unique. I'm assuming it's only the damage right or does your opponents draw too? If it's the latter, I think you need higher stats for the minion to make it worth running.
KANSAS - I like how it fits the theme of the bar tender handing out drinks. Though I think +2 attack rather than +1/+1 is a better fit for a drunk lol
DestroyerR - I like the theme. Feels simiar to Siamat but with a pseudo deathrattle.
Thematically, card is about animals crazed with hunger attacking mindless for food. "Consumed" minions become buffer add health to the consuming beast.
Functionally, this is somewhat a conditional board clear for Beast hunters. Conditional in the sense that they need first to have board for this to work, they have no control on which minions are attacked, and friendly minions need to be beasts. Can be useful against pesky taunts without sacrificing board. Similar to Mass Hysteria but targets are opposing minions.
A beast payoff card.
Side notes:
Any tips on where to get good heathstone themed art? I tried the links in the primer but could not find good variety.
Am I qualified to give feedback? Is feedback required?
Been trying out (and failing) beast hunter. I feel the deck lacks payoff cards, so made me think of this one. Hunter's theme are beasts so I wanted to highlight that one. Thematically, the card depicts hunter cornering their pray with the help of their animal companions.
Functionally, the card can work like a way to isolate specific minions to kill. You can trade on board to control (to an extent) which minions go dormant, then use beasts on hand for the kill. If opponents have 2 or less minions, you can use this to delay them and go face. Also has synergy with Krolusk Barkstripper as an activator and creates fodder for Scavenging Hyena.
I feel I went a little high on the numbers since the conditions are very specific which balances them somewhat.
Storm Arrows: Overcosted board wipe (in my opinion also out of flavor in Hunter but that is up for discussion)
Aeladori Prophet: Really like it, I think the mechanic is a great addition to DH; not sure about the powerlevel though
Illidari Dancer: Nice idea but simply no, e.g. Marrow Slicer, hero power (your +2 version) and this card would result in a 8/6 body and 12 damage in face if your opponent has no taunt up as well as a 4/1 weapon for next turn all for 10 mana; thats a big no for me
I personally agree on all 3 points especially Storm Arrows.
I can't say for certain's it's place in the meta, but from personal experience, I do better against aggro decks but lost to control/value matchups. The deck sacrifices value for more consistency.
I'd say the general consensus is this is a buff, since the card is played mostly for its battle cry not its stats. So getting the battle cry 1 turn earlier matters more, hence a buff.
That said, I believe Blizz should also offer refunds for lateral changes like this. By lateral I mean a combination of a buff and a nerf. Though it matters less, the stats were still reduced.
Thanks for the feed.
I think the text isn't enough for what I want it to be. So back to the drawing board for that one.
Here is another idea.
Theme: a treant minion consuming the mana of the opposing hero.
Functional: a conditional [Hearthstone Card (inneravate) Not Found] with a body. More easily played around by your opponent, but provides more of an upside.
Feedback (WIP):
Disclaimer: below is personal opinion lol.
FieselFitz - Not bad as board refill minion, though you have to lose your board to gain a board. Unsure of balance, expensive murlocs tend to not make the cut though.
Neoguli - I like the effect it is unique. I'm assuming it's only the damage right or does your opponents draw too? If it's the latter, I think you need higher stats for the minion to make it worth running.
KANSAS - I like how it fits the theme of the bar tender handing out drinks. Though I think +2 attack rather than +1/+1 is a better fit for a drunk lol
DestroyerR - I like the theme. Feels simiar to Siamat but with a pseudo deathrattle.
Still inspired by my failed beast hunter lol.
Thematically, card is about animals crazed with hunger attacking mindless for food. "Consumed" minions become buffer add health to the consuming beast.
Functionally, this is somewhat a conditional board clear for Beast hunters. Conditional in the sense that they need first to have board for this to work, they have no control on which minions are attacked, and friendly minions need to be beasts. Can be useful against pesky taunts without sacrificing board. Similar to Mass Hysteria but targets are opposing minions.
A beast payoff card.
Side notes:
New to this. First attempt lol.
Been trying out (and failing) beast hunter. I feel the deck lacks payoff cards, so made me think of this one. Hunter's theme are beasts so I wanted to highlight that one. Thematically, the card depicts hunter cornering their pray with the help of their animal companions.
Functionally, the card can work like a way to isolate specific minions to kill. You can trade on board to control (to an extent) which minions go dormant, then use beasts on hand for the kill. If opponents have 2 or less minions, you can use this to delay them and go face. Also has synergy with Krolusk Barkstripper as an activator and creates fodder for Scavenging Hyena.
I feel I went a little high on the numbers since the conditions are very specific which balances them somewhat.
Just wondering what are your standards for voting here?
Or is there an agreed upon standard?
For example, my current standards are:
50:45 is the missed lethal. The 5 armor is a visual bug. Priest had no armor at that point due to drawing double bombs minutes before.
No re-game.
He won the series eventually, so it didn't affect the outcome.
I'm not an expert but I think it will depend on your budget.
Gaming chairs are usually more expensive than office chairs.
I personally agree on all 3 points especially Storm Arrows.
Thematically, absolute board wipes were never a theme for hunters. I think they are more in the lines of random single target hard removal, something on the likes of Deadly Shot, Rotnest Drake, Krolusk Barkstripper, Spider Bomb, Pressure Plate.
The graphical armor bug was front and center this master's tour event.
Been using Funki Monki's build for my climb this season.
I swapped out Zephrys the Great for Shotbot. I never had a game where Zeph mattered.
And swapping in and out Lady Liadrin with a second Shotbot. The deck does not run Libram of Wisdoms, so Lady Liadrin seems very clunky.
I can't say for certain's it's place in the meta, but from personal experience, I do better against aggro decks but lost to control/value matchups. The deck sacrifices value for more consistency.
RIP mobile deck tracking
Same assumption as well, 1 free class-specific pack for each adventure.
Looks like I'm passing on this bundle.
Blizz is making it easy to not buy this lol.
Do you need to root access on your phone for this?
Unfortunately, I am not phone savvy so, I'm thinking if it is worth it.
Hey guys,
Know any deck tracker for mobile (Android) for hearthstone?
HS Replay's Arcane Tracker apparently breaks Google's TOS, so it got removed. HS is much harder to play without deck tracking lol.
Anyone remember the cost the previous wild bundle blizz sold?
I might pick this up over the jaina skin if it is priced well.
I think the blizz quote is incomplete.
I'd say the general consensus is this is a buff, since the card is played mostly for its battle cry not its stats. So getting the battle cry 1 turn earlier matters more, hence a buff.
That said, I believe Blizz should also offer refunds for lateral changes like this. By lateral I mean a combination of a buff and a nerf. Though it matters less, the stats were still reduced.
Wholeheartedly agree.
My next hope is they reduce on the pity timer from 40 to 30, even they retain the average chance at 20.
3 Legendaries out of 105+ packs has been my most disappointing experience this expansion.