KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Not bad, I think it is similar to Zilliax in that it will kill a minion and give you more health/armor which will make it a very handy tool for surviving against aggro decks. Killing a 5/5 with this basically means you have protected yourself against 10 damage. This card doesn't look very exciting, but it will without a doubt be very frustrating to fight against.
It will also help setup for a Shield Slam, which can mean that you are dealing 5 damage to two separate minions for just 5 mana.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
I think this card is better than everyone is giving it credit for. Every time you invoke you summon two 1/1 imps, which means that it won't be hard to develop a board, and none of the invoke cards will get you a board with much health, but you will continue to summon more and more 1/1 imps, and you will continue to give them more and more buffs, and then you can play Veiled Worshipper and galakrond to give you more steam so you can play more and more minions throughout the game and eventually you will be able to find a way to finish off your opponent.
Murloc shaman is a pretty powerful deck right now, but once you are able to kill their initial board, it is very hard for them to get back up unless they happen to have an Underbelly Angler. I imagine that zoo warlock will work similarly except that they will have way more ways to generate a board then murloc shaman.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Everyone is saying this card is super bad trash, but I disagree. It is also two 1/1 imps, which still doesn't look very good, but keep in mind that you will not just be dropping this on an empty board on turn 3 every game. As a stand-alone card this is horrible, you want to play this along side other cards that care about you having a lot of minions on the board. Imagine playing his with Knife Juggler on the field. Getting a free Arcane Missiles along side the 3 minion isn't a bad deal. Or imagine this with Jumbo Imp in hand, now you also get two procs towards an 8/8. Or imagine playing this along side the other new invoke card, getting a 5/1 plus four 2/1 imps isn't that bad, especially when it also means later you get to draw 3 cards later on.
Stop looking at this card as a 3 mana 3/1 plus two 1/1's. This is not a card you play by itself, this is a card you play with other cards to get a large early board, and then with other invoke cards you are able to summon more wide boards, and then buff them, and then play galakrond so that you can get 10 damage through the weapon, plus more wide boards.
Please give this card a chance, it will be better than you think.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
This card is definitely makes all the invoke cards worth running. You will be putting out lots of wide boards with the help of 1/1 imps, and you will have veiled worshiper plus galakrond to give you plenty of more fuel to push for lethal. I am not 100% sure about how good zoo warlock will be, but with all the cards we have seen so far, it is definitely worth testing.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Zoo has always been a pretty consistent deck throughout Hearthstone history. And between this galakrond, Veiled Worshiper, and all of the 1/1 imps, I think zoo warlock will have enough fuel to be a pretty powerful deck. The 1/1's will be able to fuel a lot of sacrifice abilities, veiled worshiper will be able to refill your hand and give you tons of resources while also being a 5/4 body, and galakrond will refill your board and give you endless 1/1's just waiting to be buffed for lethal.
I don't think zoo warlock has ever looked more promising.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
A cheap way to invoke galakrond, get a lackey, and help your 1 drop to kill his 2 drop. Not bad, not bad at all. This will be a very useful tool for helping you apply pressure on the board while also setting up for galakrond. It will be relevant in the early game, and the invoke will also be relevant in the late game. The only issue is that top-decking this later in the game might feel kinda bad. But I feel that rogue has enough draw to be able to fuel them until galakrond can come out.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
I am glad prep got nerfed otherwise we wouldn't have nice cards like this.
I am not 100% sure if dragon rogue will work, and I am also not 100% sure if rogue needs more draw, but 3 mana draw 3 is very good value, so I wouldn't be too surprised if dragon rogue becomes a thing.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Not a bad card. Pilfer, Hallucination, and Swashburglar are the only 1 mana burgle cards we have, and so far this card is better than all of them except maybe Swashburglar. This will definitely be a fun card for burgle rogue players.
History tought as that Coins are valuable so this is obviously an insane effect. Rogue with Questing Adventurers, Edwin and Gadgetzan Auctioneers are looking to be solid. Lets hope for some kind of finisher though, as the Leeroy + Shadowstep combo is getting old.
You have galakrond as a finisher. when fully invoked, you will get a 5/2 weapon, which is already (almost) the same amount of damage you would be getting from leeroy/shadowstep. And you also get four free cards off the top of your library.
