KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
I am always a fan of cards that break the general rules of hearthstone, so I am pretty excited to test this card out. Drawing 4 cards right off the bat is really great, and you still have 3 mana (which is enough to play Nether Breath). I am not sure though if getting 2 extra cards in hand will make this draw/hand warlock viable. It will be a huge help for sure, 2 extra cards is more than it sounds, but warlock needs a solid finisher, and while this card will be a key card in handlocks, it doesn't kill your opponent.
In short, it is a powerful card in the decks it's in, but we still need a powerful deck to put it in.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
I am really glad to see the support for handlock. This card will be played in every handlock deck out there, but I don't think it will be enough for this sort of 'draw/hand' thing to be viable.
Turn 6 is a little late to be putting out large taunts, I am not saying getting a 8/8 taunt on 6 is bad, but it is too late to stop aggro. If we want this deck to be viable, we need a way for this deck to stop aggro, a large taunt is nice, but something to do before turn 4 would be appreciated. Something that plays a similar role to Kobold Librarian, a cheap card that doesn't reduce your hand size, so that handlocks can still be active during the early game, but also still get a turn 4 Mountain Giant.
A decent card, I mean, it's only a common, but it won't help warlocks get back up on their feet.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
This is incredible. A 6 mana 4/4 kill a minion is pretty powerful. It destroys shudderwock shamans, it stops your opponent from getting four copies of [Hearthstone Card (shirvalla, the tiger) Not Found] with [Hearthstone Card (sathrovar) Not Found]. It ruins pogo-hopper, and cold light oracle. Or maybe it will just pop one extra copy, or maybe it will just destroy one minion and nothing else, but even when that happens, it will still be worth it.
If a copy gets removed from a players hand they won't draw a replacement card, so you can basically make your opponent discard a card with this.
Also this is amazing against tokens.
Hearthstone is a game where the restrictions on how many copies of a card you can play in a single game are easily broken. There are so many scenarios where this will kill at least 3-4 cards. But even when it just removes 1 copy of a minion from the field, it is still a very powerful card.
Every rogue deck will want to play this, aggro, control, combo, it doesn't matter, this is an amazing card.
There is a lot of referencing to shuffling and getting bigger stats, so Jade Idol does make sense. But if it isn't that then Pogo-Hopper seems like the next card to pick.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
This quest seems pretty powerful, playing this on turn 2, or 1 with coin will make your opponent have to hero power on their turn 2 to avoid letting you have a big minion too early. Later in the game it might feel a bit awkward on both players part, but I don't have a doubt that there will be some paladin deck that wants to play this (there are already a couple of existing paladin decks you would want to put this in).
I don't think it is a very good design though, it just feels so bad to your opponent, imagine playing a warrior and then you miss your 1 drop so now you have to deal with a 3/6 taunt on turn 2. This card just seems to unfair to classes that don't have a way to deal damage with their hero power.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
I calculated the average attack value of a 1-cost minions in standard and I got 1.06060606061 (we'll just say 1.06 for simplicity sake).
This means that most of the time this will end up being a 4 mana 3/6 or 3/5 taunt. If most of the time this minion will end up with a very similar stat/cost distributions as Sen'jin Shieldmasta then why not just play Sen'jin Shieldmasta? It is just not worth the risk of letting your opponent get 3 extra bodies on the field.
The only way this card can ever be good is if your opponent already has a full board (in which case you wouldn't want a slightly beefy taunt, but rather a board clear) or if you really need a good way to counter big priest (which you don't right now, and even if you did a better idea would be to play cards like Hex, Devolve, and Plague of Murlocs).
All in all I just don't think this card will ever be worth it. There is just far too much risk involved, maybe once every twenty times you play this you will roll Swamp Dragon Egg, Blood Imp, and Spirit of the Raptor but there is just no way whatsoever that this card will be played in any sort of competitive deck (or a non-competitive deck for that matter).
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
This card is pretty insane. Someone please correct me on this if I ma wrong but I am pretty sure you will be able to discover the devastation you want to unleash. This sort of gives him a similar role to Zephrys the Great, do you want lethal? do you want a board clear? do you want a bigger board? Kronx Dragonhoof can do so much, and he is also able to tutor our Galakrond, so you can play Kronx on turn 6, then Galakrond on the very next turn.
Without a doubt this card will be played in every deck using Galakrond, and this is also another great reason to want to play galakrond decks.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
This will probably be used in some sort of dumb jank combo deck, but other than that I doubt this card will ever see play.
