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Joined 11/21/2019 Achieve Points 1095 Posts 863

Koetti's Comments

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I hope they're gonna make Galakrond-Priest viable. They could give the generated Minions a slight buff or limit the Card pool in some way.

    Or anything! I just don't want Resurrect to be the only Priest-Archetype... 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    This might be an unpopular Opinion, but I don't think that there's a class that desperately needs a Nerf atm. Pirate-Warrior loses against healing and Deathrattle-Rogue isn't really a threat if you properly take care of Necrium Apothecary.

    But if I had to choose one thing... Probably the Weapon from Galakrond. Most of the times I lost against Shaman or Warrior it was because of that additional reach.

    What I'd prefer to see though would be some buffs to Galakrond-Priest. I'd like to play Control-Priest without relying on that scummy Resurrect-BS!

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I haven't played Mill for quite a while, but I do enjoy that Archetype, because of that weird win condition it provides.

    To let Control-Players choke on their own greedy, value-generating Cards or see how important Combo pieces get burned... just wonderful  :)

    But I do agree that Mill is frustrating to play against/hard to counter. Mill-Rogue only needed one Card that makes your Opponent draw, and it became one of the most hated Decks of all time. If there is ever gonna be a card like Coldlight Oracle, I doubt the Devs would make it neutral, just so Rogue can't use it.

    Maybe they'll print more Cards that counter Mill (Someone mentioned Valdris Felgorge), which would allow for that Strategy to exist.

    I also think the Team could experiment more with Cards that fill your Opponents Hand with copies of The Coin. That wouldn't be too oppressive and there's already Stuff like Booty Bay Bookie or Soldier of Fortune, so maybe that could be the way for Mill. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I also think that your Combo-Druid should be pretty good against Quest-Priest, as long as you don't attack Face. These are the Things that I think you should consider against them:

    - Try to bait out their board clears or make it very inconvenient for them to use it. Usually, having 2-3 medium sized Minions is enough. 

    - Use your Minions as Removal. Save the big clears for Mass Resurrection. Make also sure that they can't heal your Minions.

    - They are a reactive Deck, so if you can allow it, do Nothing. At some Point, they have to use a Card, even if it is extremly inconvenient.

    - This game will go to Fatigue, so don't draw more than your Opponent (Unless you're a Combo-Deck). 

    - Always remove Catrina Muerte. If you don't take care of her, your Opponent will get out of this with a free win. Archmage Vargoth might also be annoying, but his only purpose in this Deck is to get summoned by Mass Resurrection and cast another one. A few more Minions usually make no Difference when you're clearing the Board anyway.

    - For Highlander-Decks: Try to get Hex from Zephrys the Great and hit Catrina Muerte with it. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Except for the Hongkong-Controversy, this has been a stellar year for Hearthstone!

    The Nerfs to certain problematic Cards and the little bit of love that Wild received are probably my years' favs. It's also pretty cool we saw the Team respond more often to the Communities reaction and give some more Insight on their design process.

    About Divine Spirit: I think Inner Fire should get the Axe instead. It would open up more Design-Space for Cards that care about Minion-Health or interact with that in a way (i.e. High Priest Amet) if the Devs would change/HoF that Card.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Happy New Year! 

    I'm walking through the city and almost became blind and deaf... Truly a real Silvester-Expierience  XD

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    That's a pretty creative way to use the Quest! Grats!

    ... And now we wait for it to become popular once more and get nerfed again!! Third time's a Charm ;)

    In reply to Tekhan Rogue
  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for the Report! Will be really helpfull during Deckbuilding when you know what you're up against.

    I'm working on a Galakrond-Rogue with a Thief- and Spectral Cutlass-Core currently. So far, I've been utterly crushing Quest-Priest, but the match-ups against most other Decks are about 50/50.

    Also, I didn't know I was losing to Highlander-Rogue! Thought these lists were some kind of Tempo-Deathrattle with „lucky" Alexstraszas. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Quote From Author

    Personally, I really don't like twilight princess.

    For one, the graphics are kinda bad. There isn't any texture so the whole game feels kinda weird.

    I don't like the dungeons, they are way to linial. They all feel the same, find the new treasure, go off to the left and grab one key and also unlock the middle door. Go through the middle door and find the second key and also unlock the right door. Then go through the right door and find the third key and fight the boss. And all of the boss fights feel the same also. Memorize the attack pattern until you find an opening to hit the super obvious weak spot.

    Midna is very annoying. I am sorry.

    I will admit though that the fights are pretty interesting. My one plight though is that all of the enemies feel too easy, they all seem to just kinda let you walk in and kill them. The truth is, Legends of Zelda isn't a combat game, it is a puzzle game. And, as I mentioned above, the boss fights are all very systematic and repetitive. 

    All in all I think that the whole game is just too systematic. Every dungeon is planned out the same way, all of the fights go the same way. The whole game just feels too linear. I think a lot of Legends of Zelda games are like this, they have stayed from the path of the origional

    Wow, you're the first guy I talk to who doesn't like Midna! But as long as you're not in Team Phi, I can live with that!  ;)

    Yeah, the Graphics aren't this games strongest point, especially of the Remake. I personally though love the look of the Wii-Version. In combination with the music, the washed-out, somewhat blurry style made it feel like some kind of weird, non-realistic dream.