Galakrond/Miracle/Lackey rogue looks like it will be a very solid deck. All of the invoke cards are pretty good, and you also have amazing tempo plays like unbral skulker, galakrond, and heistbarron togwaggle.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
So far the invoke cards for rogue look pretty decent. Praise Galakrond! and Seal Fate are all playable cards. And getting a bunch of lackeys is pretty good tempo/value. I think this galakrond will work out well partly because the card itself is a very good card, but mostly because all of the invoke cards are very good, playable cards. I don't think you will be sacrificing too much to get full value from galakrond, and when you do get full value, it will likely win you the game. Getting 4 free cards plus 10 damage over 2 turns is usually enough to close out a game.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
I like it. You will end up needing to play invoke cards before galakrond becomes worth it, this invoke card looks better than some of the ones we have seen so far.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
5/5 super powerful minion. It helps you to get combos, and it also helps you play all of those random priest minions you will be getting from galakrond. I imagine that galakrond priest will end up having a pretty large hand, Fate Weaver will end up playing a huge role in the decks success.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Killing 4 minions is usually enough to clear the board, or at least make sure you survive until next turn.
The hero power is kinda weird though. Random priest minions aren't always ideal, but being able to pump out more and more minions every turn is pretty good value. There is obvious synergy here with Princess Talanji, and when you are generating so many random priest minions, I wouldn't be surprised if you are able to randomly generate a Princess Talanji. There are plenty of good priest minions that can help you to out-value your opponent in the lategame. There are also plenty of bad priest minions that will just be taking up space in your hand. But any free minions is, well, a free minion.
I don't see much reason why you wouldn't want to be playing galakrond in a control priest, there is just way too much value.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
It is not very hard to spend 8 mana on spells, and mage won't have a hard time finding spells to cast. My main issue with the other the other side-quests is that if you top-deck them then it will just feel really bad. But I don't feel this way with Learn Draconic, mage has plenty of ways to generate spells, so even if you don't include this in your deck, it will probably show up sooner or later, and even if you weren't planning on playing it, it will still trigger the turn after it is played super consistently. I give it a 4/5.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
I think most of the explorer's (Emerald, Primordial, And the unknown paladin on) will be played because they are dragons. But this card is different in that it will only be worth it if you are also able to combo it off with another spell on the turn it is played. Taunt, or Poisonous are different because they don't require as much setup. I think so far this is the worst explorer because dragon decks generally don't care about small, damaging spells. Maybe this card has some potential with Malygos's Frostbolt, or Malygos's Missiles. But other than that I don't see it happening.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Not very bad at all, it is able to both control the board and apply pressure to your opponent. Holding a dragon shouldn't be too difficult, and the pay-off is definitely worth it. 3 damage is pretty significant, how often have you been frostbolted for lethal? and how often do you have your favorite minion get killed by a Flanking Strike? well this card does both, at the same time.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
Not a bad minion, it is a half decent 3 drop, though I am not very sure that it will be very threatening, maybe at best it can act as a 5/3, but I don't think your opponent will every let you punch a 6 health minion with this guy.
Though the fact that it is a dragon and will also discover you a dragon means that you can play a dragon and still have dragons in your hand to trigger all of your dragon cards. Also, it is 2 cards in one, the dragon you discover will 90% of the time be a relevant later in the game. The success on this card depends solely on whether or not you care about dragons. If you do, then great, it is 2 dragons in one card and can sometimes be a relevant poisonous minion. But is not, I just don't think it will be able to apply enough pressure to warrant inclusion in non-dragon decks.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
This is actually a very interesting card. Hearthstone is a game where half the time the cards you play aren't the cards in your deck, so your opponent will be able to see, 'ah, he discovered a dragon earlier, maybe he has this dragon'. Guessing your opponents hand isn't very hard, most of the time you will have a pretty good guess as to what they are playing. I don't think this card will be as consistent as Curious Glimmerroot because you can't guess cards you have already seen played. But this card will without a doubt be in most priest decks that care about an early board.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
A very interesting card for handbuff/dragon paladin. It is a fair 3 drop, a 3/3 for 3, but it will also have a continuous effect for the rest of the game. We have seen a similar effect with Val'anyr, which seems better as it gives better stats, and it can give it to more minions, and it is also a weapon. I would like to say that this card will work out very well, but seeing as to how Val'anyr hardly saw any play, I am skeptical.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
This is a very interesting card and I am not sure exactly what to do with it.
You could play it with High Priest Amet to make a bunch of 1/7's. You could use it with [Hearthstone Card (blessing of ancients) Not Found] or Savage Roar as another out for token druids. Or you could try and make something happen with [Hearthstone Card (Troll sapper) Not Found] in warlock, or unseal the vault in hunter.
