You're welcome! I don't usually cover the LoR side of things, I just wrote the Article because Flux was busy at the time. I'll see if any of the regulars are able to cover this.
Wailor: Both cards look good, but I like the flavor of Thunderbass more.
Demonxz95: Kinda weak, considering the power level of the cords. And it's dependent on your opponent's hand.
AeroJulwin: I like Inspiring Ballad. Seems a little cheap, but then it feels kinda bad at 3. Maybe +2/+1? The piper is too similar to that one Witchwood legendary.
linkblade91: Love the idea! What are the Worgens summoned by Nightfalls? Raise Some Hell feels like it should be a resurrect effect/Demon summoning effect. We Shall Never Fall looks good.
Iceblood Tower - I was 200% sure that Alterac would've brought us at least one big Frost spell, and it went exactly as I believed: there were just too many positive signals for it to not happen. For the spell itself, Iceblood Tower wants you to run lots of impactful stuff in your deck, and I am glad that Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron isn't in Standard anymore.
Pyroblast go BOOM! Because I'm not a reasonable person!
Hmm, I wonder how Brann will work with this. The Warlock card that discards a card and returns it on Deathrattle only returns the second card discarded, I wonder if this will make the Deathrattle to whiff.
I fail to see how this affects Maestra. This is a Rogue card, as soon as you play it, the jig is up. (it changes Maestra, but I don't think the class swap is tied to the minion)
Tring to think of situations where you'd use this on an enemy. Maybe when they have a small minion and a bunch of big ones, and you go for a Shadow Word: Ruin? Still, really cool card.
Riot: "You know what would be funny...?"
Is Freeze Shaman legit or what?
You're welcome! I don't usually cover the LoR side of things, I just wrote the Article because Flux was busy at the time. I'll see if any of the regulars are able to cover this.
First idea:
Wailor: Both cards look good, but I like the flavor of Thunderbass more.
Demonxz95: Kinda weak, considering the power level of the cords. And it's dependent on your opponent's hand.
AeroJulwin: I like Inspiring Ballad. Seems a little cheap, but then it feels kinda bad at 3. Maybe +2/+1? The piper is too similar to that one Witchwood legendary.
linkblade91: Love the idea! What are the Worgens summoned by Nightfalls? Raise Some Hell feels like it should be a resurrect effect/Demon summoning effect. We Shall Never Fall looks good.
anchorm4n: Looks good.
He likes to eat pirates with Southsea Captain seasoning.
Thanks, I HATE IT!
Pyroblast go BOOM! Because I'm not a reasonable person!
That name is... something else.
First of all, I'm surprised that something called 'The Lobotomizer' made it into a kids card game.
Second, the name implies this is a Legendary. Wonder if its rarity was changed down the line.
The effect is good, and Rogue has a few cards that would help in aligning the attack with the target's health.
Hmm, I wonder how Brann will work with this. The Warlock card that discards a card and returns it on Deathrattle only returns the second card discarded, I wonder if this will make the Deathrattle to whiff.
I fail to see how this affects Maestra. This is a Rogue card, as soon as you play it, the jig is up. (it changes Maestra, but I don't think the class swap is tied to the minion)
Renounce Darkness? Is that you, my love?
I'd say it's a bit better than that, since you get to buff up one of your minions, and it also removes damage.
Fun Fact: Google Translate gave me 'Fear of the Cow Cage' for this card, and I really hope that's the actual name!
With DH's Hero Power, I feel this is probably going to be one of the better Honorable Kill cards.
Tring to think of situations where you'd use this on an enemy. Maybe when they have a small minion and a bunch of big ones, and you go for a Shadow Word: Ruin? Still, really cool card.
The video reminded me I want a Yu-Gi-Oh style anime for Hearthstone.
This also has nice synergy with Dun Baldar Bridge.
Good byyyyyyyyye, Sword of a Thousand Truths :(
Helooooooooo, Sword of a Thousand Truths!
I'll just point out that Build a Snowman is just a better Pyros.
Any good Deathrattles in Standard for Warlock? There's the eggs in Wild.
"How is it even possible?"