Hope they add in the future the time based one on weeks 2 to 7 (the one from 2 years ago where there is a chance for a pack after a certain interval) after the 2 packs.
I like the concept of the card, but don't you need a high density of Tradable cards in your deck to get value from this? My impression is tradable cards are situational tech cards that you use for certain MUs, thus they won't be prevalent in your deck. So, to get value from this, you must be in a situation where you need to cycle a tradable card and have this on hand. Say you run 2 to 4 tech cards, how likely will you get in that situation?
I am unsure of the value of this. Maybe if a new tradable and cycle heavy deck appears in the meta.
I don't know how important card commenting is right now, but here goes. This looks like amazing support for token druid. If this sticks past turn two, it will be game over with a gibblerling in play. I guess it remains to be seen if that play can hold out.
Hmmm... I don't think this fits in the existing token druid builds. This triggers on minions which token druid only has 2 of (Gibberlings). In addition, this will get discarded by fungal fortunes.
This needs a new token deck or maybe as a support card for ramp druid. It can double small taunts after ramping.
Not only is it RNG but even the positive effect (payoff) is so poor. This will never see play outside of arena.
The way I understand this is there is 50% chance to discount a single card in your hand by 1 and a 50% chance to increase a single card in your hand by 1. So effect is already bad and you attach it to a below baseline vanilla body.
It looks like an anti aggro weapon of pally but competes with so many other weapon cards in paladin. That plus the massive downside of not being able to hit face.
The main problem I'm seeing is the card draw. With the need of so many 1 cost cards, you will run out of gas really quickly. Not sure if the cycle package of pally would be enough. It would be insane if Divine Favor or Crystology were still in standard.
I don't think this card will have value if you don't run a high density of pirates, and currently one does not exist yet. If one pops up, this might see a home there as taunt removal so minions can go face (sort of how Coerce is used now in weapon rogue).
Just sharing an article by RHat.
Good read.
A very tiny display lol
Very Stingy on week 2 to 7.
Hope they add in the future the time based one on weeks 2 to 7 (the one from 2 years ago where there is a chance for a pack after a certain interval) after the 2 packs.
Cheap taunt that can easily be weaved in turns.
May find a place in handlock.
I like the theme of the card, in practice it looks bad.
You need to make a deck that can take advantage of coins to even make this even remotely worth it.
I generally don't write guides, so I hope this is enough lol.
The paladin quest will not likely be a Meta deck, but it is one of the decks I want to first try out.
One of my few 5 star cards.
Does so much for 3 mana: 2/2 body, cycles, buffs (which includes the newly drawn card).
Even if paladin isn't good, this will be a strong card.
Same first thought, power crept Spellbreaker.
Though I find it odd, I thought they didn't want silence for every class? Yet they print a better card? is it because its not evergreen?
I'm not seeing the potential of this card. You only get the value of 1 of your cards. If you somehow draw the 2nd copy, you are forced to cycle.
hmmm, maybe in a cycle heavy deck? Where you value the tradable key word more than the DR.
I like the concept of the card, but don't you need a high density of Tradable cards in your deck to get value from this? My impression is tradable cards are situational tech cards that you use for certain MUs, thus they won't be prevalent in your deck. So, to get value from this, you must be in a situation where you need to cycle a tradable card and have this on hand. Say you run 2 to 4 tech cards, how likely will you get in that situation?
I am unsure of the value of this. Maybe if a new tradable and cycle heavy deck appears in the meta.
Just to be certain, this does not work with Mok'Nathal Lion or Vectus, right?
Copying the DR does not work, that specific minion needs to die 7 times, right?
Hmmm... I don't think this fits in the existing token druid builds. This triggers on minions which token druid only has 2 of (Gibberlings). In addition, this will get discarded by fungal fortunes.
This needs a new token deck or maybe as a support card for ramp druid. It can double small taunts after ramping.
Poor DawN had to reveal this. This should have been included in the card dump stream.
This is an absolute filler card.
Not only is it RNG but even the positive effect (payoff) is so poor. This will never see play outside of arena.
The way I understand this is there is 50% chance to discount a single card in your hand by 1 and a 50% chance to increase a single card in your hand by 1. So effect is already bad and you attach it to a below baseline vanilla body.
Not optimistic about this card.
It looks like an anti aggro weapon of pally but competes with so many other weapon cards in paladin. That plus the massive downside of not being able to hit face.
Weird card. They want to push back DR rogue?
So far best synergy is Ticket Master.
Valid Point but I found that (post-nerf) very clunky when it was still in the meta. So still not sold on it.
Just wondering, if the re-triggered battlecry is targeted? Will this also hit the same target? or will it be random?
EDIT: This with Primal Dungeoneer draws 4 cards at 1 proc. With Small battlecrys you can draw more. Insane value. (This is only for existing decks)
This card has the potential to make a broken deck.
I find it hard to imagine this card existing outside of demon-based zoo decks.
I don't think this card will have value if you don't run a high density of pirates, and currently one does not exist yet. If one pops up, this might see a home there as taunt removal so minions can go face (sort of how Coerce is used now in weapon rogue).