Keep in mind that this guy will continue to sprout more minions every turn, so this is not just a smaller Onyxia.
Not bad, I think it is similar to Zilliax in that it will kill a minion and give you more health/armor which will make it a very handy tool for surviving against aggro decks. Killing a 5/5 with this basically means you have protected yourself against 10 damage. This card doesn't look very exciting, but it will without a doubt be very frustrating to fight against.
It will also help setup for a Shield Slam, which can mean that you are dealing 5 damage to two separate minions for just 5 mana.
I think this card is better than everyone is giving it credit for. Every time you invoke you summon two 1/1 imps, which means that it won't be hard to develop a board, and none of the invoke cards will get you a board with much health, but you will continue to summon more and more 1/1 imps, and you will continue to give them more and more buffs, and then you can play Veiled Worshipper and galakrond to give you more steam so you can play more and more minions throughout the game and eventually you will be able to find a way to finish off your opponent.
Murloc shaman is a pretty powerful deck right now, but once you are able to kill their initial board, it is very hard for them to get back up unless they happen to have an Underbelly Angler. I imagine that zoo warlock will work similarly except that they will have way more ways to generate a board then murloc shaman.
Everyone is saying this card is super bad trash, but I disagree. It is also two 1/1 imps, which still doesn't look very good, but keep in mind that you will not just be dropping this on an empty board on turn 3 every game. As a stand-alone card this is horrible, you want to play this along side other cards that care about you having a lot of minions on the board. Imagine playing his with Knife Juggler on the field. Getting a free Arcane Missiles along side the 3 minion isn't a bad deal. Or imagine this with Jumbo Imp in hand, now you also get two procs towards an 8/8. Or imagine playing this along side the other new invoke card, getting a 5/1 plus four 2/1 imps isn't that bad, especially when it also means later you get to draw 3 cards later on.
Stop looking at this card as a 3 mana 3/1 plus two 1/1's. This is not a card you play by itself, this is a card you play with other cards to get a large early board, and then with other invoke cards you are able to summon more wide boards, and then buff them, and then play galakrond so that you can get 10 damage through the weapon, plus more wide boards.
Please give this card a chance, it will be better than you think.
This card is definitely makes all the invoke cards worth running. You will be putting out lots of wide boards with the help of 1/1 imps, and you will have veiled worshiper plus galakrond to give you plenty of more fuel to push for lethal. I am not 100% sure about how good zoo warlock will be, but with all the cards we have seen so far, it is definitely worth testing.
Zoo has always been a pretty consistent deck throughout Hearthstone history. And between this galakrond, Veiled Worshiper, and all of the 1/1 imps, I think zoo warlock will have enough fuel to be a pretty powerful deck. The 1/1's will be able to fuel a lot of sacrifice abilities, veiled worshiper will be able to refill your hand and give you tons of resources while also being a 5/4 body, and galakrond will refill your board and give you endless 1/1's just waiting to be buffed for lethal.
I don't think zoo warlock has ever looked more promising.
A cheap way to invoke galakrond, get a lackey, and help your 1 drop to kill his 2 drop. Not bad, not bad at all. This will be a very useful tool for helping you apply pressure on the board while also setting up for galakrond. It will be relevant in the early game, and the invoke will also be relevant in the late game. The only issue is that top-decking this later in the game might feel kinda bad. But I feel that rogue has enough draw to be able to fuel them until galakrond can come out.
I am glad prep got nerfed otherwise we wouldn't have nice cards like this.
I am not 100% sure if dragon rogue will work, and I am also not 100% sure if rogue needs more draw, but 3 mana draw 3 is very good value, so I wouldn't be too surprised if dragon rogue becomes a thing.
Not a bad card. Pilfer, Hallucination, and Swashburglar are the only 1 mana burgle cards we have, and so far this card is better than all of them except maybe Swashburglar. This will definitely be a fun card for burgle rogue players.
You have galakrond as a finisher. when fully invoked, you will get a 5/2 weapon, which is already (almost) the same amount of damage you would be getting from leeroy/shadowstep. And you also get four free cards off the top of your library.
Galakrond/Miracle/Lackey rogue looks like it will be a very solid deck. All of the invoke cards are pretty good, and you also have amazing tempo plays like unbral skulker, galakrond, and heistbarron togwaggle.