Giving something stealth is useful when you want to make sure that a minion will be able to attack at least once. The issue is that because this card is 6 mana, it will likely only ever be used on a minion that has already been on the field at least one turn. Usually stealth is only needed for 1 turn, so unless you want to wait until turn 9-10 to give a 3-4 mana minion stealth, this isn't going to be useful. And if you do try and give a 3-4 mana mech stealth, then you will probably die because you just spent your entire turn basically doing nothing.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
I mean, after only one turn it becomes a 1 mana 1/3, which isn't bad, and then one turn after that it will become a 1/4, then a 1/5, so after surviving just one turn you start to gain benefit, and after one more turn it is just amazing.
I really don't know what to think of this, it is a powerful 1 drop, and assuming that your opponent doesn't also have a powerful 1 drop, it will probably turn into an absolutely OP 1 drop, but the window of opportunity is small. I think this is definitely worth testing in a mech deck, or just any aggro deck, but I am not really sure how reliable this card is.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
Has great synergy with cards like Unleash the Hounds, Springpaw, or the less-popular Halazzi, the Lynx. It will probably see play in a couple of hunter decks, it will by no means be a staple, but it will surely be a powerful card.
I give it a 4/5 for being a very powerful tool, but not enough in itself to make hunter a competitive class, but if hunter does get a powerful deck than this will certainly be worth considering.
Lots of hints pointing to Ungoro there... and obviously something flying. First thought about Fire Plume Phoenix, but I go for Pyros because of "Here I'll live and die..." - no other deathrattle cards with flying creatures from Ungoro coming to mind.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
Wow, an upgraded Antique Healbot and it is also a dragon. This will be played in highlander, dragon, mid-range, control, basically every paladin deck there is. A 5/6 for 5 is not bad, but the extra 8 health to any target makes this card super powerful.
KANSASOld God Fanatic 17452912 PostsJoined 03/25/2019
Posted 5 years ago
Waxadred synergy This card is pretty neat. Being able to tutor cards always has some merit, and also gaining any deathrattle you want it pretty cool. I really don't see this card not being played. There are just so many cool things to do with this card.
Ragnaros the Firelord?
he was meant to be eternal in that he was meant to be in standard forever, and he has 'infernal' power.
Though I am not sure about the "after a thousand blows surviving" part, or "alas, I am weak and frail, my legacy is to fall and fail".
I am always a fan of cards that break the general rules of hearthstone, so I am pretty excited to test this card out. Drawing 4 cards right off the bat is really great, and you still have 3 mana (which is enough to play Nether Breath). I am not sure though if getting 2 extra cards in hand will make this draw/hand warlock viable. It will be a huge help for sure, 2 extra cards is more than it sounds, but warlock needs a solid finisher, and while this card will be a key card in handlocks, it doesn't kill your opponent.
In short, it is a powerful card in the decks it's in, but we still need a powerful deck to put it in.
I am really glad to see the support for handlock. This card will be played in every handlock deck out there, but I don't think it will be enough for this sort of 'draw/hand' thing to be viable.
Turn 6 is a little late to be putting out large taunts, I am not saying getting a 8/8 taunt on 6 is bad, but it is too late to stop aggro. If we want this deck to be viable, we need a way for this deck to stop aggro, a large taunt is nice, but something to do before turn 4 would be appreciated. Something that plays a similar role to Kobold Librarian, a cheap card that doesn't reduce your hand size, so that handlocks can still be active during the early game, but also still get a turn 4 Mountain Giant.
A decent card, I mean, it's only a common, but it won't help warlocks get back up on their feet.
This is incredible. A 6 mana 4/4 kill a minion is pretty powerful. It destroys shudderwock shamans, it stops your opponent from getting four copies of [Hearthstone Card (shirvalla, the tiger) Not Found] with [Hearthstone Card (sathrovar) Not Found]. It ruins pogo-hopper, and cold light oracle. Or maybe it will just pop one extra copy, or maybe it will just destroy one minion and nothing else, but even when that happens, it will still be worth it.
If a copy gets removed from a players hand they won't draw a replacement card, so you can basically make your opponent discard a card with this.
Also this is amazing against tokens.
Hearthstone is a game where the restrictions on how many copies of a card you can play in a single game are easily broken. There are so many scenarios where this will kill at least 3-4 cards. But even when it just removes 1 copy of a minion from the field, it is still a very powerful card.
Every rogue deck will want to play this, aggro, control, combo, it doesn't matter, this is an amazing card.
Correct! your next.
