This is a cool effect. This feels like a tool for aggressive decks that want to use the weapon side of it, but aggro wouldn't generally run enough cards to Corrupt it. Don't think it makes the cut in Souls.
The return of the Fire Fly. Its synergy with Elemental Allies might actually be strong enough that this makes it into spell-based Mage decks that otherwise don't care about Elementals. This is the backbone of any actual Elemental deck.
This could have been a thing two or three years ago, when Ramp Druid's whole gameplan was playing big bodies. It would have been an all-star then. Now, it feels like Druid has more powerful things that come out way earlier.
There are so many ways for Demon Hunter to get to 6 Attack, so adding a cheap 1-Cost Rush on top of that sort of swing is just icing on the cake. With all the card draw available to Demon Hunter, they should be able to cheap this out often.
It passes the vanilla test, but I worry if it's too expensive and niche for most Hunter archetypes. Face Hunter likely won't want this, as it ruins their ability to immediately draw Dragonbane from Lorekeeper Polkelt. Maybe it's just solid enough stats that Highlander Hunter doesn't mind running it?
Pretty good for a supposed Resurrect Priest with a lot of big minions, giving a discount to a big boy so you can get it out much earlier than you should.
This is Dirty Tricks except you get the cards immediately. Rogue usually has no trouble activating Combo, so this is a better Arcane Intellect. The only downside is that it doesn't draw Galakrond.
Is Stealth Rogue a home for this? I'm not sure that deck can activate the Corrupt often enough to feel good about playing it, and you're generally not excited playing it as a vanilla 3/2.
Cheap, versatile Mech that gives Warrior the ability to control the board in the early game. Could be decent for a Tempo deck, plays real pretty well with Risky Skipper.
Dude Paladin's entire game plan is going to be "play Lothraxion on 5 or bust." Unless Dude Paladin can grind out games where they don't get Lothraxion, I doubt it will be a very competitive deck in Standard (this is probably busted in Wild).
Cheap way to get extra stats onto good minions that you chose to put in your deck. My biggest issue is that as the game goes on this kills fewer and fewer minions, which means you're swinging it just to get the buff. Should still be something people at least toy with for a couple weeks.
It's fine. If Rogue is hurting for 3-drops, this slots in nicely as a well-statted minion with upside, but it's nothing to get excited about on its own.
A great tempo card, giving you a reasonable defensive body and the ability to eat one of your opponent's smaller minions. This will be in Menagerie Warrior, if such a deck exists, and could actually be good enough for other decks that don't care about minion tags.
This is a cool effect. This feels like a tool for aggressive decks that want to use the weapon side of it, but aggro wouldn't generally run enough cards to Corrupt it. Don't think it makes the cut in Souls.
This card is like Zilliax, if Zilliax had been bad.
The return of the Fire Fly. Its synergy with Elemental Allies might actually be strong enough that this makes it into spell-based Mage decks that otherwise don't care about Elementals. This is the backbone of any actual Elemental deck.
This could have been a thing two or three years ago, when Ramp Druid's whole gameplan was playing big bodies. It would have been an all-star then. Now, it feels like Druid has more powerful things that come out way earlier.
There are so many ways for Demon Hunter to get to 6 Attack, so adding a cheap 1-Cost Rush on top of that sort of swing is just icing on the cake. With all the card draw available to Demon Hunter, they should be able to cheap this out often.
This card is probably too expensive for Zoo, and doesn't have the defensive stats that slower Warlock decks are looking for in a Taunt.
Pretty powerful removal spell for a slow Shaman deck--once the Corrupt goes off it's just a better Swipe.
It passes the vanilla test, but I worry if it's too expensive and niche for most Hunter archetypes. Face Hunter likely won't want this, as it ruins their ability to immediately draw Dragonbane from Lorekeeper Polkelt. Maybe it's just solid enough stats that Highlander Hunter doesn't mind running it?
Good for Murloc Paladin to draw Scalelord, but Murloc Paladin doesn't really have that much oomph otherwise. So it's a key cog in a Tier 3 deck.
Pretty good for a supposed Resurrect Priest with a lot of big minions, giving a discount to a big boy so you can get it out much earlier than you should.
This is Dirty Tricks except you get the cards immediately. Rogue usually has no trouble activating Combo, so this is a better Arcane Intellect. The only downside is that it doesn't draw Galakrond.
This is not a good card, but Blizzard never intended it to be so mission accomplished.
Is Stealth Rogue a home for this? I'm not sure that deck can activate the Corrupt often enough to feel good about playing it, and you're generally not excited playing it as a vanilla 3/2.
A 3/2 for 2 that cheaply activates Combo. Sounds good.
Synergizes with Pen Flinger, I guess? No, this card is bad.
Cheap, versatile Mech that gives Warrior the ability to control the board in the early game. Could be decent for a Tempo deck, plays real pretty well with Risky Skipper.
Dude Paladin's entire game plan is going to be "play Lothraxion on 5 or bust." Unless Dude Paladin can grind out games where they don't get Lothraxion, I doubt it will be a very competitive deck in Standard (this is probably busted in Wild).
Cheap way to get extra stats onto good minions that you chose to put in your deck. My biggest issue is that as the game goes on this kills fewer and fewer minions, which means you're swinging it just to get the buff. Should still be something people at least toy with for a couple weeks.
It's fine. If Rogue is hurting for 3-drops, this slots in nicely as a well-statted minion with upside, but it's nothing to get excited about on its own.
A great tempo card, giving you a reasonable defensive body and the ability to eat one of your opponent's smaller minions. This will be in Menagerie Warrior, if such a deck exists, and could actually be good enough for other decks that don't care about minion tags.