So far the invoke cards for rogue look pretty decent. Praise Galakrond! and Seal Fate are all playable cards. And getting a bunch of lackeys is pretty good tempo/value. I think this galakrond will work out well partly because the card itself is a very good card, but mostly because all of the invoke cards are very good, playable cards. I don't think you will be sacrificing too much to get full value from galakrond, and when you do get full value, it will likely win you the game. Getting 4 free cards plus 10 damage over 2 turns is usually enough to close out a game.
I like it. You will end up needing to play invoke cards before galakrond becomes worth it, this invoke card looks better than some of the ones we have seen so far.
5/5 super powerful minion. It helps you to get combos, and it also helps you play all of those random priest minions you will be getting from galakrond. I imagine that galakrond priest will end up having a pretty large hand, Fate Weaver will end up playing a huge role in the decks success.
Killing 4 minions is usually enough to clear the board, or at least make sure you survive until next turn.
The hero power is kinda weird though. Random priest minions aren't always ideal, but being able to pump out more and more minions every turn is pretty good value. There is obvious synergy here with Princess Talanji, and when you are generating so many random priest minions, I wouldn't be surprised if you are able to randomly generate a Princess Talanji. There are plenty of good priest minions that can help you to out-value your opponent in the lategame. There are also plenty of bad priest minions that will just be taking up space in your hand. But any free minions is, well, a free minion.
I don't see much reason why you wouldn't want to be playing galakrond in a control priest, there is just way too much value.
It is not very hard to spend 8 mana on spells, and mage won't have a hard time finding spells to cast. My main issue with the other the other side-quests is that if you top-deck them then it will just feel really bad. But I don't feel this way with Learn Draconic, mage has plenty of ways to generate spells, so even if you don't include this in your deck, it will probably show up sooner or later, and even if you weren't planning on playing it, it will still trigger the turn after it is played super consistently. I give it a 4/5.
I think most of the explorer's (Emerald, Primordial, And the unknown paladin on) will be played because they are dragons. But this card is different in that it will only be worth it if you are also able to combo it off with another spell on the turn it is played. Taunt, or Poisonous are different because they don't require as much setup. I think so far this is the worst explorer because dragon decks generally don't care about small, damaging spells. Maybe this card has some potential with Malygos's Frostbolt, or Malygos's Missiles. But other than that I don't see it happening.
Not very bad at all, it is able to both control the board and apply pressure to your opponent. Holding a dragon shouldn't be too difficult, and the pay-off is definitely worth it. 3 damage is pretty significant, how often have you been frostbolted for lethal? and how often do you have your favorite minion get killed by a Flanking Strike? well this card does both, at the same time.
Not a bad minion, it is a half decent 3 drop, though I am not very sure that it will be very threatening, maybe at best it can act as a 5/3, but I don't think your opponent will every let you punch a 6 health minion with this guy.
Though the fact that it is a dragon and will also discover you a dragon means that you can play a dragon and still have dragons in your hand to trigger all of your dragon cards. Also, it is 2 cards in one, the dragon you discover will 90% of the time be a relevant later in the game. The success on this card depends solely on whether or not you care about dragons. If you do, then great, it is 2 dragons in one card and can sometimes be a relevant poisonous minion. But is not, I just don't think it will be able to apply enough pressure to warrant inclusion in non-dragon decks.
This is actually a very interesting card. Hearthstone is a game where half the time the cards you play aren't the cards in your deck, so your opponent will be able to see, 'ah, he discovered a dragon earlier, maybe he has this dragon'. Guessing your opponents hand isn't very hard, most of the time you will have a pretty good guess as to what they are playing. I don't think this card will be as consistent as Curious Glimmerroot because you can't guess cards you have already seen played. But this card will without a doubt be in most priest decks that care about an early board.
A very interesting card for handbuff/dragon paladin. It is a fair 3 drop, a 3/3 for 3, but it will also have a continuous effect for the rest of the game. We have seen a similar effect with Val'anyr, which seems better as it gives better stats, and it can give it to more minions, and it is also a weapon. I would like to say that this card will work out very well, but seeing as to how Val'anyr hardly saw any play, I am skeptical.
This is a very interesting card and I am not sure exactly what to do with it.
You could play it with High Priest Amet to make a bunch of 1/7's. You could use it with [Hearthstone Card (blessing of ancients) Not Found] or Savage Roar as another out for token druids. Or you could try and make something happen with [Hearthstone Card (Troll sapper) Not Found] in warlock, or unseal the vault in hunter.
Keep in mind that this guy will continue to sprout more minions every turn, so this is not just a smaller Onyxia.