    The fights against normal enemies are pretty simple, that's true. What I meant were the fights against the Lizalfos, Darknuts and Minibosses. If you try to beat them with all the secret arts you've learned and without taking damage, they become really fun and challenging. Zelda might not be about combat, but that doesn't mean you can't have great combat!

    The one point I completely disagree on though is that the Dungeons and their Bosses are all the same. The Dungeons might go with the old Zelda-Dungeon-Formula (get Key, get another Key, get Item, get Bosskey, hit boss 3 times), but they still have some good puzzles and more than enough character to be memorable. One has you save a group of Monkeys, which later on will help you in the Bossfight; In another one you meet a Yeti and his Wife, who you have to collect Soup-Ingredients for and later becomes corrupted through the twilight; etc... And, Imo, the Bossfights in TP are some of the best and most epic/cineastic in the whole series! The music, the different stages, they way you finish them -- It all feels so satisfying! Like you're an Adventurer and they are huge Monsters that have to be slayed!

    ... but forget about about the Water-Dungeon. That one's total BS. And the one that gives you a LITERAL BEYBLADE.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    It's been a long time since I played other Games, but I played lot of Batman: Arkham City/Origins and Bayonetta 1/2. I spent so much time chasing High-Scores I probably still have the muscle-memory for critical free-flow hits and some Wicked Weaves Combos!

    Also, TLoZ: Twillight Princess is my fav Zelda. Awesome Dungeons, Midna is the best and great Fights!

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Yeah, Priest-Minions rn just suck, but I think if they would have better Invokes it would at least compensate for the Tempo-loss. Disciple of Galakrond is pretty good but that's about it for good Priest-Invokes. Shield of Galakrond and Time Rip are mediocre at best and Devoted Maniac is just terribly bad in Control-Priest.

    I think instead of attaching Invoke to a below average Removal-Spell, they should have gone with HEALING. You know, the Thing that Priest is supposed to be good at. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Didn't expect the Sludge Slurper Change, but I guess it makes Sense. It has been in almost every Shaman-Deck since it was printed, so I guess they want to decrease the overall playrate of it (and maybe the strenght of Quest?).

    Corrupt Elementalist Change should also be strong enough to hit Dragon's Pack. Way more easy to handle when you have 7 or 8 Mana.

    I think that Faceless Corruptor is still very strong and should have also lost 1 Health.

    R.I.P. Mogu Fleshshaper (Fingers crossed).

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I wish Control-Priest would have some better Tools in Standard. Mass Hysteria and Plague of Death are good against their big Temposwings, but outside of that there's not much you can do. Too much Board-Spam. But hey, at least Wild seems more fun then usual.

    Here are my Ideas for Nerfs: 

    Change all Invoke Pay-Offs to „If you've Played 2 Cards with Invoke this Game,..."  -- wouldn't hit any one else but Shaman without sacrificing the „Praise Galakrond and be rewarded" flavour

    Make [Hearthstone Card (Faceless Corruptor) Not Found] a 4-3  -- Still a good Temposwing, but easier to clear

    or Make the Galakrond-Elementals from Invokes 1-1s

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Praise Galakrond for bringing Death to Galakrond! 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I think that Warlock could possibly go for a more control-style gameplan.

    I just fought against a guy who used Expired Merchant and Soulwarden to get multiple copies of Galakrond, the Wretched (+ the Elekk/Plot Twist combo). The Standard Demon-Pool has no Mal'Ganis or Voidlord, but the random Summons are still pretty decent with things like Siegebreaker, Illidan Stormrage or just a 5-5 Sathrovarr.

    Maybe this kind of Warlock-Deck could be something to consider if Shaman loses its Topspot?

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I've been trying to make Control-Priest work, but haven't been really successful with it. I hope this List will do better than mine! 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I also had this weird freeze after me and my Opponent played our Galakronds. 

    There was nothing we could do, so we had an epic Face-off with Emotes. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    25 Packs, 3 Legendarys

    Both Paladin Legendarys in one Pack (which sucks, cause i don't play Pally) and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

    Some epics 

    A neverending amount of neutrals


    Kronx Dragonhoof-duhh

    Waxadred-cause he's a legendary Dragon

    Murozond the Infinite-cause he's a legendary Dragon

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I'm „working" at my study place rn. Poor me sitting at a PC pushing Pixels :¯(

    Anyway, here's what happened to me: Playing my Galakrond-Priest vs Highlander-Dragon-Mage. Opponent drops 1-Mana Alex, gets Emeriss and drops other big guys then clears my board with Maly-Flamestrike. He Emotes the usual „Hello", and thinks he has me. And then BOOM: Murozond the Infinite. His Board's gone and now I'm the one with an Army of big Dragons! 

    In reply to DoD Highlights Day 1
  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago



    And Squashlings.