Nope, but good guess though
Keeping with the current trend, I will do another song (Tubthumping), I did take out some of the lyrics. I don't think this one will be too hard.
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
There is a lot of referencing to shuffling and getting bigger stats, so Jade Idol does make sense. But if it isn't that then Pogo-Hopper seems like the next card to pick.
This quest seems pretty powerful, playing this on turn 2, or 1 with coin will make your opponent have to hero power on their turn 2 to avoid letting you have a big minion too early. Later in the game it might feel a bit awkward on both players part, but I don't have a doubt that there will be some paladin deck that wants to play this (there are already a couple of existing paladin decks you would want to put this in).
I don't think it is a very good design though, it just feels so bad to your opponent, imagine playing a warrior and then you miss your 1 drop so now you have to deal with a 3/6 taunt on turn 2. This card just seems to unfair to classes that don't have a way to deal damage with their hero power.
I calculated the average attack value of a 1-cost minions in standard and I got 1.06060606061 (we'll just say 1.06 for simplicity sake).
This means that most of the time this will end up being a 4 mana 3/6 or 3/5 taunt. If most of the time this minion will end up with a very similar stat/cost distributions as Sen'jin Shieldmasta then why not just play Sen'jin Shieldmasta? It is just not worth the risk of letting your opponent get 3 extra bodies on the field.
The only way this card can ever be good is if your opponent already has a full board (in which case you wouldn't want a slightly beefy taunt, but rather a board clear) or if you really need a good way to counter big priest (which you don't right now, and even if you did a better idea would be to play cards like Hex, Devolve, and Plague of Murlocs).
All in all I just don't think this card will ever be worth it. There is just far too much risk involved, maybe once every twenty times you play this you will roll Swamp Dragon Egg, Blood Imp, and Spirit of the Raptor but there is just no way whatsoever that this card will be played in any sort of competitive deck (or a non-competitive deck for that matter).
I always like free stuff.
But really, it is nice that they are always willing to give compensation for bugs and stuff.
yes, this guy is here to compensate for the free galakronds, now we will still have to craft a legendary if we want to play galakrond decks : P
This card is pretty insane. Someone please correct me on this if I ma wrong but I am pretty sure you will be able to discover the devastation you want to unleash. This sort of gives him a similar role to Zephrys the Great, do you want lethal? do you want a board clear? do you want a bigger board? Kronx Dragonhoof can do so much, and he is also able to tutor our Galakrond, so you can play Kronx on turn 6, then Galakrond on the very next turn.
Without a doubt this card will be played in every deck using Galakrond, and this is also another great reason to want to play galakrond decks.
This will probably be used in some sort of dumb jank combo deck, but other than that I doubt this card will ever see play.
Giving something stealth is useful when you want to make sure that a minion will be able to attack at least once. The issue is that because this card is 6 mana, it will likely only ever be used on a minion that has already been on the field at least one turn. Usually stealth is only needed for 1 turn, so unless you want to wait until turn 9-10 to give a 3-4 mana minion stealth, this isn't going to be useful. And if you do try and give a 3-4 mana mech stealth, then you will probably die because you just spent your entire turn basically doing nothing.
I mean, after only one turn it becomes a 1 mana 1/3, which isn't bad, and then one turn after that it will become a 1/4, then a 1/5, so after surviving just one turn you start to gain benefit, and after one more turn it is just amazing.
I really don't know what to think of this, it is a powerful 1 drop, and assuming that your opponent doesn't also have a powerful 1 drop, it will probably turn into an absolutely OP 1 drop, but the window of opportunity is small. I think this is definitely worth testing in a mech deck, or just any aggro deck, but I am not really sure how reliable this card is.
Has great synergy with cards like Unleash the Hounds, Springpaw, or the less-popular Halazzi, the Lynx. It will probably see play in a couple of hunter decks, it will by no means be a staple, but it will surely be a powerful card.
I give it a 4/5 for being a very powerful tool, but not enough in itself to make hunter a competitive class, but if hunter does get a powerful deck than this will certainly be worth considering.
Great job!
onto you now.
Wow, an upgraded Antique Healbot and it is also a dragon. This will be played in highlander, dragon, mid-range, control, basically every paladin deck there is. A 5/6 for 5 is not bad, but the extra 8 health to any target makes this card super powerful.
Waxadred synergy This card is pretty neat. Being able to tutor cards always has some merit, and also gaining any deathrattle you want it pretty cool. I really don't see this card not being played. There are just so many cool things to do